PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-EXT1-0854-V1.0" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = ENB PRODUCER_ID = "SUE" PRODUCT_ID = "M00SUE0L1A_ENB_060561930_00.TXT" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2009-03-16T15:18:46.000 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MEX" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-11-29 NOTE = "MEX SUE Experimenter Notes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END From rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Mon Feb 27 13:48:01 2006 Return-Path: Received: from airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (airmail2.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p1+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k1RLm1d02842 for ; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 13:48:01 -0800 (PST) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8A8B410902; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 13:46:13 -0800 (PST) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (localhost []) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10) with ESMTP id k1RLm0xo007761; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:48:00 GMT Received: (from ljc@localhost) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10/Submit) id k1RLm0LU007760; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:48:00 GMT Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:48:00 GMT From: rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Message-Id: <200602272148.k1RLm0LU007760@rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov> X-Authentication-Warning: rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov: ljc set sender to rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov using -r To: DSN-MPSETD@jjpl.jpl.nasa.gov, Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov, rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov, rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu Subject: 41 RMDC Delivery Content-Length: 692 Status: RO Tracking data for spacecraft 41 (MEX) Comments: RMDCT delivery to MEX-RS 1-sec Doppler compression time F2 : good SQR : good Created by ljc at Mon Feb 27 21:47:49 GMT 2006 OSCARX:/ftp/ras/sc41/odfs/06056O056_63X_1S.SC041 ******************************************************************************* DATA CMPT CH DATA SCN UL DL FROM TO TYPE FCOM LC POINTS COMMENTS === ==== ==== =============== =============== ==== ==== == ======= =========== 41 63X 63X 06-056T17:43:42 06-056T19:43:56 F2 1 2 7215 41 63X 63X 06-056T17:44:36 06-056T19:28:06 SQR 4 20 31 From rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Mon Feb 27 13:49:21 2006 Return-Path: Received: from airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (airmail2.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p1+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k1RLnLd02884 for ; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 13:49:21 -0800 (PST) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov []) by airmail.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (Postfix) with ESMTP id 352F910902; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 13:47:34 -0800 (PST) Received: from rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (localhost []) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10) with ESMTP id k1RLnKxo008888; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:49:20 GMT Received: (from ljc@localhost) by rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10/Submit) id k1RLnKwd008887; Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:49:20 GMT Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:49:20 GMT From: rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov Message-Id: <200602272149.k1RLnKwd008887@rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov> X-Authentication-Warning: rdca.fltops.jpl.nasa.gov: ljc set sender to rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov using -r To: DSN-MPSETD@jjpl.jpl.nasa.gov, Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov, rmdc@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov, rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu Subject: 41 RMDC Delivery Content-Length: 612 Status: RO Tracking data for spacecraft 41 (MEX) Comments: RMDCT delivery to MEX-RS 1-sec Doppler compression time F2 : good Created by ljc at Mon Feb 27 21:49:12 GMT 2006 OSCARX:/ftp/ras/sc41/odfs/06056O056_63S_1S.SC041 ******************************************************************************* DATA CMPT CH DATA SCN UL DL FROM TO TYPE FCOM LC POINTS COMMENTS === ==== ==== =============== =============== ==== ==== == ======= =========== 41 63X 63S 06-056T19:09:06 06-056T19:43:56 F2 1 7 2091 From Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov Sun May 14 07:33:42 2006 Return-Path: Received: from nmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (nmta1.jpl.nasa.gov []) by magellan.stanford.edu (8.11.7p2+Sun/8.11.7) with ESMTP id k4EEXg216176 for ; Sun, 14 May 2006 07:33:42 -0700 (PDT) Received: from xmta3.jpl.nasa.gov (xmta3.jpl.nasa.gov []) by nmta1.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k4EEXf2A006265; Sun, 14 May 2006 07:33:41 -0700 Received: from jpl.nasa.gov (eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov []) by xmta3.jpl.nasa.gov (Switch-3.1.8/Switch-3.1.7) with ESMTP id k4EEXf4w005920; Sun, 14 May 2006 07:33:41 -0700 Received: from [] (Forwarded-For: []) by mailhost4.jpl.nasa.gov (mshttpd); Sun, 14 May 2006 07:33:41 -0700 From: Daniel S Kahan To: Dick Simpson 650-723-3525 Cc: daniel.s.kahan@jpl.nasa.gov, gene.goltz@jpl.nasa.gov, rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu Message-ID: <19efa71a53e3.1a53e319efa7@jpl.nasa.gov> Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 07:33:41 -0700 X-Mailer: iPlanet Messenger Express 5.2 HotFix 1.25 (built Mar 3 2004) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Language: en Subject: Re: MEX Occultation 2006/056 X-Accept-Language: en Priority: normal Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Source-IP: eis-msg-065.jpl.nasa.gov [] X-Source-Sender: Daniel.S.Kahan-121461@jpl.nasa.gov X-AUTH: Internal IP Content-Length: 701 Status: RO I actually remember doing that one from the pass number. We have it, and I just put the two files in your MEX directory on rsops2. -Danny ----- Original Message ----- From: Dick Simpson 650-723-3525 Date: Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:39 pm Subject: MEX Occultation 2006/056 > > It appears there was an occultation scheduled at DSS 63 > on 2006/056 at 19:06-19:44 (pass 1001). But I don't seem > to have an e-mail about it and apparently never queired > for the data. > > Do you know whether there was an RSSG operation and whether > the data were played back? > > I just tried queries using the expected paramenters and > nothing came back. > > Thanks, > Dick >