pro centrproj,x,y,theta0,phi0,theta,phi ; This routine returns the zenith (theta) and azimuth (phi) of a ; point on the sky when the dihedral angles x (azimuth) and y (zenith), ; and the center ; of the field of view in zenith and azimuth (theta0, phi0) are known. ; All angles are called out in degrees. Zenith is converted to latitude ; inside the procedure. pi=3.1415926535 rad=pi/180. alph=x*rad beta=y*rad f0=(90.-theta0)*rad lamb0=phi0*rad f=atan((sin(f0)+beta*cos(f0))/sqrt(alph^2+(cos(f0)-beta*sin(f0))^2)) lamb=lamb0+asin(alph/sqrt(alph^2+(cos(f0)-beta*sin(f0))^2)) f=f/rad theta=90.-f phi=lamb/rad return end