PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "Figure Captions for Published Paper. John Haberman, 2006-03-14" DATA_SET_ID = "HP-SSA-GCMS-3-FCO/DESCENT-V1.0" REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NIEMANNETAL2005" RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED PRODUCT_ID = "FIGURE_2" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-03-14T12:15:00 ^PNG_DOCUMENT = "FIGURE_2.PNG" OBJECT = PNG_DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "FIGURE_2" DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SCIENCE REPORT" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-03-14 DOCUMENT_FORMAT = "PNG" DESCRIPTION = " Figure 2 : The mole fraction of methane to nitrogen in the Titan atmosphere is plotted versus altitude. The CH4 mole fraction is 1.41 x 10^-2 in the stratosphere. It begins increasing below 32 km. At about 8 km, it reached a plateau of about 4.9 x 10^-2. The inset shows an increase of methane at 16 m/z, when compared to nitrogen (in this case 14N^+ ) at m/z = 14, near 16 km. This is probably due to condensates evaporating in the inlet system of the mass spectrometer as the Huygens probe passed through the methane haze. " END_OBJECT = PNG_DOCUMENT END