Upfront Notes
  This "aareadme.txt" file contains the description of the naming
  convention that will be used for all MEX kernels. One part of them
  will be directly produced by an automated system located at ESTEC,PST.
  Consequently, we chose to use the ESOC naming convention for SPK
  and CK files converted from, respectly DDID Orbit and Attitude files.
  Although this convention don't seem very descriptive and holds some
  redondant information, we guess data handling performed by our
  automated system will be easier and faster.
  Moveover this file contains a brief summary of all kernels available
  on this folder.
  It was last modified on June 6, 2002.Contact Nicolas Manaud
  (nmanaud@rssd.esa.int) or Joe Zender (Joe.Zender@esa.int) if
  you have any questions regarding this file.
MEX SPICE Kernel Naming Covention


   1. Data Delivery Interface Document (DDID)
      Appendix H - FD products Issue 1.3 (MEX-ESC-IF-5003)

SPK/CK    ffff_sssddd_DxyYYMMDDhhmmss_vvvvv.eee  (33.3)

          token           description
          ------------    --------------------------------------------
          ffff            Source Product Type Identifier: 
                             SPK -- ORHM, ORMM
                             CK  -- ATNM
          sss             Data Source Identifier      -- always PST
          ddd             Data Destination Identifier -- always PIX
          x               Format Identifier 
                          A -- ASCII
                          T -- tar
                          B -- binary (additional option)
          y               Data Type Identifier                      
                          Orbit File     -- _
                          Attitude File  -- P = predicted
                                            R = recontructed
          YYMMDDhhmmss    Coverage start time of the data contains
                          in the file expect for ORHM file, where
                          this token is replaced by twelve _.
          eee             File Name Extension; one of the NAIF's
                          standard extensions
                          SPK -- xsp, bsp
                          CK  -- xc, bc
     -- token removable  ddd   : destination is always science community (PIX)
                         D     : no specific meaning
                         x     : redondant with SPICE extension
                         vv    : three digit for version number is sufficient
  file name would become ffff_sss_yYYMMDDhhmmss_vvv.eee (26.3) -- TBD         
       -- For merged SPKs made by ESTEC or NAIF and SPKs by other teams, 

          TBD (unless we expect a huge number of such files, the naming 
          should be informal, flexible, and descriptive)

       -- For planetary/satellite ephemeris SPKs:

          original names assigned by NAIF -- de405.bsp, mar033.bsp, etc.
LSK    naifXXXX.tls
       where XXXX is the version number. This is the standard naming 
       convention for generic LSK files.

PCK    pckXXXXX.tpc
       where XXXXX is the version number. This is the standard naming 
       convention for generic PCK files

       Should there be a MEX specific PCK, then mex_v####.tpc could
       be considered.

FK     mex_vXX.tf
       where XX is the version number.

SCLK   mex_[spec]_YYMMNN.tsc (OR) 
       where [spec_] is optional data type specification (ommited for 
       real SCLK files and set to "fake", "sample", etc. for special files), 
       YYMMNN is the file release date and XXXX the version number, we 
       can pick one of the other when we will see the naming for ESOC
       colock correlation files.

       Another possibilty would be to stick with ESOC naming convention
       for easier relation of the SCLKs to their parent DDID products.

IK            mex_INSTR_vXX.ti 
       where XX is the version number,          
       and INSTR the full name of each
         ASPERA   'aspera'
         HRSC     'hrsc'
         MaRS     'mars'
         MARSIS   'marsis'
         OMEGA    'omega'
         PFS      'pfs'
         SPICAM   'spicam' 

EK           PXXXX.uY.bes
       P is mission phase identifier (TBD)
       XXXX is the sequence ID number
       u is updated sequence identifier
       Y is update version number

MK     no suggestions here.
       We have never produced/distributed MKs before. We need to think 
       carefully what their role and intended user community on MEX is 
       going to be, and based on that design the right naming scheme.

Examples using this naming convention

   Product         File name
   ------------    -----------------------------------------------
   SPK/ESOC/HM     ORHM_PSTPIX_DB______________00001.bsp
   SPK/ESOC/MM     ORMM_PSTPIX_DA_040225120004_00002.xsp
   SPK/merged      (TBD)
   SPK/NAIF/DE405  de405.xsp
   SPK/NAIF/MAR033 mar033.xsp
   CK/ESOC/NM      ATNM_PSTPIX_DAR040511153400_00001.xc
   CK/merged       (TBD)
   ESQ/ESOC/TM     c0490.u2.bes
   IK/SPICAM       mex_spicam_v01.ti
   IK/HRSC         mex_hrsc_v22.ti
   FK              mex_v01.tf
   LSK             naif0007.tls
   PCK/generic     pck00006.tpc
   SCLK            mex_v0012.tsc
   MK              (TBD)

Mars Express SPICE Kernels Set
  Here you'll find a rough description of the "Mars Express
  SPICE Kernels Set" already available on this FTP Server.
  The following table shows the most recent kernels, created
  by NAIF Team, which are intended to be used SPICE interface
  testing and preliminary analysis.
 Type Name              Comments
 ---- --------------    --------------------------------------
 SPK  beagle2_sample    This file contains ephemeris data
                        for the Beagle-2 lander with respect
                        to Mars in Mars body-fixed rotating

      mex_cruise        This SPK file contains a Mars Express
                        predict cruise ephemeris. This ephemeris
                        is an approximation to that provided by an
                        ESOC orbit file named Mars_Express_orbit.

      mex_cruise_sample_v1  This file was created from data provided
                        by Martin Hechler, the mission designer
                        for Mars Express from the European Space
                        Operations Center, to the JPL NAV Team.
                        The source data file contained sun-centered
                        spacecraft states (position and velocity)
                        in the J2000 EME coordinate system, and
                        covered the interplanetary cruise period
                        from launch to arrival at Mars.

      mex_map_sample_v3 This SPK file contains a Mars Express
                        predict ephemeris after the first orbit
                        insertion. It's a STAT-based MEX Mapping Orbit.

      de405s/mar033_2000-2025 These file contain planetary/satellite ephemeris
                        data for solar system bodies.The second one
                        contains data related to the Mars's moon.

 PcK  de403-masses/pck00007   The first contains planeraty attitude
                        and body shape information, whilst the second
                        one contains the masses for the sun and
                        planetary barycenters.

 FK   mex_v02           This frame kernel contains complete
                        set of frame definitions for the
                        Mars Express Spacecraft and Beagle-2
                        Lander including definitions for the
                        MEX fixed and MEX science instrument
                        frames and BEAGLE2 fixed, BEAGLE2
                        instrument, and landing site local

 LSK  naif0007.tls
 CK   mex_map_sample_v3 This CK contains sample Mars
                        Express spacecraft orientation
                        for the first few mapping orbits.
                        It's intended to be used ONLY
                        for MEX SPICE interfaces try-outs
                        and verification.


 SCLK mex_fake          This file is Test SPICE SCLK Kernel.
                        It contains the data necessary
                        for converting from ET to ticks
                        for the fictional spacecraft clock.