To Process Probe Level Test Data... 0 Login as GSE 1 cd to the disk you want the data in and create the file structure: /Disk/Date/Log 2 Set Links with: sl /Disk/Date 3 Create & cd to: /Disk/Date/ESOC_Files 4 Make a subdirectory under ESOC_Files for each test run on that day (ie ./co1 ./nm) 5 Move to that directory and ftp the files with: ftp_estec or ftp_esoc OR, Using Netscape -> ( user: DISR pwd: huygDISR 6a If the file is in the ESOC format (.1h_) then it must be decoded first: cd to /Disk/Date/DASA_Files Enter disrsoft and run: .run DDID_decode4 DDID_decode4,'Filename1.byt','Filename2.mtp' Go to step 6c 6b If the file is in the ESTEC format (.byt) then it must be decoded first: cd to /Disk/Date/DASA_Files Enter disrsoft and run: DDID_decode5,'Filename1.byt','Filename2.mtp' Go to step 6c 6c If the file is an MTP file (.raw or .mtp) it can be injected into the GSE Program: cd to /Disk/Date run gse2 -mtp -dir /Disk/Date create a test log choose mtp, inject an mtp file 7 Replay Log: Sci & Eng database enabled, Sci. Sum. Enabled, Message Dataset Enabled, Fast Playback, Telemetry Only 8 Make /post/anal_results 9 Start Analysis notes file 10 Run ptest and co2 ____________________________________________________________________ To Split a test log into two pieces... If you are smart you will split the log before it is replayed. In that case you can skip some of these steps. If you are like me, you will need each of these steps... 1) cd into the directory that you are splitting and create a notes file telling folks what you are doing, and why there is more than one log for this test. cd .. 2) Copy the test log into another directory thusly: cp -rpf Testlog_date Testlog_date_a 3) Move to the new Log: cd Testlog_date_a 4) Correct the .log file: mv Testlog_date.log Testlog_date_a.log 5) Remove the stuff you don't need... rm *.out (and any other analysis files created by ptest, etc). 6) rm *.replay 7) rm Science_Summary 8) rm -r DB 9) rm -r post 10) Copy this log to create a second half. I.E: cp -rpf Testlog_date_a Testlog_date_b 11) Decide at what mission time you want the Test log cut. If you know the right time from the command sequence that is best. If not you can replay the original log and look at the message data set or DS_summary. 12) Once you have decided on where to cut the Log, add that mission time to the time of the first packet. Remove all packets after that time from the idx file using nedit, vi or your favorite editor. 13) Replay the new log: Sci & Eng database enabled, Sci. Sum. Enabled, Message Dataset Enabled, Fast Playback, Telemetry Only. 14) Rename the .log file in the second new directory, remove the packets from the idx file before the cut time (leave the header), and replay it also.