/*----------------------------------------------------- /* SPU HLSW V5.6 - WHAT'S NEW !! /* /* Project: HSO/PACS, SPU HLSW /* Originator: Ahmed Nabil Belbachir /* Contact: spuhlsw@prip.tuwien.ac.at /* User Manual issue: 5.6 /* Date: 07-07-2003 /*----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW 5.6 is positioned as an upgrade of SPU HLSW 5.0, containing the following new features: - Bug in Raw Channel Data Section and Compression corrected This will be explained in the specific sections that follow. The SPU HLSW Development Team. Bug in Raw Channel Data Section and Compression corrected ---------------------------------------------------------- The HLSW Version 5.0 crashes during compression when selecting a number of Raw channel not dividable of the number of selected detectors. the problem was that the size of the raw channel data was not correctly chosen (buffer overflow) for transmission. The size should be the compressed raw channel data size while we always sent the size of the non-compressed raw channel data. This has been corrected. /* --- EOF ---