// //$Id$ // mode BSM_ON { }{ // Look up the type of operations being done ( ft = functional test / pr = performance test ) string test_type = slookup("TestSetup.txt","current","test_type"); // mois_comment("Procedure SPIRE_BSM_ON: to switch on the SPIRE BSM"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for FUNCTIONAL TEST PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("Check that parameter CHOPSENSPWR is set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Check that parameter JIGGSENSPWR is set to 0"); ClearObs(); StartObs(); if(test_type == "pr") { // Switch Nominal HK sampling from 0.25Hz to 1Hz delay(1); Proc_DefineNHK(0x3e8); delay(4); } // Switch ON BSM Proc_BSM_On(); mois_tmcheck("Check that parameter CHOPSENSPWR is set to 1"); mois_tmcheck("Check that parameter JIGGSENSPWR is set to 1"); if(test_type == "pr") { mois_tmcheck("Check that parameter MODE is set to BSM_ON"); } EndObs(); } // //$Id$ // mode PDET_ON { int jfet_heater_V = 0; // By default don't switch on jfet heater }{ mois_comment("Procedure SPIRE_PDET_ON: to switch on the SPIRE Photometer"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for FUNCTIONAL TEST PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure that parameter MODE is set to BSM_INIT"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure PLIABITSTAT is set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure PSWJFETSTAT is set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure PMLWJFETSTAT is set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters PSWJFET1V to PSWJFET6V are all set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters PMWJFET1V to PSWJFET4V are all set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters PLWJFET1V to PSWJFET2V are all set to 0"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for SFT PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("PLIAP5V, PLIAP9V and PLIAM9V should all be set to 0"); ClearObs(); StartObs(); Proc_PDET_On(jfet_heater_V); delay(1); mois_tmcheck("Ensure PLIABITSTAT is set to 1"); mois_tmcheck("PLIAP5V should be ~5V"); mois_tmcheck("PLIAP9V should be ~11.5V"); mois_tmcheck("PLIAM9V should be ~-11.5V"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for FUNCTIONAL TEST PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure PSWJFETSTAT is set to 0x3F"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure PMLWJFETSTAT is set to 0x7F"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters PSWJFET1V to PSWJFET6V are all < 0 - nominally within ~ -1V and -3V"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters PMWJFET1V to PSWJFET4V are all < 0 - nominally within ~ -1V and -3V"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters PLWJFET1V & PSWJFET2V are all < 0 - nominally within ~ -1V and -3V"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure that parameter MODE is set to PHOTSTBY"); EndObs(); } // //$Id: Proc_BSM_On.txt,v 1.2 2006/03/01 11:49:52 asier Exp $ // procedure Proc_BSM_On { }{ // // Switch ON BSM // BSM_SwitchOn(); } // //$Id: Proc_PDET_On.txt,v 1.4 2006/03/02 11:47:44 asier Exp $ // procedure Proc_PDET_On { int jfet_heater_V = 0; // By default don't switch on jfet heater }{ // Switch on Photometer BDAs PF_BDA_On(jfet_heater_V); delay(1); } // //$Id: Proc_SDET_On.txt,v 1.4 2006/03/02 11:47:44 asier Exp $ // procedure Proc_SDET_On { int jfet_heater_V = 0; // By default don't switch on jfet heater }{ // Switch on Spectrometer BDAs SF_BDA_On(jfet_heater_V); } // //$Id$ // mode SDET_ON { int jfet_heater_V = 0; // By default don't switch on jfet heater }{ mois_comment("Procedure SPIRE_SDET_ON: to switch on the SPIRE Spectrometer"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for FUNCTIONAL TEST PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure that parameter MODE is set to SMEC_INIT"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure SLIABITSTAT is set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure SPECJFETSTAT is set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters SSWJFET1V to SSWJFET2V are all set to 0"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameter SLWJFET1V is set to 0"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for SFT PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("SLIAP5V, SLIAP9V and SLIAM9V should all be set to 0"); ClearObs(); StartObs(); delay(1); Proc_SDET_On(jfet_heater_V); delay(1); mois_tmcheck("Ensure SLIABITSTAT is set to 1"); mois_tmcheck("SLIAP5V should be ~5V"); mois_tmcheck("SLIAP9V should be ~11.5V"); mois_tmcheck("SLIAM9V should be ~-11.5V"); mois_spacon("Select the TM Display for FUNCTIONAL TEST PARAMETERS"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure SPECJFETSTAT is set to 7"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameters SSWJFET1V & SSWJFET2V are all < 0 - nominally within ~ -1V and -3V"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure parameter SLWJFET1V is < 0 - nominally within ~ -1V and -3V"); mois_tmcheck("Ensure that parameter MODE is set to SPECSTBY"); EndObs(); }