Filters of the Narrow Angle Camera

    |  Name   |  Wavelength  |  Bandwidth  |  Peak  |  Objective  |  Thickness  |  Wheel  |
    |         |     [nm]     |    [nm]     |   [%]  |             | centre [mm] |         |
    |  FFP-UV       600          > 600        > 99   BBAR coated        4.41         1    |
    |                                                plate to allow                       |
    |                                                use of wheel 2                       |
    |  FFP-IR       600          > 600        > 99   BBAR coated        5.15         2    |
    |                                                plate to allow                       |
    |                                                use of wheel 1                       |
    |  Neutral      640           520         5.0    Neutral density    4.64         1    |
    |                                                filter                               |
    |  NFP-Vis      600         > 600        > 98    Refocusing lens    4.18         1    |
    |                                                for near-nucleus                     |
    |                                                imaging,                             |
    |                                                BBAR coated                          |
    |  Far-UV       269.3        53.6        37.8    Surface spectral   4.50         2    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  Near-UV      360.0        51.1        78.2    Surface spectral   4.68         2    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  Blue         480.7        74.9        74.6    Surface spectral   4.67         2    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  Green        535.7        62.4        75.8    Surface spectral   4.64         2    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  FFP-Vis      600         600         >90      Refocusing lens    5.00         1    |
    |                                                for near-nucleus                     |
    |                                                imaging,                             |
    |                                                BBAR coated                          |
    |  Orange       649.2        84.5        92.4    HMC orange         4.73         2    |
    |                                                filter;                              |
    |                                                surface spectral                     |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  Hydra        701.2        22.1        87.4    Water of           4.72         2    |
    |                                                hydration band                       |
    |  Red          743.7        64.1        96.0    Surface spectral   4.68         2    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  Ortho        805.3        40.5        69.8    Orthopyroxene      4.69         1    |
    |  Near-IR      882.1        65.9        78.4    Surface spectral   4.75         1    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |
    |  Fe2O3        931.9        34.9        81.6    Iron-bearing       4.73         1    |
    |                                                minerals                             |
    |  IR           989.3        38.2        78.1    IR Surface         4.74         1    |
    |                                                reflectance                          |