PRO RDSUN,pulse1,pulse2,pulse3,amp ;+ ; ; NAME: ; RDSUN ; PURPOSE: ; Reads in the time ordered list of Sun Sensor data ; CATEGORY: ; Verification Tool ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; RDSUN,pulse1,pulse2,pulse3,amp ; INPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; pulse1: Array of times of SS pulse 1 ; pulse2: Array of times of SS pulse 2 ; pulse3: Array of times of SS pulse 3 ; amp: Array of amplitude of center pulse (pulse 2) ; All arrays have the same length as the time ordered list. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; KEYWORDS: ; None ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None ; EXAMPLE: ; rdsun,pulse1,pulse2,pulse3,amp ; PROCEDURE: ; Determine size of input file: post/timelist/t03sun.list ; Read in file ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Created by Laura Ellen Dafoe 14 June 1994 ; Tested by Laura Ellen Dafoe on test log: baptism2 on 25 June 1994 ; Manually compared time ordered list to arrays read in by ; this routine. ; REVISION: ; 1.0 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; D I S R S O F T (C) 1 9 9 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- if (N_PARAMS(0) NE 4) then print,'Call is RDSUN,pulse1,pulse2,pulse3,amp' InputFile='post/timelist/t03sun.list' spawn,'wc '+InputFile,WC NumLines=fix(strmid(WC,0,7)) NumLines=NumLines(0) openr,infile,Inputfile,/get_lun pulse1=fltarr(NumLines) pulse2=fltarr(NumLines) pulse3=fltarr(NumLines) amp=intarr(NumLines) for i=0,NumLines-1 do begin readf,infile,format='(3g10.4,i7)',p1,p2,p3,a1 pulse1(i)=p1 pulse2(i)=p2 pulse3(i)=p3 amp(i)=a1 endfor free_lun,infile end