----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW V13.3 - WHAT'S NEW !! Project: HSO/PACS, SPU HLSW Contact: spuhlsw@prip.tuwien.ac.at Date: 28-03-2007 ----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW 13.3 contains the following new features: - new spectroscopy option for the ordering module "5" (=RampDiff) - new spectroscopy lossless compression "4" (=FmAri) - new DMC header compression using Rzip2 (switch back commandable) - cleaning of the data processing buffers - EDAC protection and memory scrubbing included The following c/h files have been changed since HLSW version 13.3: - spec3.c, genspu.h, dxs.c, bol3.c, spuasw.h, hk.c, fill_in.c - dmch_cp.c, spulib.h, spu_io.c, globals.h, watchpc.c, write.c - T_S_Red.c, T_S_fm.c, supervs.c, llc.c, fill_out.c, csw.c - asm_lib.s, smcs_isr.s