MEX Range Calibrations

The following tables provide typical range calibrations, as were measured   
during the Mars Express Mission Readiness Tests (MRTs), as a function of   
the configuration at each of the participating stations. The highlighted
first row corresponds to the nominal configuration. The number in 
parentheses is the number of times a calibration was made.

LPA = Low Power Amplifier
HPA = High Power Amplifier
SSA = Solid State Amplifiere
UC = Uplink Converte

Tables 1 and 2 are for S-Band uplink and S-Band downlink (S= S-band), 
relevant for the first 5 days of the LEOP.

Table 1: New Norcia S-Band long loop - values in microseconds

IFMS | SUC | Amplifier  | Calibration
  1  |  1  |   SLPA     | 4.707 - 4.744 (11)
  1  |  1  |   SHPA     | 4.680 - 4.682 (3)
  2  |  2  |   SLPA     | 4.722 - 4.733 (4)
  2  |  2  |   SHPA     | 4.689 - 4.690 (2)

Table 2: Kourou S-Band - values in microseconds

IFMS | SUC | Amplifier  | Calibration
  1  |  1  |   SSSA     | 5.722 - 5.755 (7)
  1  |  2  |   SSSA     | 5.725 (1)
  1  |  1  |   SHPA     | 5.792 - 5.793 (2)
  1  |  2  |   SHPA     | 5.795 (1)
  2  |  1  |   SSSA     | 5.731 - 5.732 (2)
  2  |  2  |   SSSA     | 5.730 - 5.733 (4)
  2  |  1  |   SHPA     | 5.799 (1)
  2  |  2  |   SHPA     | 5.801 (1)

A few calibrations, shown in tables 3 and 4 have been made with X-band up   
and down-links (X=X-band) and are relevant for the 5th day of the LEOP 

Table 3: New Norcia X-Band long loop - values in microseconds

IFMS | XUC | Amplifier  | Calibration
  1  |  1  |   XLPA     | 4.471 - 4.493 (2)
  2  |  2  |   XLPA     | 4.480 - 4.501 (2)

Table 2: Kourou S-Band - values in microseconds

IFMS | XUC | Amplifier  | Calibration
  1  |  1  |   XSSA     | 5.775 (2)
  2  |  2  |   XSSA     | 5.783 (2)

Corrections to calibration values

The range calibration measurements do not precisely provide the difference
between the actual range measurements and the desired range measurements,
i.e. the distance from the station location (intesection of the antennae
axes) to the spacecraft and back again. This is especially true for New
Norcia: a constant delay must be substracted from the measured calibration
values to arrive at the final calibrations (that are substracted from the
range measurements in the preprocessing). The constant delay depends 
slightly on the frequency combination band. In the following the bands are
given as U/D, where U is the uplink frequency and D the downlink frequency.
Note that the corrections are in nanoseconds.

NNO corrections to be substracted from the measured calibrations:

S/S: 59.47 ns
S/X: 59.77 ns
X/S: 59.58 ns
X/X: 59.87 ns