PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-EXT1-0947-V1.0" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = ENB PRODUCER_ID = "SUE" PRODUCT_ID = "M00SUE0L1A_ENB_061130211_00.TXT" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2009-05-11T10:34:33.000 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MEX" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-11-29 NOTE = "MEX SUE Experimenter Notes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END From rsimpson Wed Apr 19 17:49:28 2006 Return-Path: Received: (from rsimpson@localhost) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) id k3K0nRK04642; Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:49:27 -0700 (PDT) Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:49:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Dick Simpson 650-723-3525 Message-ID: <4641.1145494168@magellan> Mime-Version: 1.0 To: daniel.s.kahan@jpl.nasa.gov, gene.goltz@jpl.nasa.gov, rsimpson Subject: MEX BSR DOY 113 Timeline Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="-" Content-Length: 38979 Status: R This is a MIME encoded message. Decode it with "munpack" or any other MIME reading software. Mpack/munpack is available via anonymous FTP in ftp.andrew.cmu.edu:pub/mpack/ --- Gene, Danny: This is my recommendation for the MEX bistatic radar operation Saturday evening (Pacific time). This is essentially the same experiment as we did Thursday except that everything is earlier by about an hour. The spacecraft attitude is fixed, so there will be a surface echo for no more than 10 minutes. LCP will be stronger than RCP; but both will be very weak. We need to use a FRO for both S- and X-Band; on X-Band these will be different for 25 and 100 kHz and they will be entered at different times. There is an egress occultation around 03:05; if the station is ready, we could begin recording at 03:00 to catch it (in fact, there's an ingress at 02:57 if they are REALLY early). The slew angle from Earth point is 102 deg, so the pace around MiniCal time is relaxed. This is the second BSR at DSS 43 since the station went down for its overhaul last July. Our next BSR is with VENUS Express on 23 May, also at DSS 43. I will monitor this one by phone. I'll plan to call in first after the pre- cal has started. If you need to reach me, the number is 530-426-3536; there is an answering machine in case you want to leave a message before I get in. Dick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2006/113 - - - - - 01:20 Begin Pre-cal at DSS 43 FGAIN = 60 dB (all channels) FRO_X = 0; FRO_S = 0 (changes later) Start 4-channel 25 kHz recordings after Step 4 Stop 25 kHz recording after Step 18 02:50 If the station is ready, begin 25 kHz recording to catch 02:57 ingress 03:00 and/or 03:05 egress (X-Band signal only; S-Band TX not ON yet) 03:20 Official begin of track (DL = X; TLM = ON) 03:24 DL = S+X; TLM = OFF 03:25 Begin 4-channel 25 kHz recordings (SCHAN 3) (if not running already) X TLM = OFF 03:50 FRO_X = -19000 Hz (SCHAN 4) FRO_S = -5300 Hz (SCHAN 3 and 4) 03:54 Begin SLEW #1 04:00 FRO_X = -34000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 04:05 Begin Mini-Cal #1 04:20 End Mini-Cal #1 (end of Step 5) 04:23 End Slew #1 04:39 Begin 4-channel 100 kHz recordings (SCHAN 4) 04:54 Maximum echoes (LCP > RCP, but both very weak) 05:09 End 100 kHz recordings (SCHAN 4) 05:24 Begin Slew #2 (back to Earth point) 05:25 Begin Mini-Cal #2 05:40 End Mini-Cal #2 (end of Step 5) 05:45 FRO_X = 0 (SCHAN 3 and 4) FRO_S = 0 (SCHAN 3 and 4) 05:54 End Slew #2 DL = X+S unmodulated 06:05 Begin Post-Cal (15 minutes early) 06:19 S-Tx OFF; X TLM ON (if still tracking) 06:20 Official end of track 07:20 End of activity (if not sooner) Stop 25 kHz recordings --- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Dicks_SOE_060423.doc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Dicks_SOE_060423.doc" Content-MD5: TkqDlLtAbmZ5P7+RbW3tbg== 0M8R4KGxGuEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPgADAP7/CQAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAALwAAAAAA AAAAEAAAMQAAAAEAAAD+////AAAAAC4AAAD///////////////////////////////////// ... From Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov Mon Apr 24 11:23:13 2006 Return-Path: Received: from nmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (nmta.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k3OIND212787 for ; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:23:13 -0700 (PDT) Received: from xmta3.jpl.nasa.gov (xmta3.jpl.nasa.gov []) by nmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k3OIN61A009283; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:23:06 -0700 Received: from jpl.nasa.gov (eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov []) by xmta3.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k3OIN5V1018294; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:23:05 -0700 Received: from [] (Forwarded-For: []) by mailhost4.jpl.nasa.gov (mshttpd); Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:23:05 -0700 From: Daniel S Kahan To: Dick Simpson 650-723-3525 Cc: sami Asmar , =?iso-8859-1?Q?Martin_P=E4tzold?= , mueller@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE, walter@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE, audenrie@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE, kuerten@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE, hahn@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE, Gene Goltz Message-ID: <1c14e1878d.1878d1c14e@jpl.nasa.gov> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:23:05 -0700 X-Mailer: iPlanet Messenger Express 5.2 HotFix 1.25 (built Mar 3 2004) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Language: en Subject: MEX 2006-113 Occultation Data X-Accept-Language: en Priority: normal Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Source-IP: eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov [] X-Source-Sender: Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov X-AUTH: Internal IP Content-Length: 565 Status: RO Dick, The MEX Occultation on DOY 113 (pass 1058) was conducted at DSS-15. RSR open-loop data were recorded and played back as follows: - X-band, 2-way - RSR2B1 - 2 kHz, 16 bits - start = 22:53:04 - LOS = 23:07:32 (predicted) - stop = 23:13:00 - SFDUs = 1,197 and: - S-band, 2-way - RSR2A1 - 2 kHz, 16 bits - start = 22:53:04 - LOS = 23:07:32 (predicted) - stop = 23:13:00 - SFDUs = 1,197 These data should now be available on the RS TDS for you to query. NOTES: 1) these recordings were both done "in the blind" using scripts. From Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov Fri Apr 28 10:28:59 2006 Return-Path: Received: from nmta2.jpl.nasa.gov (nmta2.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k3SHSx224445 for ; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:28:59 -0700 (PDT) Received: from xmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (xmta1.jpl.nasa.gov []) by nmta2.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k3SHSxiR031067; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:28:59 -0700 Received: from jpl.nasa.gov (eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov []) by xmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k3SHSwS9016875; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:28:58 -0700 Received: from [] (Forwarded-For: []) by mailhost4.jpl.nasa.gov (mshttpd); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:28:58 -0700 From: Daniel S Kahan To: Dick Simpson 650-723-3525 Cc: Gene Goltz Message-ID: <137cf11090.11090137cf@jpl.nasa.gov> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:28:58 -0700 X-Mailer: iPlanet Messenger Express 5.2 HotFix 1.25 (built Mar 3 2004) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Language: en Subject: MEX 2006/113 Bi-Static Radar Data (25 KHz) X-Accept-Language: en Priority: normal Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Source-IP: eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov [] X-Source-Sender: Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov X-AUTH: Internal IP Content-Length: 727 Status: RO Dick, MEX Bi-Static Radar RSR open-loop data from DOY 113 at DSS-43 (pass 1058) have been played back to the TDS as follows: - X-band, RCP, 1-way - RSR2B3 - 25 kHz, 16 bits - start = 02:10:01 - stop = 06:45:00 - SFDUs = 66,000 and: - S-band, LCP, 1-way - RSR2A3 - 25 kHz, 16 bits - start = 02:10:01 - stop = 06:45:00 - SFDUs = 66,000 and: - X-band, LCP, 1-way - RSR1B3 - 25 kHz, 16 bits - start = 02:10:01 - stop = 06:45:00 - SFDUs = 66,000 and: - S-band, RCP, 1-way - RSR1A3 - 25 kHz, 16 bits - start = 02:10:01 - stop = 06:45:00 - SFDUs = 66,000 These data should now be available for you to query. Note that S-Band LCP and RCP data are swapped between the usual RSRs. Regards, Danny From Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov Fri Apr 28 13:45:07 2006 Return-Path: Received: from nmta3.jpl.nasa.gov (nmta3.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k3SKj6227962 for ; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:45:06 -0700 (PDT) Received: from xmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (xmta1.jpl.nasa.gov []) by nmta3.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k3SKj7xZ012808; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:45:08 -0700 Received: from jpl.nasa.gov (eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov []) by xmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k3SKj76Y008584; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:45:07 -0700 Received: from [] (Forwarded-For: []) by mailhost4.jpl.nasa.gov (mshttpd); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:45:07 -0700 From: Daniel S Kahan To: Dick Simpson 650-723-3525 Cc: Gene Goltz Message-ID: <16cc71bc09.1bc0916cc7@jpl.nasa.gov> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:45:07 -0700 X-Mailer: iPlanet Messenger Express 5.2 HotFix 1.25 (built Mar 3 2004) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Language: en Subject: MEX 2006/113 Bi-Static Radar Data (100 KHz) X-Accept-Language: en Priority: normal Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Source-IP: eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov [] X-Source-Sender: Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov X-AUTH: Internal IP Content-Length: 731 Status: R Dick, MEX Bi-Static Radar RSR open-loop data from DOY 113 at DSS-43 (pass 1058) have been played back to the TDS as follows: - X-band, RCP, 1-way - RSR2B4 - 100 kHz, 16 bits - start = 04:39:00 - stop = 05:09:00 - SFDUs = 36,020 and: - S-band, LCP, 1-way - RSR2A4 - 100 kHz, 16 bits - start = 04:39:00 - stop = 05:09:00 - SFDUs = 36,020 and: - X-band, LCP, 1-way - RSR1B4 - 100 kHz, 16 bits - start = 04:39:00 - stop = 05:09:00 - SFDUs = 36,020 and: - S-band, RCP, 1-way - RSR1A4 - 100 kHz, 16 bits - start = 04:39:00 - stop = 05:09:00 - SFDUs = 36,020 These data should now be available for you to query. Note that S-Band LCP and RCP data are swapped between the usual RSRs. Regards, Danny From rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Mon Apr 24 14:57:34 2006 Return-Path: Received: from airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (airmail2.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k3OLvY213602 for ; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:57:34 -0700 (PDT) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9021610902; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:57:03 -0700 (PDT) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (localhost []) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10) with ESMTP id k3OLvZxo016431; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:57:35 GMT Received: (from ljc@localhost) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10/Submit) id k3OLvZft016430; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:57:35 GMT Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:57:35 GMT From: rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Message-Id: <200604242157.k3OLvZft016430@rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov> X-Authentication-Warning: rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov: ljc set sender to rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov using -r To: DSN-MPSETD@jjpl.jpl.nasa.gov, Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov, rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov, rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu Subject: 41 RMDC Delivery Content-Length: 692 Status: RO Tracking data for spacecraft 41 (MEX) Comments: RMDCT delivery to MEX-RS 1-sec Doppler compression time F2 : good SQR : good Created by ljc at Mon Apr 24 21:57:28 GMT 2006 OSCARX:/ftp/ras/sc41/odfs/06113O114_15X_1S.SC041 ******************************************************************************* DATA CMPT CH DATA SCN UL DL FROM TO TYPE FCOM LC POINTS COMMENTS === ==== ==== =============== =============== ==== ==== == ======= =========== 41 15X 15X 06-113T22:14:42 06-114T03:49:59 F2 1 3 16566 41 15X 15X 06-113T22:15:37 06-114T03:45:06 SQR 4 20 79 From rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Mon Apr 24 15:03:12 2006 Return-Path: Received: from airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (airmail2.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k3OM3C213683 for ; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 15:03:12 -0700 (PDT) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4877B10902; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 15:02:41 -0700 (PDT) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (localhost []) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10) with ESMTP id k3OM3Dxo018680; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 22:03:13 GMT Received: (from ljc@localhost) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10/Submit) id k3OM3Dop018679; Mon, 24 Apr 2006 22:03:13 GMT Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 22:03:13 GMT From: rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Message-Id: <200604242203.k3OM3Dop018679@rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov> X-Authentication-Warning: rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov: ljc set sender to rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov using -r To: DSN-MPSETD@jjpl.jpl.nasa.gov, Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov, rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov, rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu Subject: 41 RMDC Delivery Content-Length: 612 Status: RO Tracking data for spacecraft 41 (MEX) Comments: RMDCT delivery to MEX-RS 1-sec Doppler compression time F2 : good Created by ljc at Mon Apr 24 22:02:47 GMT 2006 OSCARX:/ftp/ras/sc41/odfs/06113O114_15S_1S.SC041 ******************************************************************************* DATA CMPT CH DATA SCN UL DL FROM TO TYPE FCOM LC POINTS COMMENTS === ==== ==== =============== =============== ==== ==== == ======= =========== 41 15X 15S 06-113T22:32:43 06-114T03:33:40 F2 1 2 12022