PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2017-02-22 CG: first version 2018-11-02 CG: fixed line length 2022-03-21 CG: corrected FILE_NAME" /* FILE CHARACTERISTICS */ RECORD_TYPE = STREAM FILE_NAME = "WAC_FM_BAD_PIXEL_LIST.TXT" DESCRIPTION = "The data are stored in the following formats: single pixel: PIXEL = (x, y, method, type) column: COLUMN = (x, y, method, type) rectangular area: AREA_R = (x, y, w, h, method, type) General information about the calibration can be found in OSIRIS_CAL_PIPELINE_V??.PDF and about the data in BAD_PIXELS_V??.PDF (latest version)." /* IMAGE IDENTIFICATION */ PRODUCT_ID = WAC_FM_BAD_PIXEL_LIST ROSETTA:DATA_VERSION_ID = "RO-RIS-MPAE-TN-080 1/a" DATA_SET_ID = "RO-A-OSINAC-4-AST1-STEINS-STRLIGHT-V2.0" /* MISSION IDENTIFICATION */ INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ROSETTA-ORBITER" /* INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION */ /* TIME IDENTIFICATION */ PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2017-02-22 ROSETTA:START_VALID_PERIOD = 2004-03-02T01:00:00 ROSETTA:START_VALID_PERIOD_SCLK = "1/0036809986.59225" ROSETTA:END_VALID_PERIOD = 2016-09-30T23:00:00 ROSETTA:END_VALID_PERIOD_SCLK = "1/0433897110.29268" OBJECT = WAC_FM_BAD_PIXEL_DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII DOCUMENT_FORMAT = TEXT DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SENSOR CALIBRATION" DOCUMENT_NAME = "WAC_FM_BAD_PIXEL_V01.TXT" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-02-22 END_OBJECT = WAC_FM_BAD_PIXEL_DOCUMENT END /* CVS VERSION */ CVS_VERSION_LOG = " $Log: WAC_FM_BAD_PIXEL_V01.TXT,v $ Revision 1.5 2022/03/21 15:44:40 guettlerc cloned from OsiCalliope to correct FILE_NAME Revision 1.8 2022/03/21 15:39:38 guettlerc corrected FILE_NAME Revision 1.7 2018/11/02 11:05:59 guettlerc fixed length of lines to 78+2 characters Revision 1.6 2018/10/11 15:09:16 tubiana Added the keyword to describe the type of artifact: PIXEL = (x, y, method, type) Filled the "type" keywords for all listed artifacts. Revision 1.5 2018/03/05 12:46:58 tubiana Updated description field Revision 1.4 2017/10/16 16:52:57 tubiana Updated description adding reference to OSIRIS_CAL_PIPELINE_V??.PDF for calibration and to TN for data Revision 1.3 2017/10/16 16:18:45 tubiana Updated LABEL_REVISION_NOTE to latest version of EAICD Updated DESCRIPTION field adding reference to OSIRIS_CAL_PIPELINE_V??.PDF and to document describing the data " /* CORRECTED BAD PIXELS */ COLUMN = (119, 1664, MEDIAN_CORR, 128)