# PDS4 Templates and Examples for JUICE/JANUS This is the GitLab repository to create and maintain the JUICE/JANUS PDS4 examples and templates of PDS4 products. Recommended steps for the design/development of PDS4 products: To be followed in consultation with the JUICE Archive Scientist 1) Identify types of products, and product LIDs (preliminary list, this may evolve) - data, browse, calibration 2) Assess whether to use an external data format for any of the products (e.g. FITS, CDF), typically based on the needs from the science data users. 3) Define best PDS4 data structure for each type of product e.g. Table_Character, Table_Binary, Table_Delimited, Array_2D, Array_3D… - Download from PSA or request to SOC examples of existing PDS4 products with equivalent PDS4 data structures. 4) Create one PDS4 label example for each type of product, and iterate with the SOC for feedback. - Examples should be uploaded and maintained in the GitLab instrument PDS4 repo. - Examples can be used as templates for the pipelines. - Start with minimum/basic labels, and complete as the pipeline development and the mission evolve. 5) Define the instrument archive bundle directory structure. The structure/contant of the repository is as follows: - PDS4 label templates or examples for each PDS4 product types for the instrument - examples: contains PDS4 example products or labels from other missions that might be useful for the design of your instrument products If there are many PDS4 product types for this instrument, it may contain a sub-directory structure to organise the templates/examples as follows: - data: examples/templates for the instrument data products (raw, partially processed, calibrated, derived), as applicable - browse: examples/templates for the instrument browse products - calibration: this may contain templates/examples for dynamic calibration inputs, but also "static" calibration products - document: examples/templates for the instrument document products