/******************************************************** * * * VIRTUOSO Sysgen generated file * * Backend build : 4.1 R2.04 * * DO NOT EDIT OR CHANGE DIRECTLY!!! * * * * Sysgen Utility Copyright (c) 1992-98 * * Eonic Systems nv * * * * Tel. +32 * * Fax. +32 * * Email support@eonic.com * * Buglist http://www.eonic.com * * * * In case of problems with the code in this file, * * you should send this file and the VPF file that was * * the input to the sysgen utility to support@eonic.com * * * ********************************************************/ #ifndef _NODE1_H #define _NODE1_H #include "iface.h" #include "allnodes.h" #define ISR_1553_EVENT 56 #define HS_EVENT 57 #define TS_EVENT 58 #define HK_EVENT 59 #define MEAS_EVENT 60 #define HS_FLUSH_EVENT 61 #define VM_REQ_EVENT 62 extern int K_max_eventnr; extern EVSTR EVENTS[]; extern void time_tsk(void); extern void entry_point(void); extern void tmtc(void); extern void hs0(void); extern void hk_ask(void); extern void ls(void); extern void cmd_seq(void); extern void ls_hdl(void); extern void data_hdl(void); extern void res_chk(void); extern void hs_hdl(void); extern void hs_flush(void); extern void hs1(void); extern void vm_mon(void); #endif