PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS EXPRESS" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MEX" MISSION_NAME = "MARS EXPRESS" DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-M-ASPERA3-5-DDR-IMA-EXT6-V1.0" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2022-11-11 NOTE = "MEX ASPERA-3 IMA MOMENTS ERRATA" END_OBJECT = TEXT END MEX ASPERA-3 IMA MOMENTS ERRATA This file describes the known errors and anomalies for the Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) MOMENTS data set on this volume. ******************************* IMPORTANT NOTE ******************************* The ASPERA-3 IMA data is complicated and there is no unique procedure to calibrate the data. Proper calibration depends on the data itself and user specific judgments. There are many issues to address when analyzing the ASPERA-3 IMA data. The IMA_CALIBRATION_REPORT.PDF (in the DOCUMENT directory) addresses these issues and it is advised to contact the IMA team (Mats Holmstrom - matsh@irf.se, Stas Barabash - stas@irf.se, and Andrei Fedorov - Andrei.Fedorov@cesr.fr) for guidance in analyzing IMA data. ** Please contact the ASPERA-3 IMA Team (Mats Holmstrom - matsh@irf.se, Stas Barabash - stas@irf.se, Andrei Fedorov - Andrei.Fedorov@cesr.fr) for more information before using IMA data. ********************************** END NOTE ********************************** Additional Information in the DOCUMENT Directory: Although PDS requires documents in the DOCUMENT directory to have an ASCII form, there are several documents in PDF format only: 1. ASPERA3_FLIGHT_PERF.PDF - The ASPERA-3 Flight Performance Report Document (submitted to ESA) 2. ASPERA3_MEX_EXP.PDF - The Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) for the Mars Express Mission (Draft of ESA Publication) 3. ASPERA3_SENSOR_FRAMES.PDF - The ASPERA-3 Sensor Numbering and frames support document. 4. ME_ASP_DS_0002.PDF - The ASPERA-3 Design Description document. 5. ME_ASP_MA_0003_V3_0.PDF - The ASPERA-3 Flight Operation Manual. 6. IMA_CALIBRATION_REPORT.PDF - The ASPERA-3 Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) Calibration Report. These documents add to the understanding of the ASPERA-3 experiment, but are considered non-critical for understanding the contents and usage of the ASPERA-3 archived data sets. All critical information for understanding the contents and usage of the ASPERA-3 archived data sets are included in the Catalog files, data labels, or some other ASCII form.