PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-01-15 NOTE = " This file describes the content of the DOCUMENT directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCINFO.TXT This file listing directory contents RO-EST-RP-3167_1_0_INTERREP.PDF Intermediate Study Report RO-EST-RP-3168_1_0_FINALREP.PDF Final Study Report RO-EST-RP-3167.LBL Label for Intermediate Report RO-EST-RP-3168.LBL Label for Study Report ESO_UM_EFOSC_1995APR.LBL EFOSCII User Manual Label ESO_UM_EFOSC_1995APR.PDF EFOSCII User Manual in PDF ESO_UM_EFOSC_1995APR.PS EFOSCII User Manual in PS