pro violets ; C. See, Created 29 Oct 1998, Last Modified 14 Jul 00 ; This program prints out a list of the violet measurements in the current ; directory. It is to be run from the test log. cd,'', current=cdir & cd,cdir cd,cdir+'/DB/Violet' files=t_getfil('*.*') & siz=size(files) & nfiles=siz(1) ;for lots of files ;files=findfile('*',count=nfiles) if nfiles gt 200 then begin print,'There are too many violets here (',sstr(nfiles),'), run' goto,exit endif print,'' print,'Violet # Time (min) Temperature Type Reading' print,'' for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin d_read,files(i),h,p time=d_value(h,88) temp=d_value(h,132) type=mtype(files(i)) if type eq 6 then typ='DLV' else typ='ULV' print,i,time/60,temp,' ',typ,p endfor exit: cd,cdir end