0 H_TYPE Header type (D=DISR, I=IMP) 1 H_DIRECTORY Directory file last stored in 2 H_FILENAME Filename file was stored as 3 H_FILETIME Time file was last written by D_WRITE 4 H_LENGTH Length of header string array 5 H_DIMENSION Number of dimensions in data 6 H_XSIZE Number of columns 7 H_YSIZE Number of rows 8 H_ZSIZE Number of images 9 H_DATATYPE Type of data 10 H_EXTENSION Position in header where extension area starts 11 H_EXTRA Position in header where extra area starts 12 H_PROCESS Position in header where processing area starts 13 H_PURPOSE Purpose of observation 14 H_SUBJECT Subject of observation 15 H_DATE Date observation made 16 H_ENGINEER Engineer responsible 17 H_SITE Site of observation 18 H_SET_NAME Text description of data set 19 20 21 22 H_CCDTEMP On chip CCD temperature in [K] 23 H_REF_TEMP CCD electronics reference temperature (MPAE) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 H_DETECTOR detector type (CCD, IR, PHOTOMETER) 31 H_SENSOR_ID sensor id number 32 33 34 35 36 H_EXPTIME integration time [ms] for CCD measurement 37 H_IMAGE_TIME start time of exposure 38 H_ABSCAL absolute calibration factor used 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 H_AXIS_EL elevation of DISR spin axis 49 H_AXIS_AZ azimuth of DISR spin axis 50 H_COORD_XL image coordinates (lower x) 51 H_COORD_YL image coordinates (lower y) 52 H_COORD_XU image coordinates (upper x) 53 H_COORD_YU image coordinates (upper y) 54 H_FILTER filter in use 55 H_GAIN gain factor (MPAE) 56 H_DC_OFFSET DC offset (MPAE) 57 58 59 60 H_TIMING_GEN timing generator code (MPAE) 61 H_CAMERA BB/EM/FM model 62 H_VACUUM vacuum or not (yes or no) 63 H_OPTICS additional optics on bench (MPAE) 64 H_TESTLAMP external test lamp (MPAE) 65 H_SHUT_TIME opening time of CCD test shutter (MPAE) 66 H_LED_TIME LED on time (MPAE) 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H_GSE_REV GSE revision creating data set 81 H_CONFIG_FILE configuration file associated with data set 82 H_TEST_LOG test log filename generating data 83 H_REC_BEG first record of this data set in test log 84 H_REC_END last record of this data set in test log 85 H_PIXEL_UNITS units of pixels 86 H_SET_ID data set id 87 H_SET_NUMBER sequential number of this data set 88 H_MISSION_TIME mission time in seconds 89 H_CYCLE_NUMBER sequential numbering of cycles 90 H_CYCLE_TYPE cycle type 91 H_SCEN_STEP cycle criteria table entry number 92 H_SPM_FLAG spectrophotometric flag 93 H_CCD_MEAS number of CCD sets performed during cycle 94 H_IR_MEAS number of IR sets performed during cycle 95 H_VIOLET_MEAS number of violet sets performed during cycle 96 H_MEAS_TYPE measurement type 97 H_AZIMUTH azimuth at start of cycle 98 H_ALTITUDE altitude at start of cycle 99 H_SPIN spin rate at start of cycle 100 H_TARGET_AZ target azimuth for measurement 101 H_ACTUAL_AZ actual azimuth for measurement 102 H_LAMP_STATE cal and surf lamp status 103 H_IR_STATUS IR hardware status word 104 H_IR_FLAGS IR sampling and compression flags 105 H_IR_CHP_TMPB IR chip temperature (start) 106 H_IR_CHP_TMPE IR chip temperature (end) 107 H_PRECHARGE Average precharge voltage 108 H_IR_COL_TIME IR collection time [ms] 109 H_NUM_ROT number of region/rotations (IR) 110 H_NUM_REGIONS number of regions (IR) 111 H_DC_OFFSET_U DC Offset voltage for ULIS 112 H_DC_OFFSET_D DC Offset voltage for DLIS 113 H_UIR_TGT_PRC target %age for ULIS 114 H_DIR_TGT_PRC target %age for DLIS 115 H_UIR_PRCTILE %ile point used for ULIS 116 H_DIR_PRCTILE %ile point used for DLIS 117 H_CCD_STATUS CCD hardware status 118 H_DCS_STATUS DCS hardware status 119 H_CCD_FLAGS CCD flags 120 H_PROC_FLAGS CCD processing flags 121 H_NUM_COL number of columns transmitted 122 H_NULL_PIXEL2 sum of null pixels (col 2) 123 H_NULL_PIXEL3 sum of null pixels (col 3) 124 H_CCD_TGT_PRC target %age for CCD 125 H_CCD_PRCTILE %ile point for CCD 126 H_STP_CNT_COL strip centre column 127 H_STP_FST_COL 1st column of strip 128 H_CAL_TMP_SORS cal. source voltage 129 H_CCDLUG_TEMP CCD thermal lug temperature [K} 130 H_STRAP_TEMP thermal strap temperature 131 H_OPTICS_TEMP conduit housing temperature 132 H_VIOLET_TEMP violet detector temperature 133 H_SH_AUX_TEMP sensor header aux board temperature 134 H_SH_BOX_TEMP sensor header box temperature 135 H_EA_BOX_TEMP EA box temperature 136 H_AUX_BRD_VOLT divided 12V in volts 137 H_CPU_BRD_VOLT divided 5V in volts 138 H_ADC_OFFSET 0V input; ADC offset 139 H_ADC_GAIN 2.5 input; gain of ADC 140 H_DISPQ_SIZE max. dispatcher queue size 141 H_ALRMQ_SIZE max. alarm queue size 142 H_TLMQ_SIZE max. TM queue size 143 H_SCIPRQ_SIZE max science processing size 144 H_STACK_SIZE max stack size 145 H_CAL_SCENARIO cal. scenario number 146 H_CCD_REP CCD cal. repetition number 147 H_IR_REP IR cal. repetition number 148 H_VIOLET_REP violet cal. repetition number 149 H_SHUTTER_REP shutter test rep. number 150 H_SHUTTER_CYC number of shutter cycles 151 H_DCS_REP DCS cal. repetition number 152 H_COMP_RATIO compression ratio 153 H_HEATER_REP heater test rep. number 154 H_HEATERS which heaters 155 H_CAL_LAMP_REP cal. lamp repetition number 156 H_NUM_BINS number of IR bins for data collection 157 H_SURF_LAMP_REP surface lamp rep. number 158 H_SUN_LAMP_REP sun sensor LED rep. number 159 H_CAL1_VOLT1 voltage on cal. lamp 1 160 H_CAL1_CURR current on cal. lamp 1 161 H_CAL2_VOLT1 voltage on cal. lamp 2 162 H_CAL2_CURR current on cal. lamp 2 163 H_CAL3_VOLT1 voltage on cal. lamp 3 164 H_CAL3_CURR current on cal. lamp 3 165 H_SURF_VOLT1 voltage on surface lamp 166 H_SURF_CURR current on surface lamp 167 H_DCS_TST_STAT overall DCS test status 168 H_DCS_SLF_STAT DCS self test status 169 H_DCS_SW_STAT DCS s/w test status 170 H_SUN_LED_VLT1 voltage on Sun sensor LED 171 H_SUN_LED_CURR current on Sun sensor LED 172 H_SUN_RESP Sun sensor reading with LED on 173 H_NUM_HEAT number of heaters tested 174 H_NUM_TRIPLET number of sun triplets in data set 175 H_NUM_TIME_PAIRS number of time data pairs 176 H_DUMP_START address of first word in dump 177 H_DUMP_LEN number of words in dump set 178 H_DUMP_FLAG packing flag 179 H_MESSAGE message type code 180 H_MESSAGE_ID additional information code 181 H_NUM_BAD number of bad ranges in RAM or EEPROM 182 H_LOTS_BAD flag - lots bad RAM or EEPROM areas 183 H_CCDTEMP_R Raw CCD temperature 184 H_EXPTIME_R Raw exposure time reading 185 H_MISSION_TIME_R Raw mission time reading 186 H_AZIMUTH_R Raw azimuth reading 187 H_ALTITUDE_R Raw altitude reading 188 H_SPIN_R Raw spin rate reading 189 H_TARGET_AZ_R Raw target azimuth 190 H_ACTUAL_AZ_R Raw actual azimuth 191 H_IR_CHP_TMPB_R Raw IR chip temperature start 192 H_IR_CHP_TMPE_R Raw IR chip temperature end 193 H_PRECHARGE_R Raw average precharge voltage 194 H_IR_COL_TIME_R Raw IR collection time used 195 H_CAL_TMP_SORS_R Raw cal. source voltage 196 H_CCDLUG_TEMP_R Raw CCD thermal lug temperature 197 H_STRAP_TEMP_R Raw strap temperature 198 H_OPTICS_TEMP_R Raw conduit temperature 199 H_VIOLET_TEMP_R Raw violet temperature 200 H_SH_AUX_TEMP_R Raw SH aux board temp 201 H_SH_BOX_TEMP_R Raw SH box temperature 202 H_EA_BOX_TEMP_R Raw EA box temperature 203 H_AUX_BRD_VOLT_R Raw divided 12V 204 H_CPU_BRD_VOLT_R Raw divided 5V 205 H_ADC_OFFSET_R Raw 0V input 206 H_ADC_GAIN_R Raw 2.5V input 207 H_CAL1_VOLT1_R Raw cal. lamp 1 voltage 208 H_CAL1_VOLT2_R Raw cal. lamp 1 voltage 209 H_CAL2_VOLT1_R Raw cal. lamp 2 voltage 210 H_CAL2_VOLT2_R Raw cal. lamp 2 voltage 211 H_CAL3_VOLT1_R Raw cal. lamp 3 voltage 212 H_CAL3_VOLT2_R Raw cal. lamp 3 voltage 213 H_SURF_VOLT1_R Raw surf. lamp voltage 214 H_SURF_VOLT2_R Raw surf. lamp voltage 215 H_SUN_LED_VLT1_R Raw sun sensor LED volt 216 H_SUN_LED_VLT2_R Raw sun sensor LED colt 217 H_OBJECTIVE Objective of test 218 H_DUMMY Flag for dummy detector 219 H_MODEL DISR model for MMC 220 H_DCOFFSETU_R Raw ADC value of DC offset voltage, ULIS 221 H_DCOFFSETD_R Raw ADC value of DC offset voltage, DLIS 222 H_SQRT_MIN Minimum value for sqrt table 223 H_SQRT_MAX Maximum value for sqrt table 224 225 H_SUN_SOURCE source of spin data 226 H_OGSE_ID OGSE identifier in use 227 H_OGSE_MSG last msg from EGSE displayed on OGSE 228 H_OGSE_LAMP lamp current 229 H_OGSE_SW_VER OGSE software version 230 231 H_OGSE_SAMP sun amplitude current 232 H_OGSE_SUNTABLE sun table 233 H_OGSE_RPM sun pulse RPM 234 H_OGSE_SPAN sun pulse span value 235 H_OGSE_SIDEC Si detector reference 236 H_OGSE_INDEC InGaAs detector reference 237 H_OGSE_FLSIDEC filtered silicon detector reference 238 H_OGSE_5V 5V reference 239 H_OGSE_DETEMP OGSE detector temperature 240 H_OGSE_SSS_TEMP sun sensor stimulator temp. 241 H_OGSE_FILT OGSE filter 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 H_MONO_WAVL Monochromator wavelength [nm] 256 H_MONO_SI Monochromator Si detector reading 257 H_MONO_GE Monochromator Ge detector reading 258 H_MONO_FLTR Monochromator filter 259 H_MONO_G Monochromator gain 260 H_MONO_RT Monochromator response time [s] 261 H_MONO_GRAT Monochromator grating 262 H_MONO_TUR Monochromator turret number 263 H_SPSI Sphere Si detector reading 264 H_SPFLSI Sphere filtered Si reading 265 H_SPINGAS Sphere InGaAs detector reading 266 H_SP_DETTMP Sphere detector temperature 267 H_COSI Collimator silicon detector reading 268 H_COFLSI Collimator filtered Si reading 269 H_COINGAS Collimator InGaAs detector reading 270 H_COTMP Collimator detector temperature 271 H_PLMINGAS Palmer InGaAs detector reading 272 H_PLMTMP Palmer detector temperature 273 H_CAL_D1 Spare calibration detector 1 274 H_CAL_D2 Spare calibration detector 2 275 H_CAL_D3 Spare calibration detector 3 276 H_CAL_D4 Spare calibration detector 4 277 H_CAL_D5 Spare calibration detector 5 278 H_CPGASTEMP Temperature of SH internal purge gas 279 H_AMBTEMP Ambient temperature of clean room 280 H_SPTEMP Temp[erature of gas in sphere 281 H_BOXTEMP Temperature of gas in dry box 282 H_CHMBTEMP Temperature in environment chamber 283 H_CAL_T1 Spare calibration temp 1 284 H_CAL_T2 Spare calibration temp 2 285 H_CAL_T3 Spare calibration temp 3 286 H_CAL_EL Sensor head elevation 287 H_CAL_AZ Sensor head azimuth 288 H_CAL_POL Collimated beam polarizing angle 289 H_CAL_SHUT Calibrator high intensity shutter state 290 H_LAST_CALTIME Time of last cal. log entry d_value(h,96) Measurement type 0=Upper HRI 1=Upper MRI 2=Upper SLI 3=Lower HRI 4=Lower MRI 5=Lower SLI 6=DLV 7=ULV 8=DLIS 9=ULIS 10=IR_COMB 11=IR_LONG 12=SLI Strip 13 14=SA 15=NS_DLVS 16=DLVS 17=ULVS 18=CCD_DARK 19=Full 20 21=MRI (DLI2) 22=SLI 23=HRI (DLI1) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30=DLVS_Ext 31=ULVS_Ext