function hmsplus3,seconds ;created 11/99 by C. See ;converts seconds into a string of Hours:Minutes:Seconds.XXXX ;derived from secs=double(seconds) hours=fix(secs/3600.) if hours ge 1 then secs=secs-hours*3600. minutes=fix(secs/60.) if minutes ge 1 then secs=secs-minutes*60. if secs-fix(secs) eq 0. then secs=fix(secs) ;this line trims off the decimal seconds if hours lt 10 then hours='0'+sstr(hours) if minutes lt 10 then minutes='0'+sstr(minutes) if secs lt 10 then secs='0'+sstr(secs) time='' reads,sstr(hours)+':'+sstr(minutes)+':'+sstr(secs),time,format='(a12)' return,time stop end