/*----------------------------------------------------- /* SPU HLSW V8.0 - WHAT'S NEW !! /* /* Project: HSO/PACS, SPU HLSW /* Contact: spuhlsw@prip.tuwien.ac.at /* Date: 27-02-2004 /*----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW 8.0 is positioned as an upgrade of SPU HLSW 7.1, containing the following new features: - Bug in the Buffer Transmission Mode Corrected - Decrease the average time interval between TM packets transmission in buffer Tranmission mode in photometry to 50 ms. - Decrease the number of TM packets to send in one Go in Buffer TRM to 37. - Include the half compression mode for photmetry - Include DMC Header Error if photometry data for Peakup or Specstropy data for BBC mode - Use an option to choose the reduction algorithm in spectroscopy via write command - Include the information of used reduction algorithm in Compressed entity header (old DIFS) - Improved efficiency of lossless compression (CPU workload and Compression ratio) in spectroscopy - Include the new algorithm noise resampling in the peakup module. This will be explained in the specific sections that follow. The required Decompression SW version is: - Paladin8 (Standalone Decompression Software in ANSI C) - Decompress8 (Ground Decompression Software in Java) The SPU HLSW Development Team. Bug in the Buffer Transmission Mode Corrected ---------------------------------------------- In the Buffer transmission mode for spectroscopy, the transfer of the buffered data from PRAM to DRAM did not correctly handle the difference in word length from 6 Byte words to 4 Byte words such that the DEC/MEC header was shifted by 2 bytes in memory. This bug was corrected. Decrease the average time interval between TM packets transmission in buffer TRM in photometry to 50 ms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to fill the 300 Kbits/second in the burst while buffer Transmission mode in photometry is used, the transmission rate of TM packets between SPU and DPU is increased to 20 Hz. Decrease the number of TM packets to send in one Go in Buffer TRM to 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To adapt the Buffer transmission mode to the DPU TM buffer, the total number of TM packets which can be sent from SPU to DPU is 37 in one go (every 2220 ms). Include DMC Header Error if photometry data for Peakup or Specstropy data for BBC mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal a DEC/MEC header error in the SPU HK if Peakup up is started in SPU while phototmetry data are sent or BBC mode is started while spectroscopy data are sent to SPU. Use an option to choose the reduction algorithm in spectroscopy via write command ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is an option, via write detector constants, to select the reduction algorithm to apply on board by the SPU HLSW. Include the information of used reduction algorithm in Compressed entity header (old DIFS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In CEH, the DIFS field is renamed to REAL. This field will contain the ID for the reduction algorithm used by HLSW if reduction sollicited. Improved efficiency of lossless compression (CPU workload and Compression ratio) in spectroscopy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using a new data sorting algorithm, the efficiency of lossless compression in spectroscopy, in terms of CPU workload and compression rate, improved by about 22 % (for CPU workload) since the last SW version. Include the new algorithm noise resampling in the peakup module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A new algorithm "Noise resampling" is actually included in the peakup module. The peakup algorithm will calculate the modelled ramps while starting the compression with CMM 0x21 will allow the transmission of the difference ramps lossless compressed. The following c/h files has been changed since HLSW version 7.1: - csw.c - bol1_2.c - dxs.c - supervs.c - write.c - genspu.h - spuAsw.h - buf_spec.c - buf_bol.c - ramp_ft.c - fill_out.c /* --- EOF ---