/****************************************************************************** *File name : MM_MISC.h *Version.Revision: 1.2 *Description: * This file contains the declaration of all the functions in MM_MISC.c that can be accessed from outside the library *Creation Date & Author: 23-02-2006, SP, DS, LP *Version, Update date & Author: 1.1, 26-05-2006, SP * new function to read BootSW event counters * 1.2, 23-08-2007, SP * new addresses to read APID counters used by OBSW ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __MM_MISC_H__ #define __MM_MISC_H__ extern unsigned int is_even(unsigned int a); extern unsigned int IFSI_DIV(unsigned int Dividend, unsigned int Divisor); extern unsigned int IFSI_MOD(unsigned int Dividend, unsigned int Divisor); extern void read_BSW_counters(unsigned int *); /* First three are used by Boot SW */ #define BOOT_SEQ_COUNTER 0x1560 /* This line is copied in MM_21020.s */ #define BOOT_EVENT_51 0x1561 #define BOOT_EVENT_54 0x1562 /* Used by OBSW */ #define BOOT_EVENT_52 0x1563 #define OBSW_APID_2 0x1564 #define OBSW_APID_3 0x1565 #define OBSW_APID_4 0x1566 #define OBSW_APID_5 0x1567 #define OBSW_APID_6 0x1568 /* Mask to distinguish between a reset/patching and start from Boot SW */ #define MASK_FOR_APID_SSC 0xABCD0000 #endif