PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of files in the DOCUMENT directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2020-01-08 END_OBJECT = TEXT END ALIGNMENT.PDF Assessment of the alignment of the SIR2 instrument CLEMENTINE_OFFSET.PDF This report addresses considerable offsets which have been reported to occur between AMIE images projected onto the Moon's surface and the Clementine basemap. DATA_HANDLING.PDF Description of the content and format of the SIR2 telemetry data DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in the DOCUMENT directory EAICD.DOC Experiment to Archive Interface Control Document, describing how the data from the experiment is organized in this archive GEOMETRY_INDEX.PDF Description of the concept and the format of the GEO_MOON_INDEX_TABLE provided in the INDEX directory OTHERDOCS.LBL PDS label file for all documents in this directory without individual label file USER_MANUAL.PDF Description of the SIR2 instrument, its interfaces, handling, and operations