; This procedure is to be run from the Test Log directory ; To execute type '@/users/csee/ptest' at the disrsoft prompt spawn,'whoami',who if who(0) ne 'gse' then begin & print,'Sorry, you must be gse to run ptest' &$ stop & endif if strpos(!path,'/users/csee/idl_programs') eq -1 then $ @path.csee .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/idx_check.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/telem_packet_checker.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/sort_by_mission_time.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/plot_rate.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/check_times.pro ;.run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/ds_summary.pro .run /users/ldoose/idl_programs/ds_summary3.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/count_DB_files.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/resource.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/ccdstat.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/lamplist.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/lamplist3.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/lampdetail.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/rd_lst.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/plot_temps.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/tolist.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/cycles.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/util/print.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/plot_spin.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/oplot_spin.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/plot_alt.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/oplot_alt.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/data/sun_sensor.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/plot_drift.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/thumbnails.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/hkeeping/plot_tolist.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/cycle_type_vs_alt_plot.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/sun_sensor_history.pro .run /users/csee/idl_programs/ptest/sun_lamp_history.pro cd,'',current=cdir & cd,cdir ;establishes cdir as current directory close,/all ;make sure that this is a Test Log... files=findfile('idx', count = nfiles) if nfiles eq 0 then begin &$ print,string(10B),string(7B),"**This is not a Log directory (no idx file):" &$ pwd & stop & endif print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run the idx Packet Checker for:' &pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then idx_check retall cd,cdir print,'___________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run Telemetry Packet Checker for:' &pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin & telem_packet_checker &$ spawn,'more -e telem_packet_ck.out' & endif retall cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run Telemetry Rate Plotter for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then plot_rate retall cd,cdir print,'___________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run Data Set Summary Creator for:' print,cdir ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then ds_summary3,cdir cd,cdir retall cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run Time Data Base Checker for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin & check_times &$ spawn,'more -e time_checker.out' & endif retall cd,cdir print,'__________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run Data Base Files Counter for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then count_DB_files retall cd,cdir print,'_____________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run the Resource Usage Checker for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then resource retall cd,cdir print,'_______________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run the CCD flag Checker for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin & spawn,'mkdir post' &$ spawn,'mkdir post/anal_results' &$ ccdstat &$ spawn,'more -e post/anal_results/ccdstat' &$ endif retall cd,cdir print,'__________________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run the Lamp ON-time list generator for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then lamplist retall cd,cdir print,'___________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to see the Lamp details for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then lampdetail retall cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________' print,'***Do you want the Lamp descent info for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then lamplist3 retall cd,cdir print,'___________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run the Temperature Plotter for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin &$ files=findfile('post/timelist/*', count = nfiles) &$ if nfiles eq 0 then begin &$ print,'' &$ print,'***Do you want me to create the time-ordered lists for you:' &$ ans='' &$ read,'(y or n): ',ans &$ if ans eq 'y' then begin &$ spawn,'mkdir post' &$ spawn,'mkdir post/timelist' & tolist &$ endif &$ endif &$ plot_temps &$ read,'***Do you want to plot the temperatures again (y or n): ',ans &$ if ans eq 'y' then plot_temps &$ read,'***One More Time... (y or n)?: ',ans &$ if ans eq 'y' then plot_temps else print,'...OK, fine...' &$ endif retall cd,cdir print,'_______________________________________________________________' print,'***Do you wish to run the Cycle Information list generator for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then cycles retall wdelete,0 cd,cdir print,'___________________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to plot the (Sci Sum) spin rate profile for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin & plot_spin &$ print,'___________________________________________________' &$ ans='' &$ read,'***Do you want to compare with IST3 data (y or n)?: ',ans &$ if ans eq 'y' then oplot_spin,'/mdf3/10Jun97/Log/IST3_co1_10Jun97' &$ retall & endif cd,cdir print,'__________________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to plot the (Sci Sum) altitude profile for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin & plot_alt &$ print,'___________________________________________________' &$ ans='' &$ read,'***Do you want to compare with IST3 data (y or n)?: ',ans &$ if ans eq 'y' then oplot_alt,'/mdf3/10Jun97/Log/IST3_co1_10Jun97' &$ retall & endif print,'__________________________________________________________' ans='' read,'***Do you want print-outs of spin & altitude data (y or n)?: ',ans if ans eq 'y' then begin & pland & plot_alt,cdir &$ oplot_alt,'/mdf3/10Jun97/Log/IST3_co1_10Jun97' & plot_spin,cdir &$ oplot_spin,'/mdf3/10Jun97/Log/IST3_co1_10Jun97' & pend & endif cd,cdir print,'______________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to Plot the Sun Sensor data for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then begin &$ sun_sensor &$ cd,cdir &$ endif retall cd,cdir print,'___________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to Plot the Clock Drift for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then plot_drift,cdir retall cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to Plot the DDB & DISR clocks for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then plot_time,cdir retall cd,cdir print,'_______________________________________' print,'***Do you want to print Thumbnails for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then thumbnails,cdir retall cd,cdir print,'______________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to plot the Time-Ordered List data for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then plot_tolist,cdir retall cd,cdir cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run cycle_type_vs_alt_plot for:' $pwd ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then cycle_type_vs_alt_plot,cdir retall cd,cdir cd,cdir print,'_____________________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run the protoflight sun_sensor_history now? ' ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then read,'Are you Sure? (y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'y' then sun_sensor_history,"/mdisr2_cal" retall cd,cdir cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run the flight sun_sensor_history now? ' ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then sun_sensor_history,"/mdf3" retall cd,cdir cd,cdir print,'_____________________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run the protoflight sun_lamp_history now? ' ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then read,'Are you Sure? (y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'y' then sun_lamp_history,"/mdisr2_cal" retall cd,cdir cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run the flight sun_lamp_history now? ' ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then sun_lamp_history,"/mdf3" retall cd,cdir cd,cdir print,'_________________________________________________' print,'***Do you want to run the Descent Errors program now? ' ans='' read,'(y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'bye' then stop if ans eq 'y' then descent_errors print,'** The result is in the Log file as descent_errors.out **' !p.ticklen=.02 ;returns to no grid !x.gridstyle=0 ;solid gridlines !y.gridstyle=0 ;solid gridlines !p.multi=[0,1,1] !X.range=[0,0] !Y.range=[0,0] retall !y.title = '' !x.title = '' !p.title = '' !p.color=255 ;tv data 8 bits (0 to 255) !p.background=0 ;background is black close,/all set_plot,'x' cd,cdir print,'' pwd print,'' print,"TTha TTha TTha That's all folks!"