pro eatemps ; This program prints out the ea temperatures from the Houskeeping ; CCD dataset headers in a Log. ; It is to be executed from the Log directory. cd,'DB/HKeeping' files=findfile('*',count=nfiles) print,string(10b),'There are ',sstr(nfiles),' houskeeping files in this Log.' if nfiles eq 0 then goto,exit print,string(10b),' File # EA Temp Time (min)' ans='' ;for bailout question n=0 ;file counter again: for i=1,20 do begin d_read,files(n),h,p print,n,d_value(h,135),d_value(h,88)/60. n=n+1 if n eq nfiles-1 then goto,exit endfor print,'' read,"Enter 's' to stop, return to continue: ",ans if ans eq 's' then goto,exit else goto,again exit: cd,'../..' end