PRO HEATERS ;+ ; ; NAME: ; HEATERS ; PURPOSE: ; Reads in the Heater Test Data Sets and verifies the data ; CATEGORY: ; Verification ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HEATERS ; INPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; post/anal_results/heaters ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; KEYWORDS: ; None ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None ; EXAMPLE: ; heaters ; PROCEDURE: ; Read in data set files ; Verify that ysize equals the number of heaters tested ; Verify that the data indicates increasing temperatures ; Plot the temperatures to screen ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Created by Laura Ellen Dafoe 08 June 1994 ; Tested by Laura Ellen Dafoe on test log: lp062501 on 25 June 1994 ; Heater errors tested on test log led0625c on 25 June 1994 ; REVISION: ; 1.0 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; D I S R S O F T (C) 1 9 9 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- spawn, 'ls DB/HeatTest/*', file_list n = size(file_list) if n(1) LT 1 or n(1) EQ 7 then goto,leave print,SYSTIME(),' Num of files for heater test = ', n(1) !psym=10 openw,outfile,'post/anal_results/heaters',/get_lun for i = 0, n(1)-1 do BEGIN d_read, file_list(i), h, p ysize=d_value(h,7) num_tested=d_value(h,173) if ysize NE num_tested then printf,outfile,'YSIZE NE NUM_HEAT ',file_list(i) if ysize < num_tested LT 1 then $ printf,outfile,'No heaters tested ',file_list(i) if ysize > num_tested GT 2 then $ printf,outfile,'Too many heaters tested ',file_list(i) if num_tested EQ 1 then begin sort_p=p(SORT(p)) if TOTAL(p-sort_p) NE 0 then $ printf,outfile,'Temperatures did not increase ',file_list(i) window,1,title='Heater Test Temperatures' plot,p(1:9),ytitle='Temperature Data Value',yrange=[0,4095],$ title=file_list(i) endif if num_tested EQ 2 then begin p1=p(1:9,0) sort_p1=p1 sort_p1=sort_p1(SORT(sort_p1)) p2=[p(0:8,1)] sort_p2=p2 sort_p2=sort_p2(SORT(sort_p2)) a=where(p1 NE sort_p1,count1) a=where(p2 NE sort_p2,count2) if count1 NE 0 then $ printf,outfile,'Temps heater1 did not increase ',file_list(i) if count2 NE 0 then $ printf,outfile,'Temps heater2 did not increase ',file_list(i) window,1,title='Heater Test Temperatures' plot,p(1:9,0),ytitle='Temperature Data Value',yrange=[0,4095],$ title=file_list(i) oplot,p(0:8,1) endif wait,5 endfor printf,outfile,'All Heater Test Data Sets Analyzed' free_lun,outfile leave: end