ExoMars 16 Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Archive Contents 3. Contacts for more information 1. INTRODUCTION This bundle contains the data from the CaSSIS instrument on the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). 2. ARCHIVE CONTENTS The bundle is split into collections by data type, such as documents, calibration, data, context etc. Furthermore the science data is actually split into three collections, one for each processing level I.e. Raw, Calibrated and Derived. A full description of the CaSSIS data can be found in the EAICD housed in the document collection (see https://psaftp.esac.esa.int/#/ExoMars2016/em16_tgo_cas/document/eaicd/). 2.1. The observational data collections 2.1.1 Raw This collection contains the Raw data which is essentially framelets plus raw browse products. 2.1.2 Calibrated This collection contains the calibrated data, this includes both calibrated framelets, with their browse products and stitched products which are simply image products. 2.1.3 Derived This collection contains stitched products which are also geo-referenced. Depending on the filters used each derived product is accompanied by a number of browse products using either single filter data or data combining more than one filter. 2.2 Caveats on the data collections 2.2.1 Raw No caveats on raw data 2.2.2 Calibrated Not all CaSSIS data is processed to calibrated level as some observations are used for calibration purposes. 2.2.3 Derived Missing Data ------------ Not all CaSSIS data is processed to derived level, this is for one of two reasons: - Calibration Observations - Observations where the map crosses zero longitude and the software assigns a negative longitude, these maps are not PDS4 compliant so currently are not delivered to the PSA by the CaSSIS team. Data Caveats on Version 1.0 --------------------------- a) The first version of the derived data has the sequence numbers in the label for the file area reversed. This will mean that some software such as the PDS Viewer will show a scrambled image when displaying the data. These should be reversed in the label manually before using these tools. b) The derived browse products can be large and because of this, the PSA will be slow to display them, also it caches all browse products for a search so a search yielding few results is advised. Smaller primary browse products are planned for version 2.0 which should mitigate this issue. 2.2. The Document Collection The document collection consists of the Experiment to Archive Interface Control Document (EAICD) plus several papers on CaSSIS data processing. 3. CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION For questions relating to the CaSSIS archive please submit a question to https://support.cosmos.esa.int/psa/