This is a brief description of the processing done on the DISR raw images to produce the images seen in this directory ('UnSmoothed_Images'). The smoothing steps were not performed on these images in order to preserve high frequency features. In general, the on-board processing steps were reversed (square rooting, compression, flat fielding), and the instrument induced artifacts (shutter effect, dark current, bleed-through, bad pixels, etc) removed. The specific processing steps follow: Processing of DISR images Nov 13, 2005 Erich Karkoschka 1) I estimated the compressor threshold for each image based on the relative frequency for the three lowest amplitude bins. I tested the estimates with the compressor simulation with three images. The difference between actual and estimated threshold were 0, 0.125, and 0.25, which is good enough. 2) I changed the square-root lookup table into a real function. 3) For adaptive schemes, I changed the slope of the function in both outer section to a new slope, which is a quarter of the original slope plus three quarters of the slope in the middle section. This way, regions outside the limits are not as noisy as in the original images, but still noisier than in the middle region. 4) I applied the reverse of the square-rooting to the data. 5) I multiplied the data by the on-board flatfield. 6) I created a images according to Andy's equation for each image and subtracted it from the data. 7) I subtracted a constant data number from the whole image: one quarter of the dark current number (which peaks at 34 DN). 8) I subtracted the expected contributions of light during the vertical transfer of data in the CCD. This is based on the assumption that each pixel sees the light at the actual position for the exposure time and the light of each pixel below (lower row number) for 2 microseconds each. 9) I subtracted the constant of 0.9 DN from the whole image. 10) For images taking after landing, I subtracted the following data numbers 14.5 - 11.5 * SIND(360.*((228-J)/165.-((228-J)/300.)**2))), where J is the row number from 1 to 256 (in the SLI row 1 is above the horizon). 11) I shifted the on-board flatfields by cubic interpolation for resampling. The assumed shift of flatfield features with CCD temperature T(K) in micropixels is: SLI: X = 1485 (T-254.6) Y = -569 (T-223.9) MRI: X = 1678 (T-257.0) Y = -563 (T-221.9) HRI: X = 819 (T-260.8) Y = -704 (T-228.0). I modified the flatfields according to obvious flatfield artifacts seen in high-altitude images, typically by about 1 percent or a few percent. Most of them were adjustments next to the edge of the field of view. For the HRI, however, there was an adjustment of about 1 percent across the whole field of view. For the MRI, there was an adjustment of 2 percent over the top 50 rows. The latter two corrections are probably due to non-constant intensity of the integrating sphere. I then divided the image by the adjusted flatfield.