/*----------------------------------------------------- /* SPU HLSW V5.0 - WHAT'S NEW !! /* /* Project: HSO/PACS, SPU HLSW /* Originator: Ahmed Nabil Belbachir /* Contact: spuhlsw@prip.tuwien.ac.at /* User Manual issue: 5.0 /* Date: 03-07-2003 /*----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW 5.0 is positioned as an upgrade of SPU HLSW 4.0, containing the following new features: - Problem of out of limit HK timeout while compressing photometry data fixed and solved - Problem of stopped Compression while OBSID is modified in the DEC/MEC Header is solved - Raw Channel Data are compressed lossless to lower the downlink rate - DEC/MEC Sequence handling is removed from the supervisor for the SPU Internal Test Mode - Possibility to fit over sub-ramps is included These will be explained in the specific sections that follow. The SPU HLSW Development Team. Problem of out of limit HK timeout while compressing photometry data fixed and solved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The compression tasks are preempting the CPU while processing the photometry data. Therefore, the HK task did not have the possibility to send HK packet, when ready, until the compression of the buffer is achieved. This caused that HK time interval, very often, did not fulfill the deadline of 2 seconds. Therefore, three wait positions have been set between the compression tasks in order to free the CPU resource and enable the transmission of HK packets. Problem of stopped compression while OBSID is modified in the DEC/MEC Header is solved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the OBSID changed in the DEC/MEC header and the SPU has already stored only few frames in buffer, the compressed SW enters in a endless loop as it could not compress the few frames and could not update the OBSID with the new one. This problem has been solved by saving the new OBSID and starting storing the data in a new buffer. Therefore, the ramps (in spectroscopy) containing two OBSIDs are deleted from the buffer, and no frame is lost in photometry Raw Channel Data are compressed lossless to lower the downlink rate ------------------------------------------------------------------- To Save the downlink rate, data from raw channels (if selected) are compressed lossless and transmitted lossless within the TM packet. DEC/MEC sequence handling is removed from the supervisor for the SPU internal test mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reduce the number of TC packets of the SPU HLSW, the DEC/MEC sequences handling (Label) is removed from the supervisor for the SPU internal test mode. DEC/MEC sequence handling is removed from the supervisor for the SPU internal test mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reduce the number of TC packets of the SPU HLSW, the DEC/MEC sequences handling (Label) is removed from the supervisor for the SPU internal test mode. Possibility to fit over sub-ramps is included ---------------------------------------------- An option has been added to the SPU HLSW to fit over segmented parts of a ramp (sub-ramps). The sub-ramps length is parameter which could be set in the Detectors Constants table for Spectroscopy. If it is required to fit over the full ramps then, this parameter should contain the ramp length. Default sub-ramp length is 32. /* --- EOF ---