//================================================================================================ /*! \file main.c */ /*=================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIRTUOSO CONFIGURATION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Tasks groups with startup attribute: EXE ------------------------------------ Tasks groups without startup attribute: WAIT --------------------------------------- Tasks : ----------------------------------------- TASK prio entry point stack_depth GROUP ----------------------------------------------------------------- HS 10 hs 1024 [EXE] ENTRY_POINT 8 entry_point 1024 [EXE] TMTC 10 tmtc 1024 [EXE] HK_ASK 10 hk_ask 1024 [EXE] LS 10 ls 1024 [EXE] DEBUGGER 5 debugger 1024 [EXE] VM 7 vm 1024 [WAIT] CMD_SEQ 10 cmd_seq 1024 [EXE] Sempahores: ----------- HK_REQ_SEMA TMTC_SEMA IRQ3_SEMA VM_SEMA SD_POOL_SEMA EV_POOL_SEMA HK_POOL_SEMA TC_POOL_SEMA Events: ------- IRQ3_EVENT Memory pools: ------------- POOL NAME SIZE_SMALL SIZE_LARGE BLOCK_NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------------ SD_POOL 33152 33152 10 HK_POOL 512 2048 2 DBG_POOL 512 2048 2 Fifos: ------ NAME Depth Width (Records) (bytes) --------------------------------------- SD_TM_QUEUE 80 40 HK_TM_QUEUE 20 20 CMD_LS_QUEUE 80 12 DEBUG_QUEUE 1024 8 Global Virtuoso parameters: --------------------------- -> DATALEN 16384 -> TICKFREQ 1000 -> CEILING_PRIO 5 -> KERNEL_PRIO 0 -> DRIVER_PRIO 0 -> # of timers: 8 -> # of data packets 0 -> # of command packets 16 -> Kernel stack size 256 -> Timer priority: TMZLI (low) Note: ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 27/12/2001 Author: Marco Giordano, Lorenzo Seno - Audionica ===================================================================*/ /*================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MODULE MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< File name: main.c Version: 1.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: -------- It holds the main task, global variable initializations and debugging variables and functions. Tasks: ------ entry_point, debugger. Public functions: ----------------- Private functions: ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Creation date: 27/12/2001 Author: Giordano, Seno - Audionica s.r.l. ===================================================================*/ /*=================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TASK ENTRY_POINT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Purpose: -------- This task makes the necessary initializations. It runs at an higher priority in order to be sure it runs as first. Description: ------------ Enables Houskeeping (HK_EVENT) and Virtual machine (VM_START_EVENT) events. Requires and initializes the first HK block (from HK_POOL). Initializes HK handler structures. Initializes simulated HW FIFOs. (Debugging) Initializes the HK request tables (simulated - debugging). Enables the IRQ3_EVENT. Initializes the IRQ0 handler for debugging purposes. Public functions called: ------------------------ init_block, Private functions called: ------------------------- Related interrupts: ------------------- IRQ0 -- >> Virtuoso objects used: ------ >> Resources: ------ >> FIFOs: | ------ >> Events: HK_EVENT, VM_START_EVENT, IRQ3_EVENT ------ >> Semaphores: | ------ >> LR Timers: | ------ >> Mailboxes: | ------ >> Memory pools: HK_POOL ------ >> Interrupt service routines: | -- >> Virtuoso Task group: EXE -- >> Virtuoso initial priority: 8 -- >> Virtuoso Time/slicing (y/n, slice ms): n -------------------------------------------------------------------- Creation date: 27/12/2001 Author: Giordano, Seno - Audionica s.r.l. ===================================================================*/