PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "RO-RIS-MPAE-ID-015 5/-" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "ROSETTA" OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "RO-C-OSINAC-5-PRL-67P-M05-GEOSPICE-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "INTERNATIONAL ROSETTA MISSION" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER 67P OSINAC 5 PRL-MTP005 DDR-GEOSPICE V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" ARCHIVE_STATUS = "LOCALLY ARCHIVED" START_TIME = 2014-07-02T08:35:00.000 STOP_TIME = 2014-08-01T09:59:59.000 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2022-12-01 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "JAKOB DELLER" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "IMAGE" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " Science images in CODMAC level 5 acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera on the Rosetta spacecraft during the PRELANDING mission phase. " ABSTRACT_DESC = " This CODMAC level 5 data set contains derived data products that include pixel-precise georeferencing information derived from the SPICE toolkit (see GEO_PRODUCTS_V03.PDF), acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera on the Rosetta spacecraft during the PRELANDING mission phase, covering the period from 2014-07-02T08:35:00.000 to 2014-08-01T09:59:59.000. The prime target is comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1 (1969 R1). This version V1.0 is the first version of this dataset: This is the first delivery of this dataset. The status of the processing pipeline and calibration data is described in SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE_V07.PDF Section 2.4 delivered with this dataset." CITATION_DESC = " Sierks, H. and the OSIRIS Team, ROSETTA-ORBITER 67P OSINAC 5 PRL-MTP005 DDR-GEOSPICE V1.0, RO-C-OSINAC-5-PRL-67P-M05-GEOSPICE-V1.0, ESA Planetary Science Archive and NASA Planetary Data System, 2022" DATA_SET_DESC = " Dataset Overview ================= This CODMAC level 5 data set contains derived data products that include pixel-precise georeferencing information derived from the SPICE toolkit (see GEO_PRODUCTS_V03.PDF), acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera on the Rosetta spacecraft during the PRELANDING mission phase, covering the period from 2014-07-02T08:35:00.000 to 2014-08-01T09:59:59.000 All header keywords are defined and described in the OSIRIS SIS: \DOCUMENT\SIS\OSIRIS_SIS_V08.PDF. Note that the data part of the FITs files in the /DATA/FIT directory is identical to the data part of the PDS files in the /DATA/IMG directory. FITs files are delivered only for CODMAC levels 2,3, and 4 datasets. No FITs files are delivered for CODMAC level 5 datasets. Credit Line ================= To be used for image display (presentations, public exposure, etc.) and figure captions (e.g., in scientific articles). ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA Acknowledgment ================= Full acknowledgment (e.g., in acknowledgment section of scientific article). The authors acknowledge the OSIRIS Principal Investigator H. Sierks (MPS, Goettingen, Germany) and the OSIRIS Team for providing images and related datasets and the ESA Rosetta Project to enable the science of the mission. Essential Reading ================= The following documents, located on the dataset DOCUMENT folder, are essential for the understanding and interpretation of this dataset: KELLER_ET_AL_2007_V01.PDF: Gives an overview of the science goals of the OSIRIS instrument and an overview of the instrument hardware. OSIRIS_SIS_V08.PDF: Describes the OSIRIS PDS header SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE_V07.PDF: Describes the intention behind the acquisition of each image and its planned scientific purpose. Related Datasets ================= The following PDS datasets are related: RO-C-OSINAC-2-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M05-V4.0 RO-C-OSINAC-3-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M05-V4.0 RO-C-OSINAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-INF-REFL-V2.0 RO-C-OSINAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-INFLDSTR-V2.0 RO-C-OSINAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-REFLECT-V2.0 RO-C-OSINAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-STR-REFL-V2.0 RO-C-OSINAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-STRLIGHT-V2.0 RO-C-OSINAC-4-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M05-V3.0 RO-C-OSINAC-5-PRL-67P-M05-GEO-V2.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-2-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M05-V4.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-3-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M05-V4.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-INF-REFL-V2.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-INFLDSTR-V2.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-REFLECT-V2.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-STR-REFL-V2.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-PRL-67P-M05-STRLIGHT-V2.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M05-V3.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-5-PRL-67P-M05-GEOSPICE-V1.0 Please note that different datasets can contain different number of images. For details see OSIRIS_CAL_PIPELINE_V10.PDF and SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE_V07.PDF. Change log ========== V1.0 This is the first delivery of this dataset. The status of the processing pipeline and calibration data is described in SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE_V07.PDF Section 2.4 delivered with this dataset." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Essential Reading ================= The following documents, located on the dataset DOCUMENT folder, are essential for the understanding and interpretation of this dataset: TUBIANA_ET_AL_2015_V01.PDF: Describes the quality of calibration" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "KELLERETAL2006" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "RO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "OSINAC" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "67P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO 1 (1969 R1)" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END