pro time,log ;This program displays the time dataasets from the current log cd,'',current=cdir & cd,cdir ;establishes cdir as current directory if n_params() eq 0 then log = cdir ;test for # of input parameters cd,log+'/DB/Time' ;files=findfile('*', count = nfiles) spawn,'lsf',files,/noshell & siz=size(files) & nfiles=siz(1) ;for lots of files input: i=0 & j=0 Print,string(10B),'There are ',sstr(nfiles),' (1 thru ',sstr(nfiles),' time datasets in this log.' Read,'Which datasets would you like to display? (first,last): ',i,j if i eq 0 then begin print,'Sorry, the first file is #1. Try again...' goto,input endif if j gt nfiles then goto,input for n=i,j do begin d_read,files(n-1),h,p print,string(10B),string(10B),'File = ',files(n-1),' (#',sstr(n),')' Print,string(10B),' DDB Time DISR Time Offset',string(10B) s=size(p) for k=0,s(2)-1 do print,p(0,k)/10000.,p(1,k)/10000.,(p(0,k)-p(1,k))/10000.,format='(3f12.4)' endfor cd,cdir end