----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW V13.8 - WHAT'S NEW !! Project: HSO/PACS, SPU HLSW Contact: spuhlsw@prip.tuwien.ac.at Date: 24-05-2007 ----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW 13.8 contains the following new features: - rounding can be done in default photometry. It is selected via the Detector Constants for Photometry table. The values 0-3 can be chosen, with 0 (no rounding) being default. - normal int rounding in spec mean is correct now. used to simply truncate. - normal int rounding in photo is correct now. used to round away from 0, now we round up to the next largest int. - replaced all integer divisions with roldiv or roldivs - additional cleanup and commenting - all combinations of llc/sorting algorithms are now accessible in spectroscopy - circular buffer bug corrected (exactly full used to report 0 size) - size 0 protection for asm functions - buffer reorganization to avoid buffer overflow - high cpu load protection repaired