ROSETTA - VIRTIS ---------------- To Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Document -------------------------------------------------------- VIR-INAF-IC-003 Issue 1.0 30 November 2007 Prepared by: Maria Teresa Capria Stéphane Erard Gianrico Filacchione Federico Tosi Approved by: Angioletta Coradini 1 Introduction ------------------- 1.1 Purpose and Scope ---------------------- The purpose of this EAICD (Experimenter to (Science) Archive Interface Control Document) is two fold. First it provides users of the VIRTIS instrument with detailed description of the product and a description of how it was generated, including data sources and destinations. Secondly, it is the official interface between our instrument team and the archiving authority. 1.2 Archiving Authorities ------------------------- The Planetary Data System Standard is used as archiving standard by • NASA for U.S. planetary missions, implemented by PDS • ESA for European planetary missions, implemented by the Research and Scientific Support Department (RSSD) of ESA 1.1.1 ESA’s Planetary Science Archive (PSA) --------------------------------------------- ESA implements an online science archive, the PSA, • to support and ease data ingestion • to offer additional services to the scientific user community and science operations teams as e.g. . search queries that allow searches across instruments, missions and scientific disciplines . several data delivery options as . direct download of data products, linked files and data sets . ftp download of data products, linked files and data sets The PSA aims for online ingestion of logical archive volumes and will offer the creation of physical archive volumes on request. 1.3 Contents ------------ This document describes the data flow of the VIRTIS instrument on Rosetta from the s/c until the insertion into the PSA for ESA. It includes information on how data were processed, formatted, labeled and uniquely identified. The document discusses general naming schemes for data volumes, data sets, and data files. Standards used to generate the products are explained. The design of the data set structure and the data product is given. Examples of the data labels are given. 1.4 Intended Readership ----------------------- The staff of the archiving authority (Planetary Science Archive, ESA, RSSD, design team) and any potential user of the VIRTIS data in the scientific community. 1.5 Applicable Documents ------------------------ • AD 1 Planetary Data System Preparation Workbook, February 1, 1995, Version 3.1, JPL, D-7669, Part1 • AD 2 Planetary Data System Standards Reference, August 3, 2003, Version 3.6, JPL, D-7669, Part 2 • AD 3 Rosetta Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan, January 10, 2006, RO-EST-PL- 5011 • AD 4 Rosetta Archive Conventions, January 10, 2006, RO-EST-TN-3372 • AD 5 Planetary Science Data Dictionary, Revision D, JPL D-7116, July 15, 1996 • AD 6 VIRTIS Data Archive Format, April 29, 2002, VIR-ORS-RS-1146, Version 3.4 • AD 7 Update to VIRTIS Rosetta Archive Format, July 20, 2006, VIR-ORS-RS-2251, Issue 2.5 • AD 8 VIRTIS SW Internal Interface Control Document, July 2001, VIR-GAL-IC-028, Issue 7 • AD 9 VIRTIS Functional Architecture Specification Document, March 6, 1998, VIR-GAL-SP-045, draft • AD 10 VIRTIS-M OGSE Control System/Unit Tester Interfaces: SW Requirement Specification, March 3, 2000, VIR-GAL-RS-084, Issue 1 • AD 11VIRTIS SW User Requirements, July 2001, VIR-GAL-UR-040, Issue 5.0 • AD 12 HW and SW Specifications for the Interconnection between the EGSE and the HSGE during the calibration tests, February 14, 2001, VIR-ST-0-0003-IAS, Issue 2. • AD 13 VIRTIS EGSE Requirement Specification, January 25, 2000, VIR-GAL-RS-062, Issue 3 • AD 14 VIRTIS On-Board Data Handling SW Interface Control Document, June 18, 2001, VIR-GAL- IC-0048, Version 6 • AD 15 VIRTIS SW Requirement Document, December 6, 2000, VIR-DLR-RS-003, Version 2, draft 1 • AD 16 VIRTIS Experiment User Manual, July 2003, RO-VIR-UM-001, issue 3 • AD 17 VIRTIS M Calibration Report, October 2006, VIR-INAF-MA-002, issue 2 • AD 18 VIRTIS H Calibration, October 2006, VIR-DES-XX-YYYY, issue 1 1.6 Relationships to Other Interfaces ------------------------------------- Raw data PDS cubes are generated by the EGSE [AD 13]: any change in the EGSE generation process would necessarily affect this document. Any future reprocessing of the data, for whatever reason, even if the labels are not affected, must be taken into account and described in this document. 1.7 Acronyms and Abbreviations ------------------------------ ADC : Analog Digital Converter ASDC: ASI Data Centre CMWS : Control and Monitoring WorkStation DHSU : Data Handling System Unit EDR : Experimental Data Record EGSE : Electrical Ground Support Equipment FPA : Focal Plane Arrays HK : HouseKeeping parameters IDL : Interactive Data Language IR : InfraRed ISIS : Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers ITF: Instrument Transfer Function ME : Main Electronic OBT: On-Board Time PC-OPB : PC-OPtical Bench PEM : Proximity Electronic Modul PDS : Planetary Data System PI : Principal Investigator PIWS : Principal Investigator WorkStation PSA : Planetary Science Archive QM : Qualification Model RDDS: Rosetta Data Distribution System RTU: Remore Terminal Unit SI : Système International d’unités SCET : SpaceCraft Elapsed Time UTC : Universal Time Corrected 1.8 Contact Names and Addresses ------------------------------- INAF-IASF, Maria Teresa Capria, +39 06 4993 4452, INAF-IASF, Gianrico Filacchione, +39 06 4993 4454, INAF-IFSI ASDC, Francesco Carraro, +39 06 94188874, 2 Overview of Instrument Design, Data Handling Process and Product Generation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Scientific Objectives ------------------------- The primary scientific objectives of VIRTIS during the Rosetta mission are: • study the cometary nucleus and its environment, • determine the nature of the solids on the nucleus surface, • identify the gaseous species, • characterize the physical conditions of the coma, • measure the temperature of the nucleus. Secondary objectives include helping with the selection of landing sites and providing support to other instruments. Tertiary objectives include the detection and characterization of the asteroids during flybys. 2.1.1 VIRTIS-M Nucleus Science Objectives ------------------------------------------- • Identify different ices and ice mixtures and determine their spatial distribution for albedo values ranging from 0.02 to 0.4. • Identify the carbonaceous materials and determine the overall continuum slopes of the spectra. • Determine the physical microstructure and nature of the surface grains by measuring the spectrophotometric phase curve with a relative radiometric accuracy of 1%. • Identify the silicates, hydrates and other minerals with a spectral resolution of delta_lambda/lambda > 100 in the full spectral band. • With a spatial resolution of a few tens of meters, globally map the nucleus and determine the spatial distribution of the various mineralogical types and their mixtures using both the spectral features and the overall brightness. • Detect and monitor active areas on the comet surface to understand the operating physical processes and identify the associated material types. 2.1.2 VIRTIS-M Coma Science Objectives ---------------------------------------- • With a resolving power of 100, determine the global distribution of gas and dust in the inner coma with to absolute and relative radiometric accuracy < 20% and 1% relative. Determine the thermal properties of the dust. • Identify and map the strong molecular emissions in the near ultraviolet and visible spectral band, including the main water dissociation product OH at 0.28 mm and 0.31 mm, CN,C3, NH, CH and CO+ ions, and the neutral radicals CN and C2. With a high spatial resolution of 250 microrad and a moderate spectral resolution of 500, correlate the evolution of radicals with that of their parent molecules. Correlate the results of these measurements with ground based telescopic observations. • Map the composition and evolution of gas and dust jets in the coma and correlate it with the mineralogical composition and spatial morphology of active regions on the nucleus surface. 2.1.3 VIRTIS-H Nucleus & Coma Science Objectives -------------------------------------------------- • With a S/N > 100 and resolving power higher than 1000, determine the composition of ices on the nucleus surface by resolving the absorption bands of condensed molecules between 2 and 3 microns. • In the 2 to 5 micron band, identify molecules in the gas, and measure rotational temperature. With a resolving power of 1500 at 3.5 micron, identify the hydrocarbon emission in the 3 to 4 micron band. • Determine the composition of the dust grains in the coma by observing emission features in the fundamental bands between 2.5 and 5 microns at less than 2 A.U. 2.1.4 VIRTIS Asteroid Science Objectives ------------------------------------------ The asteroid part of Rosetta mission will include the encounter with two asteroids, 21 Lutetia and 2867 Steins. VIRTIS will allow the determination of the global and local properties of the target asteroids. The scientific goals achievable with a minor planet encounter are: • The characterization of the global shape of the asteroid and the knowledge of its physical properties: size, shape, pole and rotational period, density. • The study of the morphological characteristics (local features, craters distribution, evidence of possible regolith) and mineralogical composition (heterogeneity of the surface, identification of local chemical provinces, first layer texture). • The analysis of the asteroid environment to detect the presence of dust or gas. 2.2 Instrument Description -------------------------- The VIRTIS (Visible Infra Red Thermal Imaging Spectrometer) instrument combines a double capability: (1) high-resolution visible and infrared imaging in the 0.25-5 micron range at moderate spectral resolution (VIRTIS-M channel) and (2) high-resolution spectroscopy in the 2-5 micron range (VIRTIS-H channel). The two channels will observe the same comet areas in combined modes to take full advantage of their complementarities. VIRTIS-M (named -M in the following) is characterized by a single optical head consisting of a Shafer telescope combined with an Offner imaging spectrometer and by two two-dimensional FPAs: the VIS (0.25-1 micron) and IR (1-5 micron). VIRTIS-H (-H) is a high-resolution infrared cross-dispersed spectrometer using a prism and a grating. The 2-5 micron spectrum is dispersed in 9 orders on a focal-plane detector array. The main characteristics of VIRTIS can be found in the table 2.1. VIRTIS MAIN CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS VIRTIS – M Visible VIRTIS – M InfraRed VIRTIS - H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spectral Range (nm) | 220.1 – 1046.0 952.8 – 5059.2 Order 0 4.05-5.03 (1) | Order 1 3.47-4.32 | Order 2 3.04-3.78 | Order 3 2.70-3.37 | Order 4 2.43-3.03 | Order 5 2.21-2.76 | Order 6 2.03-2.53 | Order 7 1.88-2.33 Spectral Resolution lambda/dlamba | 100 – 380 70 – 360 1300-3000 Spectral Sampling (nm) | 1.89 9.44 0.6 Field of View (mrad x mrad) | 63.6 (slit) x 64.2 (scan) 63.6 (slit) x 64.2 (scan) 0.583 x 1.749 Max Spatial Resolution (microrad) | 248.6 (slit) x 250.8 (scan) Pointing | +Zsc and Boresighted with Osiris, NavCam | Telescope | Shafer Telescope Shafer Telescope Off axis parabolic mirror Pupil Diameter (mm) | 47.5 32 Imaging F# | 5.6 3.2 2.04 Etendue (m2 sr) | 4.6x10-11 7.5x10-11 .8x10-9 Slit Dimension (mm) | 0.038 x 9.53 0.029 x 0.089 | Spectrometer | Offner Relay Offner Relay Echelle spectrometer | Detectors | Thomson TH7896 CCD CdHgTe CdHgTe Sensitivity Area Format | 508 x 1024 270 x 436 270 x 436 Pixel Pitch (micron) | 19 38 38 Operating temp. (K) | 150 to 190 65 to 90 65 to 90 Spectral range (micron) | 0.25 to 1.05 0.95 to 5.0 0.95 to 5.0 Mean Dark Current | < 1 e-1/s < 10 fA @ 70K < 10 fA @ 70K | Radiometric Resolution SNR | > 100 > 100 > 100 @ 3.3 micron Radiometric Accuracy | Absolute | < 20% < 20% < 20% Relative | < 1 % < 1 % < 1 % Table 2.1 - VIRTIS characteristics and performances overview 2.2.1 Technical Description ----------------------------- The instrument is divided into 4 separate modules: the Optics Module - which houses the two -M and -H optical heads and the Stirling cycle cryocoolers used to cool the IR detectors to 70 °K -, the two Proximity Electronics Modules (PEM) required to drive the two optical heads, the Main Electronics Module - which contains the Data Handling and Support Unit, for the data storage and processing, the power supply and control electronics of the cryocoolers and the power supply for the overall instrument. Proximity Electronics Modules Each optical head requires specific electronics to drive the CCD, the two IRFPAs, the covers, the thermal control; the PEMs are two small boxes interfaced directly to the S/C and placed in the vicinity of the Optics Module to minimize interference noise. Optics Module The -M imaging spectrometer and the -H echelle spectrometer optical heads are located inside the Optics Module, which in turn is divided into two regions thermally insulated from each other by means of MultiLayer Insulation (MLI): the Cold Box and the Pallet. The Pallet is mechanically and thermally connected to the SpaceCraft; inside the Pallet are located the two Stirling cycle cryocoolers. The heat produced by the cryocoolers compressors (a maximum of 24 W in closed loop mode) is dissipated to the spacecraft. The Cold Box contains the two optical heads and its main function is to act as a thermal buffer between the Optical Heads, working at 130 K, and the external environment (the S/C temperature ranges from 250 to 320 K). The Cold Box is mechanically connected to the Pallet through 8 Titanium rods, whose number and size were selected to minimize conductive heat loads and to avoid distorsion upon cooling from room temperature. The structural part of the cold box is a ledge which is supported by the 8 titanium rods; on the ledge the two optical heads are mechanically fixed. Thermal insulation of the Cold Box is improved by means of MLI, while thermal dissipation from the Cold Box is achieved by means of a two stage passive radiator: the first stage keep the Cold Box temperature in the range 120-140 K, while the second stage is splitted in two parts, one for each optical head, and allows to reach the required 130 K. Another important component of the instrument are the two covers; they provide a double function: protection against dust contamination, internal calibration by means of an internally reflecting surface finish. They use a step motor and their operation is controlled by the PEMs. VIRTIS-M The VIRTIS-M optical head perfectly matches a Shafer telescope to an Offner grating spectrometer to disperse a line image across two FPAs. The Shafer telescope produces an anastigmatic image, while Coma is eliminated by putting the aperture stop near the center of curvature of the primary mirror and thus making the telescope monocentric. The result is a telescope system that relies only on spherical mirrors yet remains diffraction limited over an appreciable spectrum and field: at +/- 1.8 degrees the spot diameters are less than 6 microns in diameter, which is 7 times smaller than the slit width. The Offner grating spectrometer allows to cover the visible and IR ranges by the realization, on a single grating substrate, of two concentric separate regions having different groove densities: the central one, approximately covering 30% of the grating area is devoted to the visible spectrum, while the external region is used for the IR range. The IR region has a larger area as the reflected infrared solar irradiance is quite low and is not adequately compensated by the infrared emissions of the cold comet. The visible region of the grating is laminar with rectangular grooves profile, and the groove density is 268 grooves/mm. Moreover, to compensate for the low solar energy and low CCD quantum efficiency in the ultra-violet and near infrared regions , two different groove depths have been used to modify the spectral efficiency of the grating. The resulting efficiency improves the instrument's dynamic range by increasing the S/N at the extreme wavelengths and preventing saturation in the central wavelengths. Since the infrared channel does not require as high a resolution as the visible channel, the lower MTF caused by the visible zone's obscuration of the infrared pupil is acceptable; the groove density is 54 grooves/mm. In any case, the spot diagrams for all visible and infrared wavelengths at all field positions are within the dimension of a 40 microns pixel. For the infrared zones, a blazed groove profile is used that results in a peak efficiency at 5 micron to compensate for the low signal levels expected at this wavelength. VIRTIS-H. In -H the light is collected by an off-axis parabola and then collimated by another off-axis parabola before entering a cross-dispersing prism made of Lithium Fluoride. After exiting the prism the light is diffracted by a flat reflection grating which disperses in a direction perpendicular to the prism dispersion. The prism allows the low groove density grating, which is the echelle element of the spectrometer, to achieve very high spectral resolution by separating orders 6 through 13 across a two-dimensional detector array: the spectral resolution varies in each order between 1200 and 3500. Since the -H is not an imaging channel, it is only required to achieve good optical performance at the zero field position. The focal length of the objective is set by the required IFOV and the number of pixels allowed for summing. While the telescope is F/1.6, the objective is F/1.67 and requires five pixels to be summed in the spatial direction to achieve about 1 mrad2 IFOV, corresponding to 3 pixels (3 x .58 mrad x .58 mrad). Main Electronics Module. The Main Electronics is physically separated from the Optics Module. It houses the Power supply for all the experiment, the cooler electronics, the Spacecraft interface electronics, for telemetry and telecommanding, the interfaces with the Optics Module subsystems, and the DHSU (Data Handling and Support Unit) which is the electronics for the data handling, processing and for the instrument control. The data processing and the data handling activities into the DHSU are performed using an on-line philosophy. The data are processed and transferred to the spacecraft in real time. The mass memory (SSR) of the spacecraft is used to store or buffer a large data volume. The Main Electronics contains no additional hardware component for data processing and compression. All data processing is performed by software. Instrument operations --------------------- VIRTIS produces the following types of TM data : 1 TC verification reports; 2 H/K data reports; 3 Event reports; 4 Memory reports; 5 Science reports (science data). They are transmitted to the S/C DMS through the RTU I/F except the Science reports that are transmitted on the High Speed I/F. If this is not available (e.g. failure) the instrument can be commanded to start a degraded Science mode which does not use the High Speed link. In this case the Science reports are transferred via the RTU I/F like the other TMs. 2.2.2 VIRTIS-M Operation modes -------------------------------- Possible VIRTIS-M operation modes, coded with the INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID parameter in the PDS header, are the following: 1 M_Off 2 M_Cool_Down 3 M_Idle 4 M_Annealing 5 M_PEM_On 6 M_Test 7 M_Calibration 8 M_Science_High_Spectral_1 9 M_Science_High_Spectral_2 10 M_Science_High_Spectral_3 11 M_Science_High_Spatial_1 12 M_Science_High_Spatial_2 13 M_Science_High_Spatial_3 14 M_Science_Nominal_1 15 M_Science_Nominal_2 16 M_Science_Nominal_3 17 M_Science_Nominal_Compressed 18 M_Science_Reduced_Slit 19 M_User_Defined 20 M_Degraded 63 M_ME_Test 2.2.3 VIRTIS-H Operation modes -------------------------------- 1 H_Off 2 H_Cool_Down 3 H_Idle 4 H_Annealing 5 H_PEM_On 6 H_Test 7 H_Calibration 8 H_Nominal_Simulation 9 H_Science_Maximum_Data_Rate 10 H_Science_Nominal_Data_Rate 11 H_Science_Minimum_Data_Rate 12 (deleted) 13 H_Science_Backup 14 H_User_Defined 15 (deleted) 16 (deleted) 17 (deleted) 18 H_Spectral_Calibration_Simulation 19 H_Degraded 63 H_ME_Test 2.4 Science Data Formats ------------------------ 2.4.1 VIRTIS-M Science Data Format ------------------------------------ Science data generated by the VIRTIS-M VIS and VIRTIS-M IR are stream of 16bit words, each corresponding to one pixel. Detector data are acquired on a spectral basis (spectrum by spectrum). The axes are aligned to the axes of the spacecraft. The VIS CCD detector is a frame transfer detector of 1024x1024 CCD elements, thus only 512x1024 pixels are usable as image area. Moreover, each detector element has a physical size which is the half of the IR detector pixel, thus summation of 2x2 pixels shall be performed by the PEM to match spatial resolution of the IR channel. This action is performed directly by the PEM and is transparent to the final user. The ME receives from the CCD 438 spectral and 256 spatial pixels and from the M-IR in full window mode receives 438 spectral and 270 spatial pixels. For compatibility with an integer binning value these formats are further reduced to a common 432x256 by the ME. For M-IR the ME can command the PEM to produce a reduced window (438 spectral and 90 spatial pixels) to be used in the M_reduced_slit mode. In this case 90 pixels in the central area of the slit are selected. 2.4.2 VIRTIS-M Internal Calibration Data Format ------------------------------------------------- Instrumental performances can be checked during in-flight conditions thanks to the internal calibration sequence. VIRTIS-M, in fact, can acquire reference signals thanks to the combined use of cover, shutter and VIS and IR lamps. These lamps, housed on the side of the telescope, illuminate the internal side of the external cover. The cover is placed near the entrance pupil of the instrument to minimize optical aberrations. The window of each lamp contains a transparent filter (holmium for the VIS, polystyrene for the IR) to introduce some well-shaped spectral absorption features on the overall spectrum. The signal coming from the two lamps can be used to: • check the in-flight stability of the instrumental spectral response; • check the in-flight stability of the flat-field; • monitor the evolution of defective pixels (number and distribution); • perform a check on the relative radiometric response of the instrument. The internal calibration mode, implemented in the VIRTIS-M on-board software, consists in the acquisition of a sequence of 35 frames: 5 electronic offsets, 5 backgrounds, 5 dark currents, 5 acquisitions of the IR lamp, 5 acquisitions of the VIS lamp, 5 dark currents and 5 backgrounds. Table 2.2 contains a description of the instrument configuration during each internal calibration step. Internal calibration cubes are coded with INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID=7 in the PDS header. Configuration Frame number Cover Shutter Scan mirror IR lamp VIS lamp VIS Texp (s) IR Texp (s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronic offset | 1-5 Closed Open Boresight Off Off 0.0 0.0 Background | 6-10; Closed Open Boresight Off Off 20.0 0.5 | 31-35 Dark current | 11-15; Closed Closed Boresight Off Off 20.0 0.5 | 26-30 IR lamp acquisition | 16-20 Closed Open Boresight On Off 20.0 0.5 VIS lamp acquisition | 21-25 Closed Open Boresight Off On 1.0 0.1 Table 2.2 VIRTIS-M internal calibration sequence 2.4.3 VIRTIS-H Science Data Format ------------------------------------ VIRTIS-H uses the same IR detector as VIRTIS-M however, due to the different design of the two channels, the detector is used rather differently. VIRTIS-H is a high resolution spectrometer and does not perform imaging; the H-IR detector is used to acquire spectra spread over its surface, thus only a portion of the pixels contains useful scientific data. The 8 spectral orders are spread over the entire surface matrix. In each spectral order the spectrum covers 432x5 pixels (where 5 pixels represent the image of the slit size when imaged on the detector). Thus overall only 15% of the 438x270 pixels matrix surface is used. To reduce the overall data rate and volume, H uses the so called Pixel Map which gives the exact location of the spectra over the H-IR detector. The ME calculates the location of the pixels to be downloaded and passes it to PEM-H which then downloads them accordingly. The downloaded data are the H_SPECTRUM, a set of 432x8x5. A H_Spectrum can be defined as a composition of the 8 orders imaged on the H-IR detector; the H_Spectrum is extracted from the two-dimensional detector by using a map of the lighted pixels based on 8 spectral orders of 432 elements and a width of 5 pixel for each order. The 5 pixels are reduced to 1 pixel by averaging. The H_Spectrum is composed of 3456 pixels. As H has no spatial resolution the 5 pixels are averaged together, thus the final end-product in the H_Nominal acquisition mode is a 3456 (or 432x8) pixels spectrum representing the full spectral range of the instrument from 1.88 through 5.03 micron. However, the PEM-H can also be commanded to download the full frame to ME in the Calibration and Science Backup modes. In this case all the 432x256 pixels are sent to ME. 2.4.4 VIRTIS-H Internal Calibration Data Format ------------------------------------------------- A sequence of internal calibration of Virtis-H is operated as follows (AD [18]: 1. Slit_spectral_calibration : 3 images (H_Image_Slice) with Cover closed, H-Shutter closed then S-lamp switched on, using functional param. integration time H_INT_SPECT_S 2. Telescope_spectral_calibration : 2 images (H_image_slice) with H-shutter closed, then T_lamp switched on, using functional param. integration time H_INT_SPECT_T 3. Image_slice_radiometric_calibration : 2 images, one H-shutter closed, then R-lamp switched on, using functional param. integration time H_INT_RADIO 4. Spectrum_Radiometric_Calibration : same, using the H_spectrum mode (dark with shutter closed, and then R-lamp on) The total of an internal calibration is 7xH_Image_Slice + 2 H_spectrum. The purpose of the internal calibration is the verification of the pixel map and wavelength pixel map (through telescope spectral calibration), the radiometric evolution of the VIRTIS-H chain (lamps+spectrometer+detector), which can be followed along the mission, and the functionality of the on board spectral reconstruction by comparing the H_spectrum mode to Image_Slice mode on the same radiometric calibration image. The slit calibration using the S-lamp is redundant with the T-lamp, but provides in addition a check of the integrity of the detector, by illuminating a large part of the detector (by scattered light), to follow the bad pixels evolution. 2.4.5 Calibration pipeline for VIRTIS-M --------------------------------------- VIRTIS-M calibration pipeline is described in [AD 17], which contains the algorithms used to transform raw digital numbers in spectral radiance (W m-2 nm-1 sterad-1). In this document are described the methods used to retrieve: • Spectral calibration: correspondence between band number and wavelength (nm); • Geometrical calibration: optical misalignment between –M Vis and IR channels boresights; in field distortions; • Spatial calibration: flat field matrix; • Radiometric calibration: instrumental transfer function necessary to convert DNs in spectral radiance (W m-2 nm-1 sterad-1); by using on ground calibration data and measurements. A section describes step by step the algorithms necessary to calibrate raw data. The following calibration files of VIRTIS-M are distributed with this data release: • VIRTIS_M_VIS_SPECAL_10_V1.DAT: spectral calibration for VIRTIS-M visible channel; • VIRTIS_M_IR_SPECALl_10_V1.DAT: spectral calibration for VIRTIS-M infrared channel; • VIRTIS_M_VIS_RESP_10_V1.DAT: high resolution responsivity for VIRTIS-M visible channel; • VIRTIS_M_IR_RESP_10_V1.DAT: high resolution responsivity for VIRTIS-M infrared channel; The version of the file is part of the filename (V1). As calibrations never ends but evolves during the instrument life, further improved procedures and updated files will be released during the development of the mission; in this case the version number will be changed. A raw data cube contains the not calibrated signal in DN; dark currents and thermal background are automatically subtracted from the data by an on-board processing performed by the Main Electronics (ME). The counts can be converted in physical units of spectral radiance Rad (W m-2 nm-1 sterad-1) by using the following formula: Rad(lambda(b),s,l)=DN(lambda(b),s,l)/t.R(lambda(b),s) where lambda(b) is the wavelength associated to band b according to spectral calibration tables (files VIRTIS_M_VIS_SPECALl_10_V1.DAT and VIRTIS_M_IR_SPECAL_10_V1.DAT) of VIS and IR channels; s and l correspond to sample and line location of the pixel in the original cube; t is the integration time (in seconds) indicated in the PDS header of the file for VIS and IR channels; R(lambda(b), s, l) is the responsivity matrix for VIS and IR channels (files VIRTIS_M_VIS_RESP_10_V1.DAT and VIRTIS_M_IR_RESP_10_V1.DAT). This calculus can be applied to high resolution acquisitions (432 bands times 256 samples); in nominal modes, where spatial and/or spectral resolutions are reduced, it is necessary to interpolate both spectral tables and responsivity matrices according to binning values. 2.4.6 Calibration pipeline for VIRTIS-H --------------------------------------- The calibration of VIRTIS-H spectra is performed on line at the VIRTIS-H Meudon center. In H nominal mode, spectral orders are extracted on board from the detector image by summing the intensity of pixels illuminated through the slit. For each spectral order the central y coordinate corresponding to a given x coordinate is computed using a second order polynomial in x. The coefficients of these polynomials are stored in the data file labels (label keyword VIR_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF). The 5 pixels centered in y on this pixel are then summed: canal = findgen(432) ; index vector (0, 1,… 431) for i = 0, 7 do begin Ycoord[i,*] = coef[i,0]+ coef[i,1] * canal + coef[i,2] * canal^2 for x = 0, 431 do $ sum[i,x] = total(image[x, Ycoord(i,x+0.5)-2: Ycoord(i,x+0.5)+2]) endfor Dead pixels, as identified from the file DEADPIXELMAP.DAT, are not included in the sum. The same procedure is applied on ground to extract spectra from data transferred in “backup” mode (when complete detector images are transferred). A first order radiometric calibration is used during this mission phase. It consists in subtracting the last dark current acquired before the data, and in dividing the result by the flat-field and by the integration time. Non linearity is neglected for the time being. During observations, dark currents alternate with data acquisitions. In nominal mode, they are transferred separately from the data to preserve the efficiency of the compression procedure, and are therefore stored in separated files with related names. Dark currents corresponding to the data are identified through their SCET, which can be reconstructed from the first 3 values in the qube sideplane: Escet = qube.suffix(0:2,0,0) scet= Ulong( Escet(0) )* 2UL ^ 16UL + Ulong( EScet(1) ) $ + double( EScet(2) ) / 2d ^ 16d In backup mode, dark currents consist in detector images interleaved in the data file. They are identified through element 5 in the sideplane (starting from 0): idark = where((qube.suffix(5,0,*) and '2000'X) NE 0) The flat-field for this mission phase is available in spectrum format (i.e., extracted from the detector image in the same way as the data) in the file VIRTIS_H_TRANSFERT_FCT_V1.TAB. V1 refers to the current version of the file. The correction consists in dividing the data (after dark removal) by the flat-field and by the exposure time in seconds (as provided in the labels through the FRAME_PARAMETER keyword). This results in data calibrated in radiance, with unit µW/m2/sr/µm. The wavelengths in µm are derived using a second order polynomial for each spectral order. The coefficients of the polynomials are stored in the file VIRTIS_H_SPECTRAL_COEF_V1.TAB and are used as follows: canal = findgen(432) + 2 for i = 0, 7 do $ wavel(i,*) = coefW(0,i) + coefW(1,i) * canal + coefW(2,i) * canal^2 FWHM can similarly be computed using the coefficients stored in file VIRTIS_H_SPECTRAL_WIDTH_V1.TAB. Derivation and monitoring of the calibration functions and parameters are described in the document AD [18]. Currently, the on-line version of VIRTIS-H calibration is operational on the server: / Rosetta VIRTIS instrument 2.5 Data Handling Process ------------------------- All the data products are generated by the VIRTIS team according to the following scheme: • The PI Institution (INAF - Rome) retrieves the VIRTIS instrument data records (Level 1a data) from the Rosetta Data Distribution System (RDDS) using the EGSE. • From the instrument data records, the EGSE generates Level 1b data files, including the ancillary data files; the labels are completed, with the exception of the information that must be extracted from the SPICE files. • A devoted program completes the labels with the geometric information extracted from the SPICE files. • A copy of the data set is sent to the ROSETTA ASDC server, located at ESRIN in Frascati. • After the proprietary period, currently foreseen at 6-month (see [AD03]), validated, PDS-compliant data of Level 1b are delivered to the ESA Planetary Science Archive by means of the ESA-provided tool PVV that has been installed on a machine at the PI Institution. The final data delivery to the PSA is done by the PI Institution (INAF - Rome), that has the responsibility of assembling the data sets in the proper way and of maintaining all the related documents. • The responsible of the overall data archiving process is Maria Teresa Capria; the person who actually is sending data to ESTEC, and using and keeping PVV software is Francesco Carraro. Gianrico Filacchione is also working on the preparation of datasets to be sent for archiving, in particular the calibration files; Federico Tosi is responsible for the reconstruction of the observation geometry through the standard SPICE software. 2.6 Product Generation ---------------------- VIRTIS Level 1b data products consist of the data produced by the instrument reconstructed from the scientific telemetry, sorted by channel and provided with spacecraft position, velocity and attitude information. Any other spacecraft telemetry relevant for calibration and processing will also be included in the delivered datasets. Level 1b processing requires the acquisition of VIRTIS scientific telemetry and any relevant spacecraft auxiliary data from the RDDS in ESOC, and of SPICE kernels describing the spacecraft state and attitude. The EGSE software generates the cubes with the attached labels. Label templates are stored in the EGSE. All the keywords that can be found in the labels belong to five groups, depending on the origin of the corresponding value: • Constant keywords: their values are not expected to change during the mission, or are stable on a long time basis (e.g., RECORD_BYTES, MISSION_NAME). In some instances, they are related to the EGSE (e.g., PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME, TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID). These values can be changed by editing the label template. • EGSE-related values: they are determined by the EGSE when writing the file (e.g., FILE_RECORDS, SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID). • TM-related values: they are derived by the EGSE from VIRTIS TM packets (e.g., PRODUCT_ID, INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID). • Navigation-related values: they are determined from navigation files (e.g., MAXIMUM_LATITUDE, SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE); a devoted program has the task of filling these fields (details in • Observation-related values: they are determined from external information (e.g., MISSION_PHASE_NAME, TARGET_TYPE). Both instrument telemetry and ancillary data are being stored at the PI processing facility as they accumulates over the course of the mission, to provide the capability to reprocess data in case of errors or to accommodate new information referring to existing data sets. For example, orbit reconstruction for the same data will improve in several stages over the course of the mission, and it is thus expected that geometry files will have to be regenerated. 2.7 Overview of Data Products ----------------------------- 2.7.1 Pre-Flight Data Products -------------------------------- We have no pre-flight data products to deliver. 2.7.2 Sub-System Tests ------------------------ Sub-system tests performed on VIRTIS are useful only for engineering purposes, so the VIRTIS team does not plan to deliver sub-system test data products, as they would be useless for the analysis and interpretation of the acquired flight data. 2.7.3 Instrument Calibrations ------------------------------- Calibration runs of the instrument involved the determination of the instrument performance and of ITF (Instrument Transfer Function). These data are used for the calibration of scientific data and are processed to produce calibration files that are part of standard data product releases. 2.7.4 Other Files written during Calibration ---------------------------------------------- We have no other file produced during the calibration process. 2.7.5 In-Flight Data Products ------------------------------- We are delivering level 1b data, that is telemetry data that have been cleaned and merged, time ordered and sorted by channel. These data are in scientifically useful form, while not calibrated; the relevant calibration files are delivered with all the necessary documentation. 2.7.6 Software ---------------- All the software needed to access the data is developed and maintained by the VIRTIS team; an IDL package able to read all PDS VIRTIS data products, and a related document, are being delivered with the data. t of the mission. 2.7.6 Software -------------- All the software needed to access the data is developed and maintained by the VIRTIS team; an IDL package able to read all PDS VIRTIS data products, and a related document, are being delivered with the data. 2.7.7 Documentation ------------------- The documentation distributed with VIRTIS data sets, to be found in the DOCUMENT directory of standard data set distributions, is consisting of • the present document, available both in PDF format and as pure ASCII text • the VIRTIS User Manual, available both in PDF format and as pure ASCII text: VIRTIS_EXP_USER_MANUAL • a text and PDF document (AD 17) describing the calibration process of VIRTIS_M: VIRTIS_M_CALIBRATION_REPORT • a text and PDF document (AD 18) describing the calibration process of VIRTIS_H: VIRTIS_H_CALIBRATION 2.7.8 Derived and other Data Products ------------------------------------- To the moment, the delivery of derived data or data resulting from a cooperation with other instruments is not foreseen. 2.7.9 Ancillary Data Usage -------------------------- Ancillary data used in VIRTIS data product generation are needed to correctly reference observations in space and time. Geometric information accompanying instrument is produced by means of software based on the SPICE library, released by the Navigation and Ancillary Data Facility (NAIF) of JPL. Spacecraft trajectory and attitude data produced by ESOC are accessed through the SPICE library in the form of pre-processed data files (called kernels) produced by RSSD. We will not be delivering these data products for the cruise phase. 3 Archive Format and Content ---------------------------- This section describes the features of the VIRTIS Standard Product Archive volumes, including the file names, file contents, and file types, which apply to all VIRTIS data sets. More details on the data sets are provided in Section 4. 3.1 Format and Conventions -------------------------- 3.1.1 Deliveries and Archive Volume Format -------------------------------------------- Delivery of data from the VIRTIS team to the PSA for archiving is done through Internet, using the PVV tool, according to the release concept described in [AD3]. In conformity with guidelines also provided in [AD3], data are organized so that one VIRTIS data set will coincide with a single logical volume. Data Set Name Volume ID -------------------------------------------------------- ROSETTA-ORBITER EARTH VIRTIS 2 EAR1 V1.0 ROVIR_1002 Table 3.1 – VIRTIS Data Sets and corresponding Volume ID’s. 3.1.2 Data Set ID Formation ------------------------------ The value of this keyword is formed following the PDS rules and the Rosetta archive conventions as written in [AD 4]. This volume contains the data from the first Earth swing-by mission phase. Details on the single acquisitions (kind of observation, target, timing and so on) can be found in the table contained in the appendix E. Data Set Name Data Set ID ----------------------------------------------------------- ROSETTA-ORBITER EARTH VIRTIS 2 EAR1 V1.0 RO-E-VIRTIS-2-EAR1-V1.0 Table 3.2 – VIRTIS Data Set ID’s. 3.1.3 Data Directory Naming Convention ---------------------------------------- The /data directory is structured in three subdirectories: /data/VIRTIS_M_VIS: contains VIRTIS-M VIS channel cubes; /data/VIRTIS_M_IR: contains VIRTIS-M IR channel cubes; /data/VIRTIS_H: contains VIRTIS-H channel cubes; 3.1.4 Filenaming Convention ----------------------------- All data product files throughout different VIRTIS data sets will be named using the same file naming convention. Data cubes are named according to the suffix indicating the channel, the spacecraft clock reset number and the acquisition SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT (integer part). The possible suffix values are the following: ? V for –M VIS data ? I for –M IR data ? H for –H calibration data ? S for –H dark frame data ? T for –H standard data For example, acquisitions starting at SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT = 1/21983325.39258 (1/ is the clock reset number) are named: V_SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT.QUB = V1_21983325.QUB I_SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT.QUB = I1_21983325.QUB T_SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT.QUB = T1_21983325.QUB Due to internal synchronization delays, the same acquisition could be shifted by few seconds among the three channels. 3.2 Standards Used in Data Product Generation --------------------------------------------- 3.2.1 PDS Standards ------------------- All the data released by the VIRTIS Team for archiving are compliant with the Planetary Data System (PDS) standard. This standard imposes requirements on several aspects of the data product generation process, among which the need for a detailed documentation describing the origin, structure and processing undergone by data, for their accurate location in space and time, and in general for all auxiliary and ancillary data which are needed for the scientific use of the data products. This information has to be provided in an Object Description Language (ODL), in the format keyword = value, where keyword is a standard term used to label a parameter (e.g. latitude), and value is any allowed information quantifying that parameter. 3.2.2 Time Standards -------------------- Time information is normally provided both in UTC formatted as ISO time strings and in spacecraft clock count (number of seconds elapsed since last clock resynchronization in the spacecraft frame). START_TIME and STOP_TIME values formation ------------------------------------------------- The PDS formation rule for dates and time in UTC is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff or YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss.fff, with • YYYY year (0000-9999) • MM month (01-12) • DD day of month (01-31) • DDD day of year (001-366) • T date/time separator • hh hour (00-23) • mm minute (00-59) • ss second (00-59) • fff fractions of second (000-999) (restricted to 3 digits) SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SC_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT ---------------------------------------------------- The SC_CLOCK*COUNTS represents the on-board time counters (OBT) of the spacecraft and instrument computers. This OBT counter is given in the headers of the experiment telemetry source packets. It contains the data acquisition start time as 32 bit of unit seconds followed by 16 bit of fractional seconds. The time resolution of the fractional part is 2-16 = 1.52×10-5 seconds. Thus the OBT is represented as a decimal real number in floating-point notation with 5 digits after a full stop character. A reset of the spacecraft clock is represented by an integer number followed by a slash, e.g. “1/” or “2/”. Example 1: SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/21983325.39258" Example 2: SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "21983325.39258" Example 3: SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "2/0000325.39008" Example 1 and Example 2 are representing the same time instance. OBT to UTC time conversion ---------------------------------- Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) is a function of the time correlation packages and the on-board time. The time correlation packages are archived and distributed in the SPICE auxiliary data set and contain a linear segments that map the on-board time to UTC time. The linear segment is represented by a time offset and a time gradient. The conversion function is: Time in UTC = offset + ( OBT(seconds) + ( OBT(fractional part) * 2-16 ) ) * gradient 3.2.3 Reference Systems ----------------------- During the cruise phase of Rosetta, always the planetocentric body-fixed rotating coordinate system is used in order to compute geometric quantities relative to targets in the solar system. The planetocentric latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane and a vector connecting the point of interest and the origin of the coordinate system. Latitudes are defined to be positive in the northern hemisphere of the body, where north is in the direction of Earth's angular momentum vector, i.e., pointing toward the northern hemisphere of the solar system invariant plane. Longitudes increase toward the east, making the planetocentric system right-handed. The easternmost (rightmost) longitude of a target is the maximum numerical value of longitude unless it crosses the Prime Meridian. For the Earth and the Moon, PDS supports the traditional use of the range [-180°,180°] in which case the easternmost (rightmost) longitude is the maximum numerical value of longitude unless it crosses 180°. As regards the longitude, for the Earth and the Moon, the traditional use of the range [-180°,180°] is allowed. More information on the subject can be found in 3.2.4 Other Applicable Standards -------------------------------- N/A 3.3 Data Validation ------------------- Validation of data is performed at different levels of detail and using different procedures. A first validation of the content of the data is taking place directly at the EGSE, where it is possible to have an idea of the completeness of telemetry and of the instrument behavior. Then, EGSE software is building the PDS qubes and the associated labels, using a template, with minimum human intervention. The keyword DATA_QUALITY_ID (with the associated DATA_QUALITY_DESC) has been inserted in the header of the qubes; this keyword is taking the value “1” if no TM data is missing, and “0” if this is not the case. A complete scientific validation of the data is taking place during the proprietary period as VIRTIS Co-I’s perform their scientific analysis and examine in detail the content of each data product. 3.4 Content --------------- 3.4.1 Volume Set ------------------ As the concept of a volume as defined in the PDS standard is based on physical media, e.g. CD-Rs, the PSA does not use the name volume. Instead, the concept of deliveries is defined for the PSA and the term delivery is used for the PSA. However, here and in the following sections we will use the word “volume” to refer to a standard PDS directory structure for a data set in which the entire data set consists of a single (virtual) volume. Different VIRTIS data sets will be organized as separate virtual volumes, and the concept of volume set will not be used. 3.4.2 Data Set ---------------- The value of the keyword DATA_SET_NAME is formed following the PDS rules and the Rosetta archive conventions as written in [AD 4], so the DATA_SET_ID for this delivery will have the values: ROSETTA-ORBITER EARTH VIRTIS 2 EAR1 V1.0 3.4.3 Directories ------------------- VIRTIS data sets are organized into one data set on one virtual volume and use the standard PDS volume structure. This structure is described in Section 19.3 of [AD2]. The content of each directory is detailed in the following sections. Root Directory ---------------------- Files in this directory are provided by the VIRTIS science team, and will remain the same across different volumes. File Name File Contents ----------------------------- AAREADME.TXT Volume content and format information VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of the volume in a PDS format readable by both humans and computers Table 3.3 – Files located in the root directory of a VIRTIS data volume. Calibration Directory ----------------------------- In the CALIB directory the last available versions of calibration files for all the channels can be found: • VIRTIS_M_VIS_RESP_10_V1.DAT : 432x256 double precision matrix (binary) containing the VIRTIS-M-VIS Instrumental Transfer Function, including the VIS flat-Field. • VIRTIS_M_IR_RESP_10_V1.DAT = 432x256 double precision matrix (binary) containing the VIRTIS-M-IR Instrumental Transfer Function, including the VIS flat-Field. • VIRTIS_M_HRES_SPECAL_10_V1.TAB = 432 row ASCII table containing the wavelengths of the VIRTIS-M-VIS and -M-IR channels in High Resolution Mode. • VIRTIS_M_NRES_SPECAL_10_V1.TAB = 144 row ASCII table containing the wavelengths of the VIRTIS-M-VIS and -M-IR channels in Nominal Resolution Mode. • DEADPIXELMAP = pixels not included in the summing of the intensity of pixels illuminated through the slit. • VIRTIS_H_SPECTRAL_COEF_V1.TAB = coefficients of the second order polynomials used to derive the wavelengths in µm. • VIRTIS_H_SPECTRAL_WIDTH_V1.TAB = coefficients of the polynomials used to derive the FWHM. • VIRTIS_H_TRANSFERT_FCT_V1.TAB = flat-field in spectrum format (i.e., extracted from the detector image in the same way as the data) The two calibration pipelines are described in AD[17] and AD [18]. Catalog Directory ------------------------- Files in this directory are catalogue files, that is files containing PDS catalogue objects. Such objects provide high-level information suitable for loading into a database to facilitate searches across data sets, collections and volumes. These files are provided by the VIRTIS science team, with the concurrence of the PSA, and will remain the same across different volumes. File Name File Contents ----------------------------- CATINFO.TXT Text description of the directory contents MISSION.CAT PDS catalogue object for the mission INSTHOST.CAT PDS catalogue object for the spacecraft INST.CAT PDS catalogue object for the instrument TARGET.CAT PDS catalogue object for the targets DATASET.CAT PDS catalogue object for the VIRTIS data set REF.CAT PDS catalogue object for references appearing in the documentation Table 3.4 – Files located in the CATALOG subdirectory of a VIRTIS data volume Index Directory ------------------------ This directory contains indexes, that is files with information that allows a user to locate data of interest. Within the Planetary Science Archive (PSA), index files fulfill two more purposes. First, some index files are read by database software and allow the ingestion of additional parameters into the database. Secondly, the PSA is using the index files to check for correct deliveries of data set revisions into the PSA. Indexes are written as INDEX_TABLE objects, that is a specific type of PDS ASCII TABLE objects, and are provided with detached PDS label files. The set of index files for VIRTIS, as required in [AD3], is: File Name File Contents ----------------------------- INDXINFO.TXT Text description of the directory contents INDEX.LBL Detached PDS label to describe INDEX.TAB INDEX.TAB PDS table, listing all files in the DATA directory for the corresponding release and revision. Table 3.5 – Files located in the INDEX subdirectory of a VIRTIS data volume. The entire contents of the INDEX directory will be sent with each release or revision delivered to the PSA. Dataset Index File, index.lbl and TBW Geometric Index File, geoindex.lbl and TBW Browse Directory and Browse Files ----------------------------------------- This directory is not used in VIRTIS data volumes. Geometry Directory -------------------------- TBW Software Directory -------------------------- The software we are delivering, being a set of IDL procedures, will be found in the directory DOCUM. Gazetter Directory -------------------------- This directory is not used in VIRTIS data volumes. Label Directory ----------------------- This directory is not used in VIRTIS data volumes. Document Directory ---------------------------------- Files in this directory are provided by the VIRTIS science team, and are the same for all the volumes. File Name File Contents ----------------------------------------------------- DOCINFO.TXT Text description of the directory contents VIRTIS_nnn.LBL PDS labels for all the documents contained in the directoryVIRTIS_EAICD.TXT VIRTIS EAICD (this document) in ASCII text VIRTIS_EAICD.PDF VIRTIS EAICD (this document) in PDF format VIRTIS_EXP_USER_MANUAL.TXT VIRTIS User Manual in ASCII text VIRTIS_EXP_USER_MANUAL.PDF VIRTIS User Manual in PDF format VIRTIS_M_CALIBRATION_REPORT.TXT VIRTIS_M Calibration report in ASCII text VIRTIS_M_CALIBRATION_REPORT.PDF VIRTIS_M Calibration report in PDF format VIRTIS_H_CALIBRATION.TXT VIRTIS_H documentation in ASCII text VIRTIS_H_CALIBRATION.PDF VIRTIS_H documentation in PDF format VIRTIS_PDS_IDL_SW_MANUAL.PDF IDL software documentation in PDF format Table 3.6 – Files located in the DOCUMENT subdirectory of a VIRTIS data volume. Extras Directory -------------------------------- To the moment, this directory is empty. Data Directory ------------------------------ The DATA directory contains the actual data products generated by the VIRTIS team. Data files are organized into subdirectories, each containing data collected over one channel: /data/VIRTIS_M_VIS: contains VIRTIS-M VIS channel cubes; /data/VIRTIS_M_IR: contains VIRTIS-M IR channel cubes; /data/VIRTIS_H: contains VIRTIS-H channel cubes; 4 Detailed Interface Specifications ------------------------------------ 4.1 Structure and Organization Overview ------------------------------------------ Measurements are provided as DN per spectral channel in Qube objects, with housekeeping parameters in the sideplanes. Data from the three focal planes are stored in separate files. The logical object Qube is composed by a data area and an attached label. The data area is composed by a 3-dimension matrix containing science measurements (the core) and a sideplane containing the housekeeping. Data produced during a sub-session by each of the three focal planes (VIS, IR and H) are always stored in separate PDS-formatted files. For each channel, science data and dark frames are stored in the same file, interleaved in the Qube core, in the order in which they are transmitted. Each frame of the Qube core corresponds to a frame in the sideplane containing the HK parameters acquired at the corresponding time. Some housekeepings values that remain constant during a sub-session, such as those defining the observation mode, are also stored in the label as keywords values. In summary, a raw data cube is composed by a sequence of: frame (Nband x Nsample values) + housekeeping parameter values (Nband x number of rows required to accommodate all the housekeeping parameters). The data area starts always with an empty record, corresponding to the HISTORY object . This is necessary in order to maintain the compatibility with the ISIS software. 4.1.1 Data storage and grouping --------------------------------- Data storage in the PDS files is determined by the data production mode of the instrument. The overall scheme to store raw data in calibration and during flight for –M and –H channels is described in the following sections. Raw data storage for –M channel --------------------------------------- Raw data form the Visible and the IR FPA are stored in different files as Qube objects, so as to simplify data handling (this will be different for reduced data, when all wavelengths are integrated). For each FPA, science data and dark frames are stored in the same file, interleaved in the Qube core, and appear in the order they are transmitted. Each frame of the Qube core corresponds to a frame in the sideplane that contains the housekeeping parameters acquired at the corresponding time. It is important to remember here that the data QUBE contains raw DN corrected for dark current: thanks to the integrated shutter, in fact, it’s possible to acquire dark current frames at regular intervals during the scan. Each time VIRTIS start a new cube, it collects a dark frame that is automatically subtracted by the main electronics from the successive frames. Dark frames are acquired at intervals given by the DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE parameter and are temporally stored in the QUBE along the scan. During the dark acquisition the scanning mirror is not moved to avoid the lost of a line along the scan. For this reason, in order to extract an image from the cube it’s necessary to remove dark current frames. These can be identified thanks to the shutter status value (SHUTT CMD=1 shutter closed, dark current; SHUTT CMD=0 shutter open, acquisition) stored in the HK. Raw data storage for –H channel --------------------------------------- Data are transferred by the ME according to one of three possible transfer modes: “image” (432 X 256 pixels), “spectrum” (sequence of 3456 measurements), and “64-spectra slice” (groups of 64 spectra compressed together). The data transferred through different modes cannot be stored together in a Qube object, because of their different dimensions. The operative modes are combinations of these three transfer modes, and therefore a specific data storage scheme is defined for each operating mode. These include: Nominal mode. Data measurements are grouped as sets of 64 spectra and transferred as “64-spectra slice”, interleaved with dark measurements transferred as “spectrum”. Two files are written together: - a qube, the core of which contains the measured spectra grouped in sets of 64 (3456 X 64 X sequence length). - a qube, the core of which contains the dark spectra (3456 X 1 X number of dark spectra). Notice that the number of dark measurements associated to one “spectral slice” depends on operational parameters, and can vary from several dark frames for a single set of spectra to less than one dark per set. The sideplane of each qube contains the corresponding housekeeping parameters. Nominal simulation mode. The data are produced by the instrument itself and contain known patterns used for calibration purposes. As long as data formatting is concerned this mode is formally identical to the nominal mode. Backup mode. Data measurements and interleaved dark measurements are transferred as images acquired in long sequences (notice that, despite its name, this is a usual functioning mode for science observations). Only one file is written: - a qube, the core of which contains the measured image frames and dark frames (432 X 256 X number of images acquired). The sideplane of the qube contains the housekeeping parameters corresponding to each frame. Calibration mode. A group of 7 images and a group of two spectra are acquired in sequence. Two short files are written: - a qube, the core of which contains the images of the detector (432 X 256 X 7). - a qube, the core of which contains the spectrum and the associated dark frame (3456 X 1 X 2). The sideplanes of each qube contain the corresponding housekeeping parameters. Spectral calibration simulation. A group of 2 images is produced, which are stored together in sequence. One single file is written: - a qube, the core of which contains 2 images of the detector (432 X 256 X 2). The sideplanes of the qube contains the corresponding housekeeping parameters. 4.1.2 Core structure ---------------------- A QUBE core is a 3-dimension structure containing science measurements. The axes of the QUBE are called BAND (spectral band defined by the wavelength), SAMPLE (spatial direction along the slit), and LINE (corresponding to different acquisitions, either a scan or a temporal axis). Individual elements of the QUBE are called pixels. The three types of 2-dimension structures in a QUBE are called: - FRAME (fixed LINE), provided by the detector at a given time; - IMAGE (fixed BAND), a spatial information reconstituted through time at a given wavelength; - SLICE (fixed SAMPLE), which is the third type of cut. The three types of 1-dimension structures in a QUBE are called: - ROW (fixed BAND and LINE), spatial information acquired in a single time step at a given wavelength; - SPECTRUM (fixed LINE and SAMPLE), relative to a given footpath on the target; - SCAN (fixed BAND and SAMPLE), spatial information reconstructed through time. The storage order is always (Band, Sample, Line) (i.e., band interleaved by pixel, or BIP), following the order of the telemetry data flow. The data produced by Virtis-H are either sets of spectra acquired in sequence but transferred with the same SCET (formally similar to M data), or 3D data with 2 spectral dimensions (detector images). The same definitions as above apply in this case; the only difference concerns the SAMPLE axis, which may contain either a set of spectra with the same SCET, or one of the detector dimensions, i.e. the second spectral axis. A FRAME always contains data transferred with the same SCET, but in the case of spectra their are actually acquired at different times. 4.1.3 Sideplane structure --------------------------- The sideplane contains all the HK related to the frames; it can be visualized as a supplementary plane. There are many HK (a detailed list is contained in the appendix D), and it would be almost impossible to store them in a different way; moreover, most of them refer only to the corresponding frame and not to the whole session.Each frame of the Qube core corresponds to a frame in the sideplane that contains the housekeeping parameters acquired at the corresponding time. All HK parameters are stored in the Qube sideplanes as integer variables (ie., using a constant number of bits whatever the dynamic range and the number of bits used to store the information in the telemetry data flow). Practically, this means that one (or some) complete line is added to each frame, the length of which is equal to the number of spectral bands, even if the number of housekeeping parameters stored in this line is smaller; in this case, this extra line must be padded with zeros. The sideplane corresponding to a frame in the cube is a set of rows containing information that document this frame. Each row of the sideplane has a number of items equal to the number of spectral bands in the cube core. The information is stored according to the following rules: • All data units (HK and other) are stored as two-bytes words exactly as they are transferred from the spacecraft. In particular, the byte ordering is preserved (MSB), • Elemental HK structures corresponding to the same frame are written in sequence along a sideplane row until there is no more space to add a complete structure in the row (ie., a sideplane row should always contain an entire number of structures). The end of the row is then padded with binary 0, and the following structure is written at the beginning of the next row (this is intended to keep the same index number in all rows for a given data). • The number of sideplane rows actually used is identical for each frame. It must be reported in the label with the SUFFIX_ITEM keyword It is important to remember here that the data QUBE contains raw DN corrected for dark current: thanks to the integrated shutter, in fact, it’s possible to acquire dark current frames at regular intervals during the scan. Each time VIRTIS start a new cube, it collects a dark frame that is automatically subtracted by the main electronics from the successive frames. Dark frames are acquired at intervals given by the DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE parameter and are temporally stored in the QUBE along the scan. During the dark acquisition the scanning mirror is not moved to avoid the lost of a line along the scan. For this reason, in order to extract an image from the cube it’s necessary to remove dark current frames. These can be identified thanks to the shutter status value (SHUTT CMD=1 shutter closed, dark current; SHUTT CMD=0 shutter open, acquisition) stored in the HK. 4.2 Data Product Design ----------------------- 4.2.1 Design of data for VIRTIS-M and H focal planes ---------------------------------------------------- All the data are organized in the logical structure called Qube; PDS labels describing the content of data files are always attached. The label provides descriptive information about the associated cube. PDS labels for all VIRTIS cubes have the same structure. Most of the keywords belong to one of the following groups: ? File information ? Data description ? Information on science operations ? Instrument status description ? Data object (qube) description Keywords belonging to the above groups are listed in the following sections, while the last section describes the other keywords. Examples of actual labels are provided in Appendix C; more details on the possible values of each keyword and the origin of each value can be found in Appendix B. In the following sections, the value field has been filled only when it has a constant value, at least for this delivery. Some of the keywords are beginning with “ROSETTA:”: these keywords are locally defined (or non standard) keywords, used to store information related to the instrument that standard keywords cannot accommodate. Following the official PDS documentation, they are identified in the labels as: : where is the mission name. File information ------------------------ PDS data product labels contain data element information that describes the physical structure of a data product file. The PDS file characteristic data elements are: PRODUCT_ID = ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 512 FILE_RECORDS = LABEL_RECORDS = FILE_STATE = CLEAN PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 END LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = ^HISTORY = ^QUBE = PRODUCER_ID = ROSETTA_VIRTIS_TEAM PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "CORADINI" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID = "VIRTIS_EGSE3" SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = PDS_VERSION_ID is the version number of the PDS standard document that is valid when a data product label is created. The keyword PRODUCT_ID gives the actual name of the file containing the qube data, while ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID contains the name the qube had on the EGSE, at the beginning of the pipeline producing the data. RECORD_TYPE is the record format of the file; all VIRTIS data files will be using a fixed-length record format. RECORD_BYTES is the number of bytes in a record. FILE_RECORDS is the length of the data file in records number, including the label; LABEL_RECORDS is the label length in records number. FILE_STATE identifies the correct and incorrect data files and is required for use with ISIS. Possible values are "CLEAN" and "DIRTY": the file status is "DIRTY" only when an inconsistency is found when reconstructing the file on the EGSE. ^QUBE is the pointer to the data object contained in the file. ^HISTORY is a pointer to an ASCII field located between the label and the data; it is required by ISIS. PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME contains the date and time in which the PDS file was created. TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID identifies the EGSE used to produce the data file. SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID identifies the software used to write the labels and format the data (i.e., the EGSE software for calibration and flight raw data, processing software for derived products). PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME identifies the organization responsible for developing the data products. Data description ------------------------ In this group all the keywords are listed that describe the data set, the mission, mission phase, instrument type and so on. The keyword “CHANNEL_ID” can have 3 possible values, corresponding to the 3 channels: “VIRTIS_M_VIS”, “VIRTIS_M_IR” and VIRTIS_H. DATA_SET_NAME = DATA_SET_ID = RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 PRODUCT_TYPE = EDR PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 2 MISSION_NAME = "INTERNATIONAL ROSETTA MISSION" MISSION_ID = ROSETTA INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ROSETTA_ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = RO MISSION_PHASE_NAME = PI_PDS_USER_ID = CORADINI INSTRUMENT_NAME = "VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIRTIS" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_DESC = "VIRTIS.EAICD.TXT" ROSETTA: CHANNEL_ID = DATA_QUALITY_ID = DATA_QUALITY_DESC = “0: INCOMPLETE ; 1: COMPLETE” DATA_QUALITY_ID is a data quality indicator. Possible values are 0 if lines are missing, 1 if the data are complete, "NULL" is no diagnostic. CHANNEL_ID is a mission specific KW that identifies the instrument channel producing the data and can have 3 possible values : “VIRTIS_M_VIS”, “VIRTIS_M_IR” and VIRTIS_H. RELEASE_ID and REVISION_ID identify the specific release of the dataset. ^INSTRUMENT_DESC is a pointer to a file that gives a description of the instrument, in this case this same document. Science operations description -------------------------------------- The keywords listed in this group are related to the science operation: they contain the information on the target, the timing and so on. This is the group in which the geometric keywords are listed : the values necessary to complete these keywords must be generated with a software code accessing SPICE files. TARGET_TYPE = TARGET_NAME = START_TIME = STOP_TIME = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = ORBIT_NUMBER = "N/A" OBSERVATION_TYPE = SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR = SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR = COORDINATE_SYSTEM_ID = “NULL” COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = “PLANETOCENTRIC” DECLINATION = RIGHT_ASCENSION = MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = MINIMUM_LATITUDE = EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE = PHASE_ANGLE = SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE = SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE = SOLAR_DISTANCE = SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE = SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE = SPICE_FILE_NAME = START_TIME and STOP_TIME give the corrected UTC spacecraft time of start and stop of observation; the second keyword must always be present even if the stop time is unknown or unavailable. Time strings format is described in the appendix C. SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT store the spacecraft time in its original form on the TM packet header; time string format is described in the appendix C. OBSERVATION_TYPE identifies the general type of the observation. SPICE_FILE_NAME is a pointer to the list of SPICE kernels used to compute the values related to the geometric keywords. The content of geometric keywords --------------------------------- In order to reconstruct the observational geometry for the VIRTIS experiment onboard Rosetta, a special procedure in the IDL language, based on the SPICE standard software (ICY distribution), has been developed. For the VIRTIS-M channel, the approach of self-generating “type 2” CK kernels (through the MSOPCK program supplied by the JPL NAIF team) reproducing the attitude of the internal scan mirror of VIRTIS, for a time interval corresponding to a given observation, is adopted. To do this, the SPICE frame kernel of Rosetta (as regards the VIRTIS section) and the SPICE instrument kernel of VIRTIS (in which a few minor bugs were reported) were updated accordingly after the Rosetta DAWG meeting held in June 2006. The procedure loads all of the SPICE kernels suitable for a given input time from a local database, including the proper CK kernel for the scan mirror, in order to reproduce the observational geometry for VIRTIS-M. For all of the geometric computations, the inertial reference frame is assumed to be the Earth mean equator of J2000 frame (‘EMEJ2000’, named ‘J2000’ in this document for concision). Moreover, for all of the ‘point’ geometric values, i.e., values that do not need the calculation for every element of the field of view (i.e., SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, PHASE_ANGLE, etc.), the mid exposure time (i.e., the central time of the acquisition) is always considered, since average values are a best summary of observing conditions in all cases, and provide a more efficient way to identify the desired data. SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR It is a 3-elements vector indicating the X-, Y-, and Z- components of the position vector from the spacecraft to Sun center, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time and stellar aberration. Each component is expressed in km units, F14.3 format. SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR It is a 3-elements vector indicating the X-, Y-, Z- components of the position vector from the spacecraft to target center expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for planetary (light time) and stellar aberration. Each component is expressed in km units, F14.3 format. If this keyword is not applicable (e.g., in case of data regarding internal calibrations or stellar observations), then the fake -1e32 value is applied to the three components by default. SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR It is a 3-elements vector indicating the X-, Y-, Z- components of the velocity vector of target relative to the spacecraft, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time. Each component is expressed in km sec-1 units, F14.3 format. If this keyword is not applicable (e.g., in case of data regarding internal calibrations or stellar observations), then the fake -1e32 value is applied to the three components by default. COORDINATE_SYSTEM_ID = "NULL" COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = "PLANETOCENTRIC" These keywords provide, respectively, the ID and full name of the coordinate system to which the state vectors are referenced. According to a PSA recommendation, during the cruise phase of Rosetta, always the Planetocentric body-fixed rotating coordinate system is used in order to compute geometric values relative to targets in the solar system. This system is suitable in the case of roughly spherical bodies (i.e., when the oblateness and/or the topography are negligible with respect to the global shape).The planetocentric latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane and a vector connecting the point of interest and the origin of the coordinate system. Latitudes are defined to be positive in the northern hemisphere of the body, where north is in the direction of Earth’s angular momentum vector, i.e., pointing toward the hemisphere north of the solar system invariant plane. Longitudes are eastward (i.e., increasing toward the east), making the Planetocentric system right-handed. DECLINATION RIGHT_ASCENSION These two keyword specify a point on the sky (DECLINATION element provides the value of an angle on the celestial sphere, measured north from the celestial equator to the point in question, whereas RIGHT_ASCENSION element provides the value of right ascension, which is defined as the arc of the celestial equator between the vernal equinox and the point where the hour circle through the point in question intersects the celestial equator – reckoned eastward). Both these values are computed in the J2000 reference system, and they are normally to be computed in case of inertial pointing (i.e., in conjunction with the “INERT” value of the SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE keyword if present), thus defining a pointing direction of the instrument’s boresight. Both the coordinates are expressed in degrees: declination in the [-90°,90°] range, and right ascension in the [0°,360°] range, F11.5 format. MAXIMUM_LATITUDE MINIMUM_LATITUDE These two keywords specify the northernmost and southernmost latitudes of the target, computed in the body-fixed, rotating coordinate system specified by the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME keyword. For the determination of these values, the geometric values computed for the center of each element of the field of view (pixel) are considered. Each value is expressed in degrees in the [-90°,90°] range, F9.5 format. EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE These two keywords specify the easternmost and westernmost longitudes of the target, computed in the body-fixed, rotating coordinate systems specified by the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME keyword. For the determination of these values, the geometric values computed for the center of each element of the field of view (pixel) are considered. In the planetocentric coordinate system, the easternmost (rightmost) longitude of a target is the maximum numerical value of longitude unless it crosses the Prime Meridian, whereas the westernmost longitude is the minimum numerical value of longitude. Each value is expressed in degrees, F9.5 format, in the [0°,360°] range. SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE This keyword provides the distance from the spacecraft to the nearest point on a reference surface of the target body measured normal to that surface. Expressed in km units, F14.3 format. PHASE_ANGLE This keyword specifies the phase angle of the target (i.e., the angle between a vector to the illumination source – namely the Sun – and a vector to the spacecraft). Expressed in degrees in the [0°,180°] range, F9.5 format. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE These two keywords provide the coordinates of the sub-spacecraft point on the target body, corrected for planetary (light time) and stellar aberration. These numbers are computed in the body-fixed, rotating coordinate systems specified by the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME keyword. Both the coordinates are expressed in degrees, F11.5 format, in the [0°,360°] range. SOLAR_DISTANCE This keyword provides the distance from the Sun to the target of an observation. In the computation, no aberration correction is applied, so that the real position of the Sun is considered. Expressed in km units, F14.3 format. SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE These two keywords provide the coordinates of the subsolar point on the target body, corrected for planetary (light time) and stellar aberration. These numbers are computed in the body-fixed, rotating coordinate systems specified by the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME keyword. Both the coordinates are expressed in degrees, F11.5 format, in the [0°,360°] range. Instrument status description ------------------------------------- The instrument status description and the operating parameters are contained in the following keywords, that are different for the two focal planes. Hereafter the keywords for M_VIS and M_IR files can be found. It should be noted that the names of two keywords, ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION and ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION, depend on the channel: in the case of the infrared channel VIS must be substituted by IR. INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TEXT" INST_CMPRS_NAME = INST_CMPRS_RATE = ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION = ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION = ROSETTA :SCAN_MODE_ID = SCAN_PARAMETER = SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC = ("SCAN_START_ANGLE", "SCAN_STOP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_NUMBER") SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT = ("DEGREE", "DEGREE", "DEGREE", "DIMENSIONLESS") FRAME_PARAMETER = FRAME_PARAMETER_DESC = ("EXPOSURE_DURATION", "FRAME_SUMMING", "EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME", "DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE") FRAME_PARAMETER_UNIT = ("S", "DIMENSIONLESS", "S", "DIMENSIONLESS") MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT = ("FOCAL_PLANE", "TELESCOPE", "SPECTROMETER", "CRYOCOOLER") INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K") This is the same group of keywords, shown for VIRTIS_H files, and followed by 3 keywords found only on –H data: INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = ROSETTA:SCAN_MODE_ID = INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" INST_CMPRS_NAME = INST_CMPRS_RATE = INST_CMPRS_RATIO = ROSETTA:VIR_H_START_X_POSITION = ROSETTA:VIR_H_START_Y_POSITION = FRAME_PARAMETER = FRAME_PARAMETER_DESC = ("EXPOSURE_DURATION", "FRAME_SUMMING", "FRAME_ACQUISITION_RATE", "INTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME", "DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE") FRAME_PARAMETER_UNIT = ("MS", "DIMENSIONLESS", "DIMENSIONLESS", "MS", "DIMENSIONLESS") MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT = ("FOCAL_PLANE", "GRATING", "PRISM", "CRYOCOOLER") INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K") ROSETTA:VIRTIS_DEAD_PIXEL_MAP_FILE_NAME = "DEADPIXELMAP.DAT" ROSETTA:VIRTIS_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF = ROSETTA:VIRTIS_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF_DESC = (("C11","C12","C13"), ("C21","C22","C23"), ("C31","C32","C33"), ("C41","C42","C43"), ("C51","C52","C53"), ("C61","C62","C63"), ("C71","C72","C73"), ("C81","C82","C83")) INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID is a code indicating the observation or calibration mode (see appendix C). This code refers to the VIRTIS operative mode as defined in the document pointed by ^INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC. A set of 3 keywords is giving information on the onboard compression software. INSTR_CMPR_NAME refers to the kind of algorithm applied (none, lossless or a lossy wavelet); INSTR_CMPR_RATE gives the compression ratio when using the wavelet algorithm, and INSTR_CMPR_RATIO gives the effective compression ratio obtained, computed by the EGSE. For details see appendix C. ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION and ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION give the X and Y coordinate of the first CCD pixel used on the M-Vis FPA (keyword invented for Virtis). This quantity determines the correspondence between wavelength and spectral channels. Analogue couples of keywords are defined for the other two channels. ROSETTA:SCAN_MODE_ID refers to the scan mode of Virtis-M. Possible values are 0 (pushbroom, i.e. no scanning), 1 (full scan), 2 (reduced scan). Scanning is performed in the cross-slit direction ie., along the track in the general case (except when the platform is depointed). A set of 3 keyword (only for –M) gives information on the scan mirror: SCAN_PARAMETER, SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC and SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT. The information given is the start, stop and step angle of the mirror; the fourth parameter is the number of acquisitions performed within one single scan unit position. A set of 3 keyword, slightly different for –M and –H, gives information on the frame acquisition. EXPOSURE_DURATION is the integration time expressed in milliseconds; it is the exposure time of elementary exposures when summing is performed. FRAME_SUMMING is the number of elementary exposures summed during a time step (i.e, to build a frame). The product of EXPOSURE_DURATION and FRAME_SUMMING is the total integration time for each frame. EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME is the time required for a frame acquisition cycle (> EXPOSURE_DURATION x FRAME_SUMMING). DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE is the number of frames acquired between two background measurements. FRAME_ACQUISITION_RATE is the rate of frame acquisition, measured in internal repetition time, for -H only. Another group of keywords (MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE) provides the maximum temperatures, in Kelvin, measured on predefined points of VIRTIS during the observation sequence. The instantaneous values, referred to each frame, are stored in the cube sideplane and are used to optimize data reduction. ROSETTA:VIRTIS_DEAD_PIXEL_MAP_FILE_NAME is a pointer to an external file containing the positions of the dead pixels (only for –H). ROSETTA:VIRTIS_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF contains the values of the 24 pixel map coefficients for -H, formatted as E13.6. Data Objects Definition ------------------------------- The PDS requires a separate data object definition within the product label for the QUBE object, to describe its structure and associated attributes. The object definition for a QUBE is in the form: OBJECT = QUBE AXES = 3 AXIS_NAME = (BAND,SAMPLE,LINE) CORE_ITEMS = CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 2 CORE_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER CORE_BASE = 0.0 CORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM = "NULL" CORE_NULL = "NULL" CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_NAME = RAW_DATA_NUMBER CORE_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS SUFFIX_BYTES = 2 SUFFIX_ITEMS = SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NAME = "HOUSEKEEPING PARAMETERS" SAMPLE_SUFFIX_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_BYTES = 2 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER SAMPLE_SUFFIX_BASE = 0.0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_VALID_MINIMUM = "NULL" SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NULL = 65535 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_REPR_SAT = 0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_INSTR_SAT = 0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_REPR_SAT = 65535 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_INSTR_SAT = 65535 ^HOUSEKEEPING_DESCRIPTION = "EAICD.TXT" END_OBJECT = QUBE Keywords describing the Qube AXES is the number of data axes in the Qube object (always 3). AXIS_NAME indicates the organization of the object, bands interleaved by pixels, or BIP. For -M, it means that a complete spectrum is written contiguously, and spectra acquired at the same time step are written in sequence. CORE_ITEMS are the dimensions of the data cube. The three values specified are the spectral and spatial dimensions of the detector after binning (derived from INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID), and the number of frames acquired in the session. CORE_ITEM_BYTES and CORE_ITEM_TYPE give the type of data in the cube core: it is always 16 bits integers, MSB encoding, for raw data, whatever the architecture used to write the raw data files (ie., EGSE will not change byte encoding relative to the output of the instrument). CORE_BASE and CORE_MULTIPLIER allow scaling of data (useful for calibrated data only): true_value = base + (multiplier * stored_value). Values below the keyword CORE_VALID_MINIMUM are reserved for special use, following an ISIS convention. CORE_NULL is an optional code indicating invalid data. CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 32767 These are special values indicating instrument and representation saturation at both ends of the data range. CORE_NAME is the physical quantity recorded in the cube (required for ISIS). CORE_UNIT is the unit of data stored in the cube. CORE_UNIT_NOTE can be used to explain the conversion to real values, or anything, and it is reserved for future use. Keywords describing the Sideplane SUFFIX_ITEMS gives the structure of the suffix area, listed in the storage order defined by AXIS_NAME. The value is (0,Nl_s,0), where Nl_s is the number of lines required to store the housekeeping and ancillary information related to each frame of data. Each line is equivalent to an extra spectrum for each frame. This corresponds to data transfer order and saves the maximum possible space in the file. In this case, it means that Nl_s lines of Nb items will be written after the frame, where Nb is the number of spectral bands. SUFFIX_BYTES is the allocation in bytes of each suffix data value. This value is always 2 in labels written by EGSE. SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NAME = "HOUSEKEEPING PARAMETERS" provides the name of the suffix items along the sample axis. SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_BYTES provides the sizes in bytes of the suffix items along the sample axis (part of the allocation reserved by SUFFIX_BYTES which is actually used). A storage on two bytes can accommodate all VIRTIS HK. SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_TYPE provides the byte encoding of suffix items along the sample axis; always 16 bits integers, MSB encoding, for raw data, to remain consistent with core data. SAMPLE_SUFFIX_UNIT_NOTE can be used to comment on suffix area and is reserved for future use. ^HOUSEKEEPING_DESCRIPTION is a pointer to an ASCII file describing the list of housekeeping and event parameters in the order they are stored in the suffix area. It should be noted that the value of the keyword SUFFIX_BYTES is 2 instead of 4, as it would be required for compatibility with ISIS software: we did not follow this convention to avoid a large wasting of space. OBJECT = HISTORY DESCRIPTION = "NULL" END_OBJECT = HISTORY The object HISTORY is maintained for compatibility with ISIS software. 5 Appendix A: Software available to read PDS files -------------------------------------------------------- The VIRTIS EGSE contains a PDSviewer software written in C able to access and display the formatted VIRTIS data files. This software is not portable (Windows only) and will not be distributed outside the science team. The VIRTIS team maintains an IDL software library to read Virtis PDS files, including data files and related files such as transfer functions. This library is being delivered to PSA with a document explaining its content and usage. 6 Appendix B: Examples of actual labels --------------------------------------------- This is an example of a label for a M-VIS file, called V1_38807497.qub (M-IR labels are similar): PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "SE-MTC,01/03/2007" /* File format and length */ PRODUCT_ID = "V1_38807497.QUB" ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = "FV43P350.QUB" RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 512 FILE_RECORDS = 15192 LABEL_RECORDS = 11 FILE_STATE = CLEAN /* Pointers to data objects */ ^HISTORY = 12 OBJECT = HISTORY DESCRIPTION = "Reserved area for ISIS compatibility" END_OBJECT = HISTORY ^QUBE = 13 /* Producer information */ PRODUCER_ID = ROSETTA_VIRTIS_TEAM PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "CORADINI" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE ASTROFISICA" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-11-10T09:29:12.40 TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID = "VIRTIS_EGSE3" SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = {"EGSESOFT 7.0","PDS_CONVERTER_7.0"} /* Data description parameters */ DATA_SET_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER CAL VIRTIS 2 CVP V1.0" DATA_SET_ID = "RO-CAL-VIRTIS-2-CVP-V1.0" RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 PRODUCT_TYPE = EDR STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "VIRTIS DATA" PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 2 MISSION_NAME = "INTERNATIONAL ROSETTA MISSION" MISSION_ID = ROSETTA INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = RO MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "COMMISSIONING" PI_PDS_USER_ID = CORADINI INSTRUMENT_NAME = "VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIRTIS" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER" ^INSTRUMENT_DESC = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" ROSETTA:CHANNEL_ID = "VIRTIS_M_VIS" DATA_QUALITY_ID = 1 DATA_QUALITY_DESC = "0:INCOMPLETE ; 1:COMPLETE" /* Science operations information */ TARGET_TYPE = "CALIBRATION" TARGET_NAME = "CALIBRATION" START_TIME = 2004-03-25T03:51:50.850 STOP_TIME = 2004-03-25T04:03:04.673 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/38807497.6192" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/38808170.60127" ORBIT_NUMBER = "N/A" OBSERVATION_TYPE = "N/A" SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = "NULL" SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR = ("N/A", "N/A", "N/A") SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR = ("N/A", "N/A", "N/A") COORDINATE_SYSTEM_ID = "NULL" COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = "PLANETOCENTRIC" DECLINATION = -23.375 RIGHT_ASCENSION = 276.222 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = "N/A" MINIMUM_LATITUDE = "N/A" EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = "N/A" WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE = "N/A" PHASE_ANGLE = "N/A" SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE = "N/A" SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE = "N/A" SOLAR_DISTANCE = "N/A" SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE = "N/A" SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE = "N/A" /* Instrument status */ INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 07 ^INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" INST_CMPRS_NAME = "NONE" INST_CMPRS_RATE = 16 INST_CMPRS_RATIO = “NONE” ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION = 5 ROSETTA:VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION = 0 ROSETTA:SCAN_MODE_ID = 2 SCAN_PARAMETER = (0.16, 33.07, 0.26, 1.00) SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC = ("SCAN_START_ANGLE", "SCAN_STOP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_NUMBER") SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT = ("DEGREE", "DEGREE", "DEGREE", "DIMENSIONLESS") FRAME_PARAMETER = (1.00, 1.00, 5.00, 20.00) FRAME_PARAMETER_DESC = ("EXPOSURE_DURATION", "FRAME_SUMMING", "EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME", "DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE") FRAME_PARAMETER_UNIT = ("S", "DIMENSIONLESS", "S", "DIMENSIONLESS") MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = (176.33, 143.04, 142.52, 79.80) INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT = ("FOCAL_PLANE", "TELESCOPE", "SPECTROMETER", "CRYOCOOLER") INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K") /* Pointer to navigation data files */ SPICE_FILE_NAME = ("ATNR_P040302093352_00041.BC", "VIRTIS_ck2_F43P.bc", "DE405S.BSP", "ORHR_______________00041.BSP", "NAIF0008.TLS", "ROS_060511_STEP.TSC", "ros_virtis_v11.ti", "", "PCK00008.TPC") /* Cube keywords*/ OBJECT = QUBE AXES = 3 AXIS_NAME = (BAND, SAMPLE, LINE) CORE_ITEMS = (432, 256, 35) CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 2 CORE_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER CORE_BASE = 0.0 CORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM = "NULL" CORE_NULL = "NULL" CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_NAME = RAW_DATA_NUMBER CORE_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS SUFFIX_BYTES = 2 SUFFIX_ITEMS = (0, 1, 0) SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NAME = "HOUSEKEEPING PARAMETERS" SAMPLE_SUFFIX_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_BYTES = 2 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_SUFFIX_BASE = 0.0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_VALID_MINIMUM = "NULL" SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NULL = 65535 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_REPR_SAT = 0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_INSTR_SAT = 0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_REPR_SAT = 65535 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_INSTR_SAT = 65535 ^HOUSEKEEPING_DESCRIPTION = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" END_OBJECT = QUBE END This is an example of a label for an H file, called T1_38811591.qub: PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "SE-MTC,01/03/2007" /* File format and length */ PRODUCT_ID = "T1_38811591.QUB" ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = "FT43P50.QUB" RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 512 FILE_RECORDS = 5278 LABEL_RECORDS = 12 FILE_STATE = CLEAN /* Pointers to data objects */ ^HISTORY = 13 OBJECT = HISTORY DESCRIPTION = "Reserved area for ISIS compatibility" END_OBJECT = HISTORY ^QUBE = 14 /* Producer information */ PRODUCER_ID = ROSETTA_VIRTIS_TEAM PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "CORADINI" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-11-10T09:29:50.21 TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID = "VIRTIS_EGSE3" SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = {"EGSESOFT7.0","PDS_CONVERTER_7.0"} /* Data description parameters */ DATA_SET_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER CAL VIRTIS 2 CVP V1.0" DATA_SET_ID = "RO-CAL-VIRTIS-2-CVP-V1.0" RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 PRODUCT_TYPE = EDR PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 2 STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "VIRTIS DATA" MISSION_NAME = "INTERNATIONAL ROSETTA MISSION" MISSION_ID = ROSETTA INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = RO MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "COMMISSIONING" PI_PDS_USER_ID = CORADINI INSTRUMENT_NAME = "VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIRTIS" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER" ^INSTRUMENT_DESC = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" ROSETTA:CHANNEL_ID = "VIRTIS_H" DATA_QUALITY_ID = 1 DATA_QUALITY_DESC = "0:INCOMPLETE ; 1:COMPLETE" /* Science operations information */ TARGET_TYPE = "CALIBRATION" TARGET_NAME = "CALIBRATION" START_TIME = 2004-03-25T05:00:05.149 STOP_TIME = 2004-03-25T05:13:42.765 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/38811591.25691" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/38812408.20890" ORBIT_NUMBER = "N/A" OBSERVATION_TYPE = "N/A" SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = (141327214.48, 13225356.06, 5271133.63) SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR = ("N/A", "N/A", "N/A") SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR = ("N/A", "N/A", "N/A") COORDINATE_SYSTEM_ID = "NULL" COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = "PLANETOCENTRIC" DECLINATION = -23.372 RIGHT_ASCENSION = 276.278 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = "N/A" MINIMUM_LATITUDE = "N/A" EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = "N/A" WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE = "N/A" PHASE_ANGLE = "N/A" SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE = "N/A" SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE = "N/A" SOLAR_DISTANCE = "N/A" SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE = "N/A" SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE = "N/A" /* Instrument status */ INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = 10 ^INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" INST_CMPRS_NAME = "REVERSIBLE" INST_CMPRS_RATE = "N/A" INST_CMPRS_RATIO = “NONE” ROSETTA:VIR_H_START_X_POSITION = "NULL" ROSETTA:VIR_H_START_Y_POSITION = "NULL" FRAME_PARAMETER = (600.00, 1.00, -1e32, 2.00, 10.00) FRAME_PARAMETER_DESC = ("EXPOSURE_DURATION", "FRAME_SUMMING", "FRAME_ACQUISITION_RATE", "INTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME", "DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE") FRAME_PARAMETER_UNIT = ("MS", "DIMENSIONLESS", "DIMENSIONLESS", "MS", "DIMENSIONLESS") MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE = (81.46, 140.15, 143.76, 79.70, -1e32) INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT = ("FOCAL_PLANE", "GRATING", "PRISM", "CRYOCOOLER") INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = ("K", "K", "K", "K") ROSETTA:VIR_DEAD_PIXEL_MAP_FILE_NAME = "DEADPIXELMAP.DAT" ROSETTA:VIR_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF = ((3.842015E+001,1.222768E-001,9.361610E-005), (9.109106E+001,9.826208E-002,5.859880E-005), (1.261752E+002,8.349553E-002,3.504720E-005), (1.517716E+002,6.967339E-002,1.929840E-005), (1.709789E+002,5.490164E-002,1.546990E-005), (1.849946E+002,4.500468E-002,1.146040E-005), (1.953808E+002,4.088580E-002,1.903530E-006), (2.034616E+002,3.525547E-002,-1.225590E-008)) ROSETTA:VIR_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF_DESC = (("C11","C12","C13"), ("C21","C22","C23"), ("C31","C32","C33"), ("C41","C42","C43"), ("C51","C52","C53"), ("C61","C62","C63"), ("C71","C72","C73"), ("C81","C82","C83")) /* Pointer to navigation data files */ SPICE_FILE_NAME = ("ATNR_P040302093352_00041.BC", "VIRTIS_ck2_F43P.bc", "DE405S.BSP", "ORHR_______________00041.BSP", "NAIF0008.TLS", "ROS_060511_STEP.TSC", "ros_virtis_v11.ti", "", "PCK00008.TPC") /* Cube keywords*/ OBJECT = QUBE AXES = 3 AXIS_NAME = (BAND, SAMPLE, LINE) CORE_ITEMS = (3456, 64, 6) CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 2 CORE_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER CORE_BASE = 0.0 CORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM = "NULL" CORE_NULL = "NULL" CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32768 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = 32767 CORE_NAME = RAW_DATA_NUMBER CORE_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS SUFFIX_BYTES = 2 SUFFIX_ITEMS = (0, 1, 0) SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NAME = "HOUSEKEEPING PARAMETERS" SAMPLE_SUFFIX_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_BYTES = 2 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_SUFFIX_BASE = 0.0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_VALID_MINIMUM = "NULL" SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NULL = 65535 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_REPR_SAT = 0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_INSTR_SAT = 0 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_REPR_SAT = 65535 SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_INSTR_SAT = 65535 ^HOUSEKEEPING_DESCRIPTION = "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" END_OBJECT = QUBE END 7 Appendix C: Origin of the keyword values ------------------------------------------------ The following table contains origin and possible values for Virtis M-Vis, M-Ir and H cubes. It should be noted that “constant” in the field “origin of value” mostly means that the value should be the same in all the files, not that it cannot never be changed. KEYWORD POSSIBLE VALUES ORIGIN OF VALUES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PDS_VERSION_ID PDS3 (constant) LABEL_REVISION_NOTE "SE-MTC, 01/03/2007" (constant) /* File format and length */ PRODUCT_ID Suffix indicating the channel + spacecraft clock reset number and the acquisition SC_CLOCK_START_COUNT (integer part). ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID EGSE RECORD_TYPE FIXED_LENGTH (constant) RECORD_BYTES 512 (constant) FILE_RECORDS Total file length / RECORD_BYTES (closest integer greater than or equal to this value) LABEL_RECORDS Smallest integer large enough to accommodate the label up to END keyword (ie., label length in byte = LABEL_RECORD * 512) FILE_STATE CLEAN (constant) /* Pointers to data objects */ (constant) ^HISTORY LABEL_RECORDS +1 OBJECT HISTORY (constant) DESCRIPTION “NULL” (constant) END_OBJECT HISTORY (constant) ^QUBE LABEL_RECORDS +2 /* Producer information */ PRODUCER_ID ROSETTA_VIRTIS_TEAM (constant) PRODUCER_FULL_NAME "CORADINI" (constant) PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME "ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA SPAZIALE" Place where the PDS file is written PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff EGSE, formatted (UTC time when the PDS file is written) TELEMETRY_SOURCE_ID "VIRTIS_EGSE" EGSE ( is the version number of EGSE itself) SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID {"EGSE_SOFT_", "PDS_CONVERTER_

"} EGSE ( and

are the version numbers of EGSE software and PDS converter) /* Data description parameters */ DATA_SET_NAME "ROSETTA-ORBITER CAL VIRTIS 2 CVP V1.0" EGSE, with control from operator “ROSETTA-ORBITER EARTH VIRTIS 2 EAR1 V1.0" “ROSETTA-ORBITER CAL/9P VIRTIS 2 CR2 V1.0" DATA_SET_ID "RO-CAL-VIRTIS-2-CVP-V1.0" EGSE, with control from operator "RO-E-VIRTIS-2-EAR1-V1.0" "RO-CAL/C-VIRTIS-2-CR2-V1.0" RELEASE_ID 0001 Initial value from EGSE, can be changed REVISION_ID 0000 Initial value from EGSE, can be changed PRODUCT_TYPE EDR (constant) STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID “VIRTIS DATA” (constant) PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID 2 EGSE, with control from operator MISSION NAME "INTERNATIONAL ROSETTA MISSION" (constant) MISSION_ID ROSETTA (constant) INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME "ROSETTA-ORBITER" (constant) INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID RO (constant) MISSION_PHASE_NAME “COMMISSIONING” EGSE, input string from operator “EARTH SWING-BY 1” "CRUISE 2" PI_PDS_USER_ID CORADINI (constant) INSTRUMENT_NAME "VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER" (constant) INSTRUMENT_ID "VIRTIS" (constant) INSTRUMENT_TYPE "IMAGING SPECTROMETER" (constant) ^INSTRUMENT_DESC "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT” (constant) ROSETTA:CHANNEL_ID "VIRTIS_M_IR" (constant) “VIRTIS_M_VIS” "VIRTIS_H " DATA_QUALITY_ID 0 0 if lines are missing 1 1 if OK "NULL" "NULL" is no diagnostic DATA_QUALITY_DESC "0:INCOMPLETE ; 1: COMPLETE" (constant) /* Science operations information */ TARGET_TYPE "PLANET” EGSE, input string from operator "CALIBRATION" “STAR” "COMET" TARGET_NAME "CALIBRATION" EGSE, input string from operator "EARTH" "MOON" "9P/ TEMPEL 1 (1867 G1)" START_TIME yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff Corrected S/C time in flight (UTC), from RSOC STOP_TIME yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff Corrected S/C time in flight (UTC) , or "NULL" from RSOC SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT "n/sssssssssss.fffff" Formatted, from TM packet data field header. n is increased after each resynchronization of the S/C clock, starting from 1 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT "n/sssssssssss.fffff" Formatted, from TM packet data field header. n is increased after each resynchronization of the S/C clock, starting from 1 ORBIT_NUMBER N/A OBSERVATION_TYPE N/A SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR From navigation information SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR From navigation information SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR From navigation information COORDINATE_SYSTEM_ID “NULL” From navigation information COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME "PLANETOCENTRIC" constant DECLINATION From navigation information, if inertial pointing RIGHT_ASCENSION From navigation information, if inertial pointing MAXIMUM_LATITUDE To be filled from navigation info. In decimal degrees. MINIMUM_LATITUDE To be filled from navigation info. In decimal degrees. EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE To be filled from navigation info. In decimal degrees, Eastward longitudes WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE To be filled from navigation info. In decimal degrees, Eastward longitudes SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE To be filled from navigation info. Unit must be present PHASE_ANGLE To be filled from navigation info SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE To be filled from navigation info SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE To be filled from navigation info. SOLAR_DISTANCE To be filled from navigation info. SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE To be filled from navigation info. SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE To be filled from navigation info. /* Instrument status */ INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID 1 M_Off -M channel; from ME_default_HK V_MODE 2 M_Cool_Down 3 M_Idle 4 M_Annealing 5 M_PEM_On 6 M_Test 7 M_Calibration 8 M_Science_High_Spectral_1 9 M_Science_High_Spectral_2 10 M_Science_High_Spectral_3 11 M_Science_High_Spatial_1 12 M_Science_High_Spatial_2 13 M_Science_High_Spatial_3 14 M_Science_Nominal_1 15 M_Science_Nominal_2 16 M_Science_Nominal_3 17 M_Science_Nominal_Compressed 18 M_Science_Reduced_Slit 19 M_User_Defined 20 M_Degraded 63 M_ME_Test 1 H_Off -H channel; from ME_default_HK V_MODE 2 H_Cool_Down 3 H_Idle 4 H_Annealing 5 H_PEM_On 6 H_Test 7 H_Calibration 8 H_Nominal_Simulation 9 H_Science_Maximum_Data_Rate 10 H_Science_Nominal_Data_Rate 11 H_Science_Minimum_Data_Rate 12 (deleted) 13 H_Science_Backup 14 H_User_Defined 15 (deleted) 16 (deleted) 17 (deleted) 18 H_Spectral_Calibration_Simulation 19 H_Degraded 63 H_ME_Test ^INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC "VIRTIS_EAICD.TXT" constant INST_CMPRS_NAME “NONE” “REVERSIBLE” “WAVELET” INST_CMPRS_RATE 16 16 applies when INST_CMPRS_NAME is N/A “NONE”, N/A when its is “REVERSIBLE”; 2 when INST_CMPRS_NAME is WAVELET, this 1.5 kw can take the values 2,1.5 and 1, 1 depending on the compression ratio. INST_CMPRS_RATIO Effective compression ratio, computed when the data are received on ground ROSETTA: VIR_VIS_START_X_POSITION (0 to 437) (From event reporting TM M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS M_CCD_WIN_X1) ROSETTA: VIR_VIS_START_Y_POSITION (0 to 255) (From event reporting TM M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS M_CCD_WIN_Y1) ROSETTA: VIR_IR_START_X_POSITION (0 to 437) (From event reporting TM M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS M_IR_WIN_X1) ROSETTA: VIR_IR_START_Y_POSITION (0 to 255) (From event reporting TM M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS M_IR_WIN_Y1) ROSETTA:SCAN_MODE_ID 0: Pushbroom (point) From event reporting TM 1: Full scan M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS, M_SU 2: Off SCAN_PARAMETER From event reporting TM M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS, respectively: • M_alfa_first • M_alfa_last • M_delta_alfa • M_N_alfa_IRT SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC ("SCAN_START_ANGLE", constant "SCAN_STOP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_ANGLE", "SCAN_STEP_NUMBER") SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT ("DEGREE”, “DEGREE”, “DEGREE”, “DIMENSIONLESS”) constant FRAME_PARAMETER -M channel • First value from M_IR HK: M_IR_EXPO *10 • 2nd and 3rd values fom event reporting TM M_DUMP_OPERATIONAL_PARAMETERS: • M_SS • M_ERT (decoded, in s) • 4th value from M_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETER: M_D/BCK_RATE -H channel From event reporting TM H_DUMP_OPERATIONAL_PARAMETER • First value: = [ (H_INT_SCIENCE_NUM2*1024) + H_INT_SCIENCE_NUM1 ] * 512/1000 • Second value (number of summed frames) : = 1 if H_Sum = 0 = H_N_Sum_Frame if H_SUM =1 • Third value (acquisition rate): = H_N_FRAME if H_Sum = 0 = 1 if H_SUM =1 • Fourth value: if H_SUM = 0: = { [ (H_INT_SCIENCE_NUM2*1024) + H_INT_SCIENCE_NUM1 ] * 512/1000 + Ttrf } * H_N_FRAME if H_SUM = 1 : = { [ (H_INT_SCIENCE_NUM2*1024) + H_INT_SCIENCE_NUM1 ] * 512/1000 + Ttrf } where: Ttrf = 366.756 (ms) in spectrum or 64-spectral slice transfer mode Ttrf = 1275.576 (ms) in image transfer mode (Ttrf = readout + idle time) • Fifth value: H_DARK_RATE FRAME_PARAMETER_DESC ("EXPOSURE_DURATION", "FRAME_SUMMING", -M channel, constant "EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME", "DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE") ("EXPOSURE_DURATION", "FRAME_SUMMING", -H channel, constant "FRAME_ACQUISITION_RATE", "INTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME", "DARK_ACQUISITION_RATE") FRAME_PARAMETER_UNIT ("S", "DIMENSIONLESS", "S", "DIMENSIONLESS") -M channel, constant ("MS", "DIMENSIONLESS", "DIMENSIONLESS", "MS", -H channel, constant "DIMENSIONLESS") MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE -M channel Respectively from: • M_IR HK, M_IR_TEMP • M_IR HK, M_TELE_TEMP • M_IR HK, M_SPECT_TEMP • ME/M general HK, M_COOL_TIP_TEMP Maximum values encountered in the file for the parameters. All are given in K (decoded). -H channel Respectively from: • H HK, HKMs_Temp_FPA • H HK, HKMs_Temp_Grating • H HK, HKMs_Temp_Prism • ME/H general HK, H_COOL_TIP_TEMP Maximum values encountered in the file for the parameters. All are given in K (decoded). INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT ("FOCAL_PLANE","TELESCOPE", "SPECTROMETER", "CRYOCOOLER") -M channel, constant ("FOCAL_PLANE", "GRATING","PRISM", "CRYOCOOLER") -H channel, constant INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT ("K", "K","K", "K") constant /* Keywords related only to H_files*/ ROSETTA: VIR_H_START_X_POSITION (0 to 7) From event reporting TM H_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS: H_XWIN ROSETTA: VIR_H_START_Y_POSITION (0 to 15) From event reporting TM H_DUMP_FUNCTIONAL_PARAMETERS: H_YWIN ROSETTA:VIRTIS_DEAD_PIXEL_MAP_FILE_NAME "DEADPIXELMAP.DAT" EGSE (external file name) File used during acquisition ROSETTA:VIRTIS_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF From event reporting TM H_DUMP_PIXEL_MAP_PARAMETERS (24 coefficients for the pixel map) ROSETTA:VIRTIS_H_PIXEL_MAP_COEF_DESC (("C11", "C12", "C13"), constant ("C21", "C22", "C23"), ("C31", "C32", "C33"), ("C41", "C42", "C43"), ("C51", "C52", "C53"), ("C61", "C62", "C63"), ("C71", "C72", "C73"), ("C81", "C82", "C83")) /* Pointer to navigation data files*/ SPICE_FILE_NAME EGSE (navigation file name) /* Cube keywords */ OBJECT QUBE constant AXES 3 constant AXIS_NAME (BAND,SAMPLE,LINE) constant CORE_ITEMS (x,y,z) x, y depend on operative mode z depend on session duration CORE_ITEM_BYTES 2 constant CORE_ITEM_TYPE MSB_INTEGER constant CORE_BASE 0.0 constant CORE_MULTIPLIER 1.0 constant CORE_VALID_MINIMUM "NULL" constant CORE_NULL "NULL" constant CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION -32768 constant CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION -32768 constant CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION 32767 constant CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION 32767 constant CORE_NAME RAW_DATA_NUMBER constant CORE_UNIT DIMENSIONLESS constant SUFFIX_BYTES 2 constant SUFFIX_ITEMS (0, Nl_s ,0) Nl_s = number of lines required to store the HK (depends on operational parameters) SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NAME "HOUSEKEEPING PARAMETERS" constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_UNIT DIMENSIONLESS constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_BYTES 2 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_ITEM_TYPE MSB_INTEGER constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_BASE 0.0 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_MULTIPLIER 1.0 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_VALID_MINIMUM "NULL" constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_NULL 65535 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_REPR_SAT 0 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_LOW_INSTR_SAT 0 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_REPR_SAT 65535 constant SAMPLE_SUFFIX_HIGH_INSTR_SAT 65535 constant ^HOUSEKEEPING_DESCRIPTION "VIRTIS.EAICD.TEXT" constant END_OBJECT QUBE constant END No associated value, must end in CR-LF Appendix D: Structure of H- and M- files sideplanes --------------------------------------------------- The following tables show the details of how the sideplanes of VIRTIS qubes are organized. For each word in the sideplane (first column), it is given the telemetry file (second column), the field, word number and data field in that telemetry from which the information is extracted. The word is copied from the telemetry and deposited in the sideplane as it is, without any change. Table D.1: Elemental HK structure for M files sideplane Word number Origin TM Field in this TM Word number in this TM Data Field ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 First Science reporting Data Field Header 4 SCET data, 1st word TM for this frame 2 _ _ 5 SCET data, 2nd word 3 _ _ 6 SCET data, 3rd word 4 _ Science Data Header 9 Acquisition ID 5 _ _ 10 Number of sub-slices + first serial number 6 _ _ 12 Data Type 7 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 8 VTM_ME_Default_HK_Report (SID1) Data Field Header 4 SCET periodic HK, 1st word 9 _ _ 5 SCET periodic HK, 2nd word 10 _ _ 6 SCET periodic HK, 3rd word 11 _ Source Data 10 V_MODE 12 _ _ 11 ME_PWR_STAT 13 _ _ 12 ME_PS_TEMP 14 _ _ 13 ME_DPU_TEMP 15 _ _ 14 ME_DHSU_VOLT 16 _ _ 15 ME_DHSU_CURR 17 _ _ 16 EEPROM_VOLT 18 _ _ 17 IF_ELECTR_VOLT 19 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 20 MTM_ME_General_HK_Report (SID2) Data Field Header 4 SCET periodic HK, 1st word 21 _ _ 5 SCET periodic HK, 2nd word 22 _ _ 6 SCET periodic HK, 3rd word 23 _ Source Data 10 M_ECA_STAT 24 _ _ 11 M_COOL_STAT 25 _ _ 12 M_COOL_TIP_TEMP 26 _ _ 13 M_COOL_MOT_VOLT 27 _ _ 14 M_COOL_MOT_CURR 28 _ _ 15 M_CCE_SEC_VOLT 29 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 30 MTM_VIS_HK_Report (SID4) Data Field Header 4 SCET HK, 1st word 31 _ _ 5 SCET HK, 2nd word 32 _ _ 6 SCET HK, 3rd word 33 _ Source Data 10 M_CCD_VDR_HK 34 _ _ 11 M_CCD_VDD_HK 35 _ _ 12 M_+5_VOLT 36 _ _ 13 M_+12_VOLT 37 _ _ 14 M_-12_VOLT 38 _ _ 15 M_+20_VOLT 39 _ _ 16 M_+21_VOLT 40 _ _ 17 M_CCD_LAMP_VOLT 41 _ _ 18 M_CCD_TEMP_OFFSET 42 _ _ 19 M_CCD_TEMP 43 _ _ 20 M_CCD_TEMP_RES 44 _ _ 21 M_RADIATOR_TEMP 45 _ _ 22 M_LEDGE_TEMP 46 _ _ 23 OM_BASE_TEMP 47 _ _ 24 H_COOLER_TEMP 48 _ _ 25 M_COOLER_TEMP 49 _ _ 26 M_CCD_WIN_X1 50 _ _ 27 M_CCD_WIN_Y1 51 _ _ 28 M_CCD_WIN_X2 52 _ _ 29 M_CCD_WIN_Y2 53 _ _ 30 M_CCD_DELAY 54 _ _ 31 M_CCD_EXPO 55 _ _ 32 M_MIRROR_SIN_HK 56 _ _ 33 M_MIRROR_COS_HK 57 _ _ 34 M_VIS_FLAG_ST 58 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 59 MTM_IR_HK_Report (SID5) Data Field Header 4 SCET HK, 1st word 60 _ _ 5 SCET HK, 2nd word 61 _ _ 6 SCET HK, 3rd word 62 _ Source Data 10 M_IR_VDETCOM_HK 63 _ _ 11 M_IR_VDETADJ_HK 64 _ _ 12 M_IR_VPOS 65 _ _ 13 M_IR_VDP 66 _ _ 14 M_IR_TEMP_OFFSET 67 _ _ 15 M_IR_TEMP 68 _ _ 16 M_IR_TEMP_RES 69 _ _ 17 M_SHUTTER_TEMP 70 _ _ 18 M_GRATING_TEMP 71 _ _ 19 M_SPECT_TEMP 72 _ _ 20 M_TELE_TEMP 73 _ _ 21 M_SU_MOTOR_TEMP 74 _ _ 22 M_IR_LAMP_VOLT 75 _ _ 23 M_SU_MOTOR_CURR 76 _ _ 24 M_IR_WIN_Y1 77 _ _ 25 M_IR_WIN_Y2 78 _ _ 26 M_IR_DELAY 79 _ _ 27 M_IR_EXPO 80 _ _ 28 M_IR_LAMP_SHUTTER 81 _ _ 29 M_IR_FLAG_ST 82 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE Table D.2: Elemental HK structure for H files sideplane Word number Origin TM Field in this TM Word number in this TM Data Field ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 First Science reporting Data Field Header 4 SCET data, 1st word TM for this frame 2 _ _ 5 SCET data, 2nd word 3 _ _ 6 SCET data, 3rd word 4 _ Science Data Header 9 Acquisition ID 5 _ _ 10 Number of sub-slices + first serial number 6 _ _ 12 Data Type 7 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 8 VTM_ME_Default_HK_Report Data Field Header 4 SCET periodic HK, 1st word (SID1) 9 _ _ 5 SCET periodic HK, 2nd word 10 _ _ 6 SCET periodic HK, 3rd word 11 _ Source Data 10 V_MODE 12 _ _ 11 ME_PWR_STAT 13 _ _ 12 ME_PS_TEMP 14 _ _ 13 ME_DPU_TEMP 15 _ _ 14 ME_DHSU_VOLT 16 _ _ 15 ME_DHSU_CURR 17 _ _ 16 EEPROM_VOLT 18 _ _ 17 IF_ELECTR_VOLT 19 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 20 HTM_ME_General_HK_Report Data Field Header 4 SCET periodic HK, 1st word 21 _ _ 5 SCET periodic HK, 2nd word 22 _ _ 6 SCET periodic HK, 3rd word 23 _ Source Data 10 H_ECA_STAT 24 _ _ 11 H_COOL_STAT 25 _ _ 12 H_COOL_TIP_TEMP 26 _ _ 13 H_COOL_MOT_VOLT 27 _ _ 14 H_COOL_MOT_CURR 28 _ _ 15 H_CCE_SEC_VOLT 29 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 30 HTM_HK_Report Data Field Header 4 SCET HK, 1st word 31 _ _ 5 SCET HK, 2nd word 32 _ _ 6 SCET HK, 3rd word 33 _ Source Data 10 HKRq_Int_Num2 34 _ _ 11 HKRq_Int_Num1 35 _ _ 12 HKRq_Bias 36 _ _ 13 HKRq_I_Lamp 37 _ _ 14 HKRq_I_Shutter 38 _ _ 15 HKRq_PEM_Mode 39 _ _ 16 HKRq_Test_Init 40 _ _ 17 HK_Rq_Device/On 41 _ _ 18 HKRq_Cover 42 _ _ 19 HKMs_Status 43 _ _ 20 HKMs_V_Line_Ref 44 _ _ 21 HKMs_Vdet_Dig 45 _ _ 22 HKMs_Vdet_Ana 46 _ _ 23 HKMs_V_Detcom 47 _ _ 24 HKMs_V_Detadj 48 _ _ 25 HKMs_V+5 49 _ _ 26 HKMs_V+12 50 _ _ 27 HKMs_V+21 51 _ _ 28 HKMs_V-12 52 _ _ 29 HKMs_Temp_Vref 53 _ _ 30 HKMs_Det_Temp 54 _ _ 31 HKMs_Gnd 55 _ _ 32 HKMs_I_Vdet_Ana 56 _ _ 33 HKMs_I_Vdet_Dig 57 _ _ 34 HKMs_I_+5 58 _ _ 35 HKMs_I_+12 59 _ _ 36 HKMs_I_Lamp 60 _ _ 37 HKMs_I_Shutter/Heater 61 _ _ 38 HKMs_Temp_Prism 62 _ _ 39 HKMs_Temp_Cal_S 63 _ _ 40 HKMs_Temp_Cal_T 64 _ _ 41 HKMs_Temp_Shut 65 _ _ 42 HKMs_Temp_Grating 66 _ _ 43 HKMs_Temp_Objective 67 _ _ 44 HKMs_Temp_FPA 68 _ _ 45 HKMs_Temp_PEM 69 _ _ 46 HKDH_Last_Sent_Request 70 _ _ 47 HKDH_Stop_Readout_Flag 71 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 72 0 0 FAKE, SPARE SPACE 9 Appendix E: Datasets tables ----------------------------------- ROSETTA-ORBITER EARTH VIRTIS 2 EAR1 V1.0 This dataset contains all the data acquired during the Earth flyby phase of the mission, from October, 17 2004 to April, 4 2005. The table contains: qube filename, target name, qube dimensions, start and stop time of the observation. PRODUCT_ID TARGET_NAME CORE_ITEMS (S,B,L) START_TIME STOP_TIME H1_00068576735.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 7) 2005-03-04T17:05:55.380 2005-03-04T17:08:54.954 H1_00068630136.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 7) 2005-03-05T07:55:55.412 2005-03-05T07:58:54.974 H1_00068646656.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 8) 2005-03-05T12:31:15.711 2005-03-05T12:31:59.706 H1_00068646806.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 5) 2005-03-05T12:33:45.733 2005-03-05T12:34:30.860 H1_00068646946.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 10) 2005-03-05T12:36:05.640 2005-03-05T12:37:02.193 H1_00068647097.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 10) 2005-03-05T12:38:36.609 2005-03-05T12:39:33.175 H1_00068647247.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 10) 2005-03-05T12:41:06.703 2005-03-05T12:42:03.264 H1_00068647397.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 10) 2005-03-05T12:43:36.578 2005-03-05T12:44:33.148 H1_00069564238.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 254) 2005-03-16T03:24:18.362 2005-03-16T07:53:12.797 H1_00070738234.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 7) 2005-03-29T17:30:54.645 2005-03-29T17:33:54.182 S1_00068576976.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 2) 2005-03-04T17:09:55.924 2005-03-04T17:09:58.278 S1_00068582806.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 29) 2005-03-04T18:47:06.620 2005-03-04T19:14:41.581 S1_00068584616.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 23) 2005-03-04T19:17:15.734 2005-03-04T19:59:06.439 S1_00068630376.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 2) 2005-03-05T07:59:55.941 2005-03-05T07:59:58.440 S1_00068633206.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 29) 2005-03-05T08:47:05.636 2005-03-05T09:14:41.148 S1_00068635016.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 23) 2005-03-05T09:17:15.621 2005-03-05T09:59:06.311 S1_00070738475.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 2) 2005-03-29T17:34:55.768 2005-03-29T17:34:57.873 S1_00070739918.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 1, 21) 2005-03-29T17:58:58.168 2005-03-29T18:04:00.610 T1_00068583182.QUB MOON (3456, 64, 4) 2005-03-04T18:53:22.318 2005-03-04T19:12:16.450 T1_00068585342.QUB MOON (3456, 64, 3) 2005-03-04T19:29:21.966 2005-03-04T19:53:44.823 T1_00068633582.QUB MOON (3456, 64, 4) 2005-03-05T08:53:21.888 2005-03-05T09:12:16.234 T1_00068635742.QUB MOON (3456, 64, 3) 2005-03-05T09:29:21.849 2005-03-05T09:53:44.703 T1_00070740014.QUB CALIBRATION (3456, 64, 3) 2005-03-29T18:00:34.394 2005-03-29T18:03:48.231 I1_00068575276.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-04T16:41:35.762 2005-03-04T16:52:58.807 I1_00068577642.QUB MOON (432, 256, 65) 2005-03-04T17:21:01.409 2005-03-04T18:25:03.869 I1_00068581551.QUB MOON (432, 256, 64) 2005-03-04T18:26:10.629 2005-03-04T19:29:44.257 I1_00068585449.QUB MOON (432, 256, 166) 2005-03-04T19:31:09.163 2005-03-04T19:44:58.570 I1_00068586348.QUB MOON (432, 256, 166) 2005-03-04T19:46:07.651 2005-03-04T19:59:57.694 I1_00068628676.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-05T07:31:35.786 2005-03-05T07:42:58.787 I1_00068631041.QUB MOON (432, 256, 65) 2005-03-05T08:11:00.520 2005-03-05T09:15:03.849 I1_00068634998.QUB MOON (432, 256, 337) 2005-03-05T09:16:58.288 2005-03-05T09:44:58.317 I1_00068636749.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 155) 2005-03-05T09:46:09.325 2005-03-05T09:59:02.897 I1_00068646617.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 288) 2005-03-05T12:30:36.700 2005-03-05T12:54:36.150 I1_00068648118.QUB EARTH (144, 256, 280) 2005-03-05T12:55:38.254 2005-03-05T13:18:57.736 I1_00068649617.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 29) 2005-03-05T13:20:37.318 2005-03-05T13:23:01.777 I1_00068649857.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 29) 2005-03-05T13:24:37.214 2005-03-05T13:27:01.672 I1_00068650097.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 36) 2005-03-05T13:28:37.288 2005-03-05T13:31:36.738 I1_00068650337.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 29) 2005-03-05T13:32:37.254 2005-03-05T13:35:01.672 I1_00068650577.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 36) 2005-03-05T13:36:37.108 2005-03-05T13:39:36.574 I1_00069563448.QUB STAR (144, 256, 42) 2005-03-16T03:11:07.584 2005-03-16T03:25:06.390 I1_00069580257.QUB STAR (144, 256, 43) 2005-03-16T07:51:17.261 2005-03-16T08:05:35.844 I1_00070736475.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-29T17:01:35.145 2005-03-29T17:12:58.163 I1_00070739139.QUB CALIBRATION (144, 64, 132) 2005-03-29T17:45:58.895 2005-03-29T17:56:58.368 V1_00068575276.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-04T16:41:35.764 2005-03-04T16:52:49.616 V1_00068577659.QUB MOON (432, 256, 65) 2005-03-04T17:21:18.422 2005-03-04T18:25:20.881 V1_00068581577.QUB MOON (432, 256, 64) 2005-03-04T18:26:37.131 2005-03-04T19:30:10.761 V1_00068585448.QUB MOON (432, 256, 156) 2005-03-04T19:31:08.176 2005-03-04T19:44:57.582 V1_00068586348.QUB MOON (432, 256, 162) 2005-03-04T19:46:08.156 2005-03-04T19:59:52.589 V1_00068628676.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-05T07:31:35.787 2005-03-05T07:42:49.596 V1_00068631053.QUB MOON (432, 256, 65) 2005-03-05T08:11:12.527 2005-03-05T09:15:15.858 V1_00068634998.QUB MOON (432, 256, 329) 2005-03-05T09:16:57.795 2005-03-05T09:44:52.820 V1_00068636748.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 140) 2005-03-05T09:46:08.365 2005-03-05T09:59:01.909 V1_00068646617.QUB EARTH (432, 256, 281) 2005-03-05T12:30:37.206 2005-03-05T12:54:36.655 V1_00068648118.QUB EARTH (144, 256, 280) 2005-03-05T12:55:38.268 2005-03-05T13:18:57.751 V1_00068649617.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 29) 2005-03-05T13:20:37.333 2005-03-05T13:23:01.792 V1_00068649857.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 29) 2005-03-05T13:24:37.228 2005-03-05T13:27:01.687 V1_00068650097.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-05T13:28:37.303 2005-03-05T13:31:36.753 V1_00068650337.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 29) 2005-03-05T13:32:37.268 2005-03-05T13:35:01.687 V1_00068650577.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 36) 2005-03-05T13:36:37.123 2005-03-05T13:39:36.589 V1_00069563453.QUB STAR (144, 256, 42) 2005-03-16T03:11:12.584 2005-03-16T03:25:11.391 V1_00069580262.QUB STAR (144, 256, 43) 2005-03-16T07:51:22.262 2005-03-16T08:05:40.844 V1_00070736475.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 35) 2005-03-29T17:01:35.160 2005-03-29T17:12:48.972 V1_00070739253.QUB CALIBRATION (144, 64, 110) 2005-03-29T17:47:53.358 2005-03-29T17:56:58.382 ROSETTA-ORBITER EARTH VIRTIS 2 EAR1 V1.0 This dataset contains all the data acquired during the Earth flyby phase of the mission, from March, 4 to March, 29 2005. The table contains: qube filename, target name, qube dimensions, start and stop time of the observation. PRODUCT_ID TARGET_NAME CORE_ITEMS (S,B,L) START_TIME STOP_TIME H1_00068576735.QUB CALIBRATION (432, 256, 7) 2005-03-04T17:05:55.380 2005-03-04T17:08:54.954