pro irplot,i ; ;This program plots ir files. It is to be run from the directory ;in which the files exist (ie ./DB/Ir). ;The pass parameter is the index of the file you wish to plot ;(first file i=0, 2nd file i=1, etc) ;It plots all the bins in one window. ;Enjoy, ;Chuck See files=findfile('*',count = nfiles) if (nfiles eq 0) then begin print, '****No files found here!****' goto, exit endif if i eq 0 then print,nfiles,' files found' !x.title = 'Pixel Number' !y.title = 'IR data, DN' istring = strcompress(string(i)) ;d_irread,files(120),h,p,g ;p120=p d_irread,files(i),h,p,g siz=size(p) !P.MULTI=[0,1,siz(2)] ;p=p-p120 ;r=p(*,0)-p(*,1) ;Shutter Open-Closed. ;window,0 for n=0,siz(2)-1 do $ plot,p(*,n),title='IR data from file: '+files(i)+' i='+istring ; ans='' read,'Hit Return to continue...',ans ir,i read,'Hit Return to continue...',ans exit: !P.MULTI=[0,1,1] !x.title = '' !y.title = '' end