;csee, dec04 ;This is the batch file for the new_gse program. It ;compiles the latest version of new_gse (in c:\idl_programs\new_gse) ; at the beginning of this procedure. .run new_gse_v2a.pro ;IDL Working Directory... work_dir = 'c:\idl_programs\new_gse' cd,work_dir,curr=curr Print,'The IDL routine working directory is:' Print,work_dir print,'' ;DISR Model... disr_num=-1 Read,'Which DISR unit is this? (0,1,2,3): ',disr_num if disr_num lt 0 or disr_num gt 3 then begin & print,'Out of Range' & stop if disr_num eq 1 then outdir='d1c' if disr_num eq 2 then outdir='d2c' if disr_num eq 3 then outdir='df3' Output=t_mkdir('c:\'+outdir) Print,'Using files for DISR ',sstr(disr_num) ;Input Log File... ;log_file = 'C:\df3\15Sep04\ESOC_Files\o474sd__.1h_' Print,'Please choose the input file' log_file=dialog_pickfile(path='c:\'+outdir) if log_file EQ '' then begin & print,'not found' & stop ; failed to find file, cancel run ;Output Directory... results_dir = 'C:\'+outdir+'\new\' Print,string(10b),'The current results directory is: ' Print,results_dir,string(10b) ans='' read,'Is this where you want the results to go? (y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'n' then results_dir=dialog_pickfile(/directory,path='c:\'+outdir) else Output=t_mkdir('C:\'+outdir+'\new\') if results_dir EQ '' then begin & print,'bad results_dir'& stop ; failed to find file, cancel run print,'The results are going in: ',results_dir start_stop = '' print,'Enter start end end times in space separated seconds. Hit enter to use full Log file.' read,start_stop new_gse,work_dir,log_file,results_dir,start_stop,disr_num cd,curr ; return to where you started