Group delays at New Norcia:

derived from an email from Juergen Fay at ESA send on 6.12.2002

Dear All,
there was still an open action from our first meeting. I hope, the values   
below give us a first impression of what can be expected, and thus allow us 
to close this cation.

Best regards, Juergen.

..."The following applies to the group delay stability specifications and
measurements, (I start from b, i.e. the specifications):

It doesn't exist an overall station level specification, but subsystem level
figures which I collected and provided in the hand-over document (p. 188)

Group delay stability - Requirement from [RD 3], [RD 13], [RD 18]
Subsystem                                          Subsystem requirement
Req. over 10 hours    
IFMS Downlink                                 0.5 nesc over 12 hours +/- 6 C
0.42 nsec
IFMS Uplink                                   2.0 nesc over 12 hours +/- 6 C
1.67 nsec
S-Band Downlink (until output of S-Band D/C)  5 nsec/100 hours
0.5 nsec
X-Band Downlink (until output of S-Band D/C)  1 nsec/24  hours
0.42 nsec
S-Band Uplink                                 5 nsec/100 hours
0.5 nsec
X-Band Uplink                                 5 nsec/100 hours
0.5 nsec
L-Band Down Converter                         1  nesc over 12 hours +/- 6 C
0.84 nsec
Total S-Band Downlink - S-Band Uplink 3.93 nsec
Total X-Band Downlink - S-Band Uplink 3.86 nsec
Total X-Band Downlink - X-Band Uplink 3.85 nsec

Group delay stability - the applicable requirement will be to verify that, in
ranging calibration configuration, and for a measurement of 10 hours, the
group delay will be stable within 4 nsec.

In respect to this specification, I have so far performed two measurements, 
in the configuration S-Band uplink to S-Band Downlink and X-Band Uplink to
X-Band Downlink.

Attached are the measurement data.

In summary, I get:
S-Band Uplink to S-Band Downlink: variations peak to peak in 5 hours: 0.9 nsec,
StDev 0.1 nsec
X-Band Uplink to X-Band Downlink: variations peak to peak in 5 hours: 1.9 nsec,
StDev 0.2 nsec

From similar tests Boris has already achieved, dutin the combined 
SED-ND-Satcom test, the following:
S-Band Uplink to S-Band Downlink: variations peak to peak in 10 hours: 
0.25 nsec, StDev 0.04 nsec (but data were averaged over 5 minutes).

I hope this information is enough for closing the action.



See pdf document which include also two figures.