----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW V12.8 - WHAT'S NEW !! Project: HSO/PACS, SPU HLSW Contact: spuhlsw@prip.tuwien.ac.at Date: 14-08-2006 ----------------------------------------------------- SPU HLSW 12.8 contains the following new features: The required Decompression SW version: -------------------------------------- - Decompression12 (Ground Decompression Software in Java) No changes were necessary in the PCSS to support 12.8. DMC header transitions and the "LABEL" -------------------------------------- - In Photometry, DMC header transitions are only caused when a Sequence Start is signaled via the Label Field, i.e. when the Label goes from an even number to an uneven number. The other way around (end of sequence) is no longer considered a transition. - In 12.7 in some cases connected to Label transitions, the compressed science data buffer was 1 word (4bytes) too large. The function "fm_average_4" has been identified as source of the additional word. However, the c code is correct and the error only occurs when the module "average.c" is compiled with the -O2 flag. In 12.8, "average.c" is compiled with -O1 and the additional word is not created. Autostop and the "LABEL" ------------------------ - In both Spectroscopy and Photometry, unnecessary autostops are avoided using the SEMA_ASW instead of the csw_status flag for autostop detection. However, the benefit in spectroscopy is little. - In Photometry, the Buffer_Granularity has been deactivated. Instead, a queue has been established to allow for short buffers to be processed without losing data. - The default value for the pacs_srt order in spectroscopy has been changed from 4 to 3. There is a little CPU gain from that. The following c/h files have been changed since HLSW version 12.7: - genspu.h - average.c - hk.c - dmch_cp.c - bol_ex.c - csw.c - write.c - llc.c - supervs.c