pro visibles-a ; This program prints out a list of the visible spectrometer measurements ; in the current directory. It is to be run from the test log. cd,'', current=cdir & cd,cdir cd,cdir+'/DB/Visible' ;files=findfile('cdir+'/DB/Visible/*',count=nfiles) spawn,'lsf',files,/noshell s=size(files) nfiles=s(1) print,string(10b),'There are: ',sstr(nfiles),' files.' for j=0,nfiles/20 do begin print,'' print,'Vis. Time Temp Type Exp. # Compressed Uncompressed Lamp SetID' print,' # (min) (K) (ms) Colmns Mean Max. Mean Max.' print,'' for i=20*j,20*j+19 do begin if i eq nfiles then goto,exit d_read,files(i),h,p time=d_value(h,88) setid=d_value(h,86) temp=d_value(h,22) exp=d_value(h,36) ncol=d_value(h,121) lamp=d_value(h,102) type=mtype(files(i)) typ='Unknown' if type eq 16 then begin typ='DLVS' columns=20 ;number of uncompressed columns endif if type eq 17 then begin typ='ULVS' columns=8 ;number of uncompressed columns endif ;check to see if data is saturated... sat='' max2=max(p)/(columns/ncol) ;the un-compressed maximum mean2=mean(p)/(columns/ncol) ;the un-compressed average if max2 ge 4095 then sat=' *' print,i,time/60,temp,typ,exp,ncol,mean(p),max(p),mean2,max2,sat,lamp,setid$ format='(i4,f8.2,f8.1,3x,a,f7.1,i5,f9.1,f8.1,1x,f8.1,f8.1,a2,a5,i5)' endfor ;for i ans='' read,'Continue? (y or n): ',ans if ans eq 'n' then goto,exit endfor ;for j exit: print,'' print,' * = Saturated Data' cd,cdir ;stop end