Special Hybrid Mission Configuration To paliar the problems found with the SPIRE MC S45ASTR delivery, this special hybrid MC uses the latest HIFI and PACS ASTR MC, but rolls back to the previous SPIRE ASTR (S43ASTR). This MC is to be used until the new SPIRE ASTR is available. 1a. Delivery note from SPIRE: 09 December 09 (for Cycle 3) Dear Colleagues of the HSC MPS Group, This e-mail is to notify you that I have just uploaded the new SPIRE ASTR MC tar file onto the CVS server. The contents in the tar files are according to the HSC-ICC Interactions Document, and Larry's latest update. 1. Delivery file, directory & Mission Configuration issues (a) Cycle tar file name : CYCLE003_SPIRE_FULL_2_0_20091209.tar (b) CVS server directory : develop/data/observingmodes/rp_cycles/cycle003 2. Mission Configurations (a) Does this delivery include a new Calibration Mission configuration(s)? No. (b) Does this delivery include a new ASTR mission configurations(s)Yes - SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43 (c) If the answer to point (b) is YES, then have you copied the cCCB@sciops.esa.int in this delivery email? Yes 3. Operations Issues (a) Will any of these delivered observations generate a significant amount of Telecommands? N/A (b) Do you wish to have these calibration observations scheduled in the Real Time Science period of the DTCP? N/A (e) ICC to add anything specific to this OD which HSC & MOC should be aware of. See the README for the main PHS SCR that lists the changes since the last ASTR MC. Please acknowledge the receipt of this delivery to us. Kind regards, Brian O'Halloran 1b. Delivery note from PACS: 29 January 10 (for Cycle 8) Dear HSC Colleagues, This e-mail is to notify you that PACS ICC has just uploaded the delivery of PACS RP cycle#8 tar file onto the CVS server, including a new ASTR MC. I would like to comment, that the volume of this calibration delivery is approx. 21h which is relatively large. However, it contains two specific programs, namely: 1) the spectrometer interlacing vs. non-interlacing test (which takes formally 12.5h, but actually due to long slews 18.5h) 2) a photometer flux program using the latest proposed design for point source mini-scan maps with only 2.5' leg length and improved scan orientations of 70 and 110 deg. From the execution and prompt analysis of these two programs, many observers will benefit, which justifies in my eyes the somewhat larger volume. 1. Delivery file & directory (a) OD tar file name : CYCLE008_PACS_FULL_1_20100129.tar (b) CVS server directory : develop/data/observingmodes/rp_cycles/cycle008, CVS Version 1.1 (c) Does this delivery include a new Mission configuration? YES, Version 42.0 2. Mission Configurations (a) Does this delivery include a new Calibration mission configuration? YES (b) Does this delivery include a new ASTR mission configuration? YES high level SCR for cCCB: PHS-1309 (New Astronomer Mission Configuration PACS_MC_ASTR_CalPhase_2010-01-26A_C008_42) SPRs affecting ASTR backend PHS-1285 (PacsRangeSpec) PHS-1302 (PacsRangeSpec) 3. Operations Issues (TC,HPSDB,SIAM,Real Time Science) (a) Will any of these delivered observations generate a significant amount of telecommands? NO (b) Do you wish to have these calibration observations scheduled in the Real Time Science period of the DTCP? NO (c) ICC to add anything specific which HSC & MOC should be aware of Please note, that the proper execution of the spectrometer interlacing vs. non-interlacing test on OD 276 requires communicating the OBSIDs, for which interlacing shall be disabled, to FD (the scheduling instructions below identify the 12 AORs) Please send approval request for this OD 276 to U. Klaas/M. Nielbock for confirmation of the OBSID list to be sent to FD. The delivery contains AORs on 3 SSOs, namely asteroids 1 Ceres, 52 Europa, 423 Diotima The delivery contains a PACS photometer-spectrometer cross-calibration whose photometer and spectrometer AORs should be scheduled as close in time as possible, hence on OD 289. The delivery contains the following PACS RP calibration blocks: * RPSpecFPG 4.1.1A & 4.1.1B on 3 targets with nominal STR interlacing - verify for a statistics of 12 pointings with 4 nod cycles each, the gain in line shape reproducibility due to interlacing for a blue and a red line * RPSpecWave 4.2.1A on NGC 6543 - wavelength calibration reproducibility * RPSpecFlux 4.3.4A on HD 161796 - flux reproducibility spectrometer * RPSpecFlux 4.3.3A on alp Tau - absolute flux calibration spectrometer * RPPhotFlux 3.2.1A & 3.2.1B on gam Dra - photometer flux reproducibility * RPPHotFlux 3.2.4A & 3.2.4B on Ceres, Europa, Diotima, alp Tau, eps Lep and HD41047 - absolute flux calibration/ verification photometer for both chopped nodded and scan map point source modes. * RPSpecFlux 6.1.1A on Ceres - spectrometer full SED scans for cross-calibration with quasi-simultaneous photometer measurements under 3.2.4A & B. Scheduling instructions per OD (from Readme file) (f) AOR distribution according to ODs and PACS sub-instruments: 1.) OD 276 (PACS SPEC, Interlacing vs. non-interlacing test program) ==================================================================== RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_CII_Pt_AATau_01 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_CII_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_01 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_CII_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_01 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_CII_Pt_AATau_01 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_CII_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_01 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_CII_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_01 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_CII_Pt_AATau_02 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_CII_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_02 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_CII_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_02 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_CII_Pt_AATau_02 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_CII_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_02 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_CII_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_02 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_OI_Pt_AATau_01 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_OI_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_01 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_OI_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_01 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_OI_Pt_AATau_01 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_OI_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_01 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_OI_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_01 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_OI_Pt_AATau_02 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_OI_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_02 RPSpecFPG_411A_stdLine_IL_OI_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_02 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_OI_Pt_AATau_02 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_OI_Pt_IRAS13320-5453_02 RPSpecFPG_411B_stdLine_nIL_OI_Pt_IRAS17208-0014_02 The sequence must be kept as is and in one block, though long slews will be generated. It is an absolute pointing verification program, therefore there must be absolute re-pointing slews in-between the individual targets. Important: Once the POS file has been generated, then the OBSIDs for all AORs with labels "411B" and "nIL" must be identified and the list of these 12 AORs be communicated to Flight Dynamics with the request to disable STR Interlacing Mode for these OBSIDs. 2.) PACS PHOT program (can be scheduled on any PACS Phot OD, i.e. 284, 285, 289) ============================================================ RPPhotFlux_321A_cPS_repro_blu_gamDra_0003 RPPhotFlux_321B_sPS070_repro_blu_gamDra_0003 RPPhotFLux_321B_sPS110_repro_blu_gamDra_0003 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_10Jy_grn_52Europa_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_10Jy_grn_Europa_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_10Jy_grn_Europa_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_20Jy_blu_52Europa_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_20Jy_blu_Europa_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_20Jy_blu_Europa_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_10Jy_blu_Diotima_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_10Jy_blu_Diotima_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_10Jy_blu_Diotima_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_2Jy_red_Diotima_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_2Jy_red_Diotima_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_2Jy_red_Diotima_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_10Jy_grn_alfTau_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_10Jy_grn_alfTau_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_10Jy_grn_alfTau_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_20Jy_blu_alfTau_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_20Jy_blu_alfTau_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_20Jy_blu_alfTau_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_500mJy_grn_epsLep_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_500mJy_grn_epsLep_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_500mJy_grn_epsLep_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_100mJy_grn_HD41047_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_100mJy_grn_HD41047_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_100mJy_grn_HD41047_0001 scan PS maps "sPS070" and "sPS110" on the same target and in the same filter (blu or grn) must be scheduled together. If all AORs of one target are scheduled onto the same OD, then the sequence of AORs as listed above shall be maintained, i.e. cPS and the 2 sPS in the same filter (blu or grn) shall be scheduled together followed by the block in the other filter. 3.) PACS SPEC program (can be scheduled on any Spec OD, i.e. 276, 286, 289, if SAA > -20 deg) ======================================================= wavelength reproducibility -------------------------- RPSpecWave_421A_StdLS_A_NGC6543_0002 RPSpecWave_421A_StdLS_B_NGC6543_0002 AORs shall be scheduled into one block and in the listed sequence flux reproducibility -------------------- RPSpecFlux_434A_nStdRange_RepFluxB2A_HD161796_0005 RPSpecFlux_434A_nStdRange_RepFluxB2B_HD161796_0005 RPSpecFlux_434A_nStdRange_RepFluxB3A_HD161796_0005 AORs shall be scheduled into one block and in the listed sequence absolute flux calibration ------------------------- RPSpecFlux_433A_StdRange_AbsFluxA_AlphaTau_0001 RPSpecFlux_433A_StdRange_AbsFluxB_AlphaTau_0001 AORs shall be scheduled into one block and in the listed sequence 4.) OD 289 (PACS PHOT/SPEC cross calibration) ============================================= RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_200Jy_blu_1Ceres_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_200Jy_blu_Ceres_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_200Jy_blu_Ceres_0001 RPPhotFlux_324A_cPS_200Jy_grn_1Ceres_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS070_200Jy_grn_Ceres_0001 RPPhotFlux_324B_sPS110_200Jy_grn_Ceres_0001 RPSpecFlux_611A_StdSED_sedb2a_Ceres_0001 RPSpecFlux_611A_StdSED_sedb2b_Ceres_0001 RPSpecFlux_611A_StdSED_sedb3a_Ceres_0001 All RPSpecFlux_611A and all RPPhotFlux_324 observations on Ceres shall be scheduled on the same OD, as close as possible in time, e.g. having the RPPhotFlux_324 observations scheduled immediately before a photometer orbit epilogue with CSs on and the RPSpecFlux_611A observations immediately after the spectroscopy orbit prologue with CSs on. Please acknowledge receipt of the e-mail and the delivery. Kind regards, Ulrich Take Note of the Tar File & the New MC name (for MPS email and for steps below) CYCLE008_SPIRE_FULL_1_0_20100129.tar CYCLE003_SPIRE_FULL_2_0_20091209.tar New MCs - MC S43ASTR & P42ASTR. 2. Software used for import + Source the Environment (if not already done!!) HCSS SOFTWARE = 2.0.1 Herjbo02 - HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props file & source .minimal_herjbo02 : PHS: Using BUILDNUM 578 & PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 Machines used : - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the uplink co-ord part - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the PropHandler - heropl01 - hscmps1 for the MPS - herjbo02 - hsc_phs account If the Environment has not yet been sourced then source it!! hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/otherSetups> source setHcssEnvironment_v2.0.1 3. What is the New Mission Configuration Name going to be?? Go to the mission_config directory and do an ls -ltr to see what is the last Mission Configuration generated. Take note also of the last email sent to the MPS group which contains the name and confirm it is the same name. Last Mission Config = MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP This is a roll-back, so the new Mission Configuration name shall be MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_RP 4. Make the directories in the /icchsc/mission_config (& in the delivery directory) Make the directory MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP in the /icchsc/mission_config directory. Within this directory create the subdirectories : SPIRE, PACS, HIFI & logs hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config> mkdir MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config> cd MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> mkdir HIFI hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> mkdir PACS hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> mkdir SPIRE hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> mkdir logs hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> cd logs hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> ls HIFI/ logs/ PACS/ SPIRE/ This LOG file has been placed in the /logs directory and given the name MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP.log 5. Copy across the contents of the HIFI directory from a previous mission_config subdirectory intothe equivalent subdirectories of the MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP folder. Next remove in the HIFI, PACS & SPIRE subfolders all files which were created when you ran the HIFI & PACS duration files e.g. tmp, SPIRE_cus_scipts, SPIRE_harness etc etc. HIFI hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> cd HIFI hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HIFI> cp /home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP/PACS/* . hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HIFI> ls cus-defdur.sh* ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.def ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.txt default-durations.dat ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.tar ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.xml PACS hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> cd PACS hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/PACS> cp /home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP/PACS/* . hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/PACS> ls 2createOBSMODtable4RP.sh* msgPacsRangeSpec.txt PACS_MC_ASTR_CalPhase_2010-01-26A_C008_42_CUS_CAL.xml CYCLE008_PACS_FULL_1_20100129.tar PACS_AOR_C008_42.aor PACS_MC_ASTR_CalPhase_2010-01-26A_C008_42_CUS.def msgPacsCal_PacsRangeSpec_PV.txt PACS_Duration_PACS_compare.txt PACS_Readme_C008_42.txt msgPacsLineSpec.txt PACS_Duration_PACS_old.txt tmp msgPacsPhoto.txt PACS_Duration_PACS.txt tmpobsmode hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/PACS> rm msg* PACS_Dur* tmp* rm: remove regular file `msgPacsCal_PacsRangeSpec_PV.txt'? y rm: remove regular file `msgPacsLineSpec.txt'? y rm: remove regular file `msgPacsPhoto.txt'? y rm: remove regular file `msgPacsRangeSpec.txt'? y rm: remove regular file `PACS_Duration_PACS_compare.txt'? n rm: remove regular file `PACS_Duration_PACS_old.txt'? y rm: remove regular file `PACS_Duration_PACS.txt'? y rm: remove regular file `tmp'? y rm: remove regular file `tmpobsmode'? y hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/PACS> ls 2createOBSMODtable4RP.sh* PACS_Duration_PACS_compare.txt PACS_Readme_C008_42.txt CYCLE008_PACS_FULL_1_20100129.tar PACS_MC_ASTR_CalPhase_2010-01-26A_C008_42_CUS_CAL.xml PACS_AOR_C008_42.aor PACS_MC_ASTR_CalPhase_2010-01-26A_C008_42_CUS.def SPIRE hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP> cd SPIRE hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> cp /home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P40ASTR_S43ASTR_RP/SPIRE/* . hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> ls CYCLE003_SPIRE_FULL_2_0_20091209.tar SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20100115_16h00m42s.log SPIRE_cus_scripts.txt SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS_CAL.xml SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS.def SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_Readme_C003_43.txt SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20091209_18h42m25s.log 6. Steps to re-import the OLD HIFI Instrument model into the MC Set Instrument Model = HIFI Check with CUSGUI Run the duration script for the HIFI instruments Import HIFI into the new Mission Configuration 6(a) Set Instrument Model = HIFI hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/.hcss> emacs Uplink_Coord.props & #CUS #var.hcss.instrument = SPIRE #var.hcss.instrument = PACS var.hcss.instrument = HIFI hcss.cus.model = FLIGHT 7(b) Check with CUSGUI hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HIFI> Feb 2, 2010 5:20:28 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:20:29 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:20:29 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:20:29 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:20:29 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:20:29 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:20:29 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from HIFI, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Feb 2, 2010 5:20:37 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. TAKE NOTE : Instrument above must be HIFI if you want to work with the HIFI instrument model. - CONFIRMED!! 7(c) Clean the CUS & Cal tables from the instrument model Not necesaary. Already have correct CUS. Skip hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP/HIFI> cus -f -m "clean HIFI CUS from DB" -deleteall Feb 1, 2010 11:57:29 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 1, 2010 11:57:30 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:30 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:30 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:30 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:30 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:41 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All definitions have been deleted hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP/HIFI> cus -f -m "clean HIFI CAL from DB" -caldeleteall Feb 1, 2010 11:57:46 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 1, 2010 11:57:47 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:48 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:48 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:48 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:48 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:57:54 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All calibration tables successfully deleted TAKE NOTE : OPEN UP CUSGUI & VERIFY IT IS EMPTY i.e. No Cus scripts & No Parameter tables - VERIFIED!!! TAKE NOTE : Check HPSDB in the CUSGUI Session = hpsdb_MOC3_200908141600 - CONFIRMED!! 7(d) Import the new Instrument CUS & Cal tables into the DB Import new Mission Configuration (Version 115 = Phase_3b). hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP/HIFI> cus -m "upload HIFI Phase_3b mission config" -import ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.def -importcaltables ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.xml Feb 1, 2010 11:59:20 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 1, 2010 11:59:21 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:21 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:21 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:21 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:21 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:36 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Definitions successfully imported Feb 1, 2010 11:59:36 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Using current directory Feb 1, 2010 11:59:36 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:36 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:36 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:36 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 1, 2010 11:59:41 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Calibration tables successfully imported from "ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.xml" TAKE NOTE : The file referred to at the end import message shall correspond to the file that was delivered by HIFI : ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_115.xml CONFIRMED!! 7(e) Run the duration script for the HIFI instrument Run the duration script delivered hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P40ASTR_S43ASTR_RP/HIFI> ./cus-defdur.sh > HIFI_Phase3b_Durations.txt DIFF hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P40ASTR_S43ASTR_RP/HIFI> diff default-durations.dat HIFI_Phase3b_Durations.txt 9a10 > Duration of Check_BLUE_LIMIT_D2_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 10a12 > Duration of CheckedLoadSpacing with default parameters = 0 12a15 > Duration of Check_HRS_prohibited_LO_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 16,18d18 < Duration of Check_BLUE_LIMIT_D2_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 < Duration of Check_HRS_prohibited_LO_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 < Duration of CheckedLoadSpacing with default parameters = 0 22d21 < Duration of ComputeReferenceFreq with default parameters = 0 23a23 > Duration of ComputeReferenceFreq with default parameters = 0 31a32 > Duration of DataTaking with default parameters = 0 33a35 > Duration of DBS_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 34a37,38 > Duration of DBS_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 > Duration of DBS_performance with default parameters = 0 35a40,41 > Duration of DBS_post_timing with default parameters = 0 > Duration of DBS_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 41,45d46 < Duration of DBS_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 < Duration of DBS_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 < Duration of DBS_performance with default parameters = 0 < Duration of DBS_post_timing with default parameters = 0 < Duration of DBS_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 47,48d47 < Duration of DataTaking with default parameters = 0 < Duration of Deflux_SingleBand_proc_aot with default parameters = 176 49a49 > Duration of Deflux_SingleBand_proc_aot with default parameters = 176 59,63d58 < Duration of FSwitchNoRef_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 < Duration of FSwitchNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 < Duration of FSwitchPhaseLengths with default parameters = 0 < Duration of FSwitch_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 < Duration of FSwitch_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 68,69d62 < Duration of FastDBSRaster_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 < Duration of FastDBSRaster_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 71a65,66 > Duration of FastDBSRaster_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 > Duration of FastDBSRaster_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 76a72,76 > Duration of FSwitch_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 > Duration of FSwitchNoRef_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 > Duration of FSwitchNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 > Duration of FSwitchPhaseLengths with default parameters = 0 > Duration of FSwitch_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 78d77 < Duration of GetA_M with default parameters = 0 80a80 > Duration of GetA_M with default parameters = 0 83a84,85 > Duration of Get_BLUE_LIMIT_D2_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 > Duration of Get_BLUE_MIN_D2_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 87a90 > Duration of Get_Diplexer_setting with default parameters = 0 91a95 > Duration of GetFrequencyGroupSteps with default parameters = 0 96d99 < Duration of GetFrequencyGroupSteps with default parameters = 0 110,111d112 < Duration of GetSScanLevelGrid with default parameters = 0 < Duration of GetSScanLevels with default parameters = 0 115a117,118 > Duration of GetSScanLevelGrid with default parameters = 0 > Duration of GetSScanLevels with default parameters = 0 119,121d121 < Duration of Get_BLUE_LIMIT_D2_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 < Duration of Get_BLUE_MIN_D2_proc_fm with default parameters = 0 < Duration of Get_Diplexer_setting with default parameters = 0 124,131d123 < Duration of HIFIRetuneFreq with default parameters = 33 < Duration of HIFIRetuneFsw with default parameters = 56 < Duration of HIFITune with default parameters = 60 < Duration of HIFITuneFreq with default parameters = 32 < Duration of HIFITuneFreqFsw with default parameters = 55 < Duration of HIFITuneFreqNoretune with default parameters = 6 < Duration of HIFITuneFreqNoretuneFsw with default parameters = 14 < Duration of HIFITuneFsw with default parameters = 83 135,140d126 < Duration of HIFI_Spectr_fast_chop_proc_aot with default parameters = 4 < Duration of HIFI_Spectr_fswitch_proc_aot with default parameters = 8 < Duration of HIFI_Spectr_slow_chop_proc_aot with default parameters = 8 < Duration of HIFI_Spectr_tp_proc_aot with default parameters = 4 < Duration of HL_heater_proc_aot with default parameters = 0 < Duration of HRS_config_resol_fm with default parameters = 1 147,148d132 < Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTFNoRefSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 < Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTFSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 150a135,136 > Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTFNoRefSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 > Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTFSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 156,157d141 < Duration of HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTFNoRefSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 < Duration of HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTFSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 159a144,145 > Duration of HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTFNoRefSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 > Duration of HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTFSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 163a150 > Duration of HifiPointModeFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 166d152 < Duration of HifiPointModeFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 170a157 > Duration of HifiPointProcFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 173d159 < Duration of HifiPointProcFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 176a163,168 > Duration of HIFIRetuneFreq with default parameters = 33 > Duration of HIFIRetuneFsw with default parameters = 56 > Duration of HIFI_Spectr_fast_chop_proc_aot with default parameters = 4 > Duration of HIFI_Spectr_fswitch_proc_aot with default parameters = 8 > Duration of HIFI_Spectr_slow_chop_proc_aot with default parameters = 8 > Duration of HIFI_Spectr_tp_proc_aot with default parameters = 4 177a170 > Duration of HifiSScanModeFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 180d172 < Duration of HifiSScanModeFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 183a176 > Duration of HifiSScanProcFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 186d178 < Duration of HifiSScanProcFastDBSSequencerInit with default parameters = 0 188a181,186 > Duration of HIFITune with default parameters = 60 > Duration of HIFITuneFreq with default parameters = 32 > Duration of HIFITuneFreqFsw with default parameters = 55 > Duration of HIFITuneFreqNoretune with default parameters = 6 > Duration of HIFITuneFreqNoretuneFsw with default parameters = 14 > Duration of HIFITuneFsw with default parameters = 83 189a188 > Duration of HL_heater_proc_aot with default parameters = 0 190a190 > Duration of HRS_config_resol_fm with default parameters = 1 192d191 < Duration of IMultiple with default parameters = 0 195c194 < Duration of Init_Mixing_proc_aot with default parameters = 82 --- > Duration of IMultiple with default parameters = 0 197c196 < Duration of IntIsContained with default parameters = 0 --- > Duration of Init_Mixing_proc_aot with default parameters = 82 208c207 < Duration of LCU_Read_TM_pages_proc_aot with default parameters = 1 --- > Duration of IntIsContained with default parameters = 0 209a209 > Duration of LCU_Read_TM_pages_proc_aot with default parameters = 1 210a211 > Duration of LoadChop_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 214d214 < Duration of LoadChop_noisecomputer with default parameters = 0 225a226,227 > Duration of OpenMessages with default parameters = 0 > Duration of OTFDoubleChop_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 229d230 < Duration of OTFDoubleChop_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 231c232 < Duration of OTFFSwitchNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 --- > Duration of OtfDrift with default parameters = 0 232a234 > Duration of OTFFSwitchNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 234d235 < Duration of OTFLoadChopNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 235a237 > Duration of OTFLoadChopNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 237d238 < Duration of OTF_performance with default parameters = 0 243,244d243 < Duration of OpenMessages with default parameters = 0 < Duration of OtfDrift with default parameters = 0 247a247 > Duration of OTF_performance with default parameters = 0 267a268,277 > Duration of Set_LO_Nominal_proc_aot with default parameters = 1 > Duration of Set_Magnet_current_proc_fm with default parameters = 1 > Duration of SingleChop_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SingleChopNoRef_performance with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SingleChopNoRef_post_timing with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SlowChopReadoutDelay with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SpectralScanReader with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SpotOTFOffTime with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SpotSpectralScanGroupLength with default parameters = 0 > Duration of SpreadHRS with default parameters = 0 281d290 < Duration of SScanFSwitchNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 282a292 > Duration of SScanFSwitchNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 284d293 < Duration of SScanLoadChopNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 285a295 > Duration of SScanLoadChopNoRef_pre_timing with default parameters = 0 289,298d298 < Duration of Set_LO_Nominal_proc_aot with default parameters = 1 < Duration of Set_Magnet_current_proc_fm with default parameters = 1 < Duration of SingleChopNoRef_performance with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SingleChopNoRef_post_timing with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SingleChop_deadtimes with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SlowChopReadoutDelay with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SpectralScanReader with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SpotOTFOffTime with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SpotSpectralScanGroupLength with default parameters = 0 < Duration of SpreadHRS with default parameters = 0 314a315 > Duration of Heater_block_aot with default parameters = 132 315a317 > Duration of HIFI_Calibrate_hot_cold with default parameters = 9 319d320 < Duration of HIFIConfigureFSwitchIntegration with default parameters = 0 320a322,323 > Duration of HIFIConfigureFSwitchIntegration with default parameters = 0 > Duration of HIFI_Configure_LCU_block_aot with default parameters = 7 326,327c329 < Duration of HIFIFSwitchOffIntegration with default parameters = 8 < Duration of HIFIFSwitchOnIntegration with default parameters = 8 --- > Duration of HIFI_DoubleCalibrate_hot_cold with default parameters = 19 331a334,335 > Duration of HIFIFSwitchOffIntegration with default parameters = 8 > Duration of HIFIFSwitchOnIntegration with default parameters = 8 336a341,342 > Duration of HifiPeakupConfigure with default parameters = 1 > Duration of HifiPeakupCorrection with default parameters = 1 341,343d346 < Duration of HIFI_Calibrate_hot_cold with default parameters = 9 < Duration of HIFI_Configure_LCU_block_aot with default parameters = 7 < Duration of HIFI_DoubleCalibrate_hot_cold with default parameters = 19 349,351d351 < Duration of Heater_block_aot with default parameters = 132 < Duration of HifiPeakupConfigure with default parameters = 1 < Duration of HifiPeakupCorrection with default parameters = 1 360,362d359 < Duration of WBS_Full_Zero with default parameters = 6 < Duration of WBS_Zero_Comb with default parameters = 6 < Duration of WBS_Zero_FCal with default parameters = 8 363a361 > Duration of WBS_Full_Zero with default parameters = 6 366,368c364,374 < Duration of HifiEngHalfThrowDBSRaster with default parameters = 958 < Duration of HifiEngHalfThrowFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 822 < Duration of HifiEngPeakup with default parameters = 222 --- > Duration of WBS_Zero_Comb with default parameters = 6 > Duration of WBS_Zero_FCal with default parameters = 8 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiEngHalfThrowDBSRaster with default parameters = 690 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiEngHalfThrowFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 569 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiEngPeakup with default parameters = 166 374,376c380,396 < Duration of HifiMappingModeDBSCross with default parameters = 531 < Duration of HifiMappingModeDBSRaster with default parameters = 173 < Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTF with default parameters = 109 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingModeDBSCross with default parameters = 394 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingModeDBSRaster with default parameters = 130 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingModeFastDBSCross with default parameters = 321 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingModeFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 105 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTF with default parameters = 99 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 378,380c398,402 < Duration of HifiMappingModeFastDBSCross with default parameters = 458 < Duration of HifiMappingModeFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 148 < Duration of HifiMappingModeLoadChopOTF with default parameters = 109 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingModeLoadChopOTF with default parameters = 99 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 382,385c404,423 < Duration of HifiMappingModeOTF with default parameters = 75 < Duration of HifiMappingProcDBSCross with default parameters = 1836 < Duration of HifiMappingProcDBSRaster with default parameters = 1053 < Duration of HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTF with default parameters = 179 --- > Duration of HifiMappingModeOTF with default parameters = 65 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcDBSCross with default parameters = 1349 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcDBSRaster with default parameters = 747 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcFastDBSCross with default parameters = 1108 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 626 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTF with default parameters = 161 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 387,393c425,441 < Duration of HifiMappingProcFastDBSCross with default parameters = 1595 < Duration of HifiMappingProcFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 932 < Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterDBSCross with default parameters = 2191 < Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterDBSRaster with default parameters = 1421 < Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterFastDBSCross with default parameters = 1949 < Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 1300 < Duration of HifiMappingProcLoadChopOTF with default parameters = 179 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterDBSCross with default parameters = 1716 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterDBSRaster with default parameters = 1130 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterFastDBSCross with default parameters = 1474 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcJupiterFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 626 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcLoadChopOTF with default parameters = 161 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 395,397c443,454 < Duration of HifiMappingProcOTF with default parameters = 125 < Duration of HifiPointModeDBS with default parameters = 66 < Duration of HifiPointModeFSwitch with default parameters = 45 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiMappingProcOTF with default parameters = 107 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointModeDBS with default parameters = 54 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointModeFastDBS with default parameters = 41 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointModeFSwitch with default parameters = 44 399,400c456,458 < Duration of HifiPointModeFastDBS with default parameters = 53 < Duration of HifiPointModeLoadChop with default parameters = 45 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointModeLoadChop with default parameters = 44 402,404c460,471 < Duration of HifiPointModePositionSwitch with default parameters = 37 < Duration of HifiPointProcDBS with default parameters = 66 < Duration of HifiPointProcFSwitch with default parameters = 45 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointModePositionSwitch with default parameters = 36 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcDBS with default parameters = 54 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcFastDBS with default parameters = 41 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcFSwitch with default parameters = 44 406,409c473,481 < Duration of HifiPointProcFastDBS with default parameters = 53 < Duration of HifiPointProcJupiterDBS with default parameters = 66 < Duration of HifiPointProcJupiterFastDBS with default parameters = 53 < Duration of HifiPointProcLoadChop with default parameters = 45 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcJupiterDBS with default parameters = 54 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcJupiterFastDBS with default parameters = 41 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcLoadChop with default parameters = 44 412,413c484,494 < Duration of HifiPointProcPositionSwitch with default parameters = 37 < Duration of HifiSScanModeDBS with default parameters = 340 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiPointProcPositionSwitch with default parameters = 36 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiSScanModeDBS with default parameters = 294 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiSScanModeFastDBS with default parameters = 246 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 416c497,498 < Duration of HifiSScanModeFastDBS with default parameters = 292 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 419c501,508 < Duration of HifiSScanProcDBS with default parameters = 340 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiSScanProcDBS with default parameters = 294 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv > Duration of HifiSScanProcFastDBS with default parameters = 246 > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv 422c511,512 < Duration of HifiSScanProcFastDBS with default parameters = 292 --- > Using STPF file: /herschel/data/files/moc/stpf/received/STPF_00002_20090324.csv > Using OBDB file: /herschel/data/files/moc/obdb/received/OBDB_4_0_B004_20090325.csv Differences seen. Previously agreed with Larry that the Instrument model contents is sufficiently consistent with the HIFI last Mission Configuration and can be used, but that the default durations file was not calculated against this MC. 7(f) If Durations are OK then COMMIT the Delivery with CUSGUI OPENED CUSGUI & COMMITTED (REGISTRY/COMMIT) THE HIFI DELIVERY In the Comment field, refer to HIFI HPhase3 MC TAKE NOTE : It is very important that you commit the delivery as defined above. Re-join here... 7(g) Import HIFI into the new Mission Configuration hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HIFI> missetup -addconfig MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP Feb 2, 2010 5:22:39 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:22:40 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:22:40 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:22:40 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:22:40 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:22:40 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:22:40 PM herschel.ccm.tools.MissionSetup infoMessage INFO: Using database "hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int" Feb 2, 2010 5:22:41 PM herschel.ccm.tools.MissionSetup infoMessage INFO: Mission configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" created in database "hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int" Add HIFI to new MC hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HIFI> Feb 2, 2010 5:23:23 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:23:23 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:24 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from HIFI, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Feb 2, 2010 5:23:44 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" Feb 2, 2010 5:23:56 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:56 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:56 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:23:56 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:24:17 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. 7(g) Import PACS into the new Mission Configuration We already have the correct PACS Cus. No need to clean. Check that PACS is defined in CusGui hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/PACS> Feb 2, 2010 5:26:23 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:26:24 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:26:25 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:26:25 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:26:25 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:26:25 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:26:25 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from PACS, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Feb 2, 2010 5:26:38 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. Add PACS to new MC hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/PACS> Feb 2, 2010 5:27:10 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:27:11 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:12 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:12 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from PACS, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Feb 2, 2010 5:27:25 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" Feb 2, 2010 5:27:48 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:48 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:48 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:27:48 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:28:19 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" Feb 2, 2010 5:28:30 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. 6(a) To import the new SPIRE delivery: #CUS var.hcss.instrument = SPIRE #var.hcss.instrument = PACS #var.hcss.instrument = HIFI hcss.cus.model = FLIGHT 6(b) Set the Instrument Model & check with CUSGUI hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> Feb 2, 2010 5:29:23 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:29:23 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:24 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from SPIRE, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Feb 2, 2010 5:29:31 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. Clean CUS & Cal and import new SPIRE MC hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> cus -f -m "clean SPIRE CUS from DB" -deleteall Feb 2, 2010 5:29:54 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:29:54 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:29:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:30:02 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All definitions have been deleted hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> cus -f -m "clean SPIRE CAL from DB" -caldeleteall Feb 2, 2010 5:30:09 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:30:10 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:30:10 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:30:10 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:30:10 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:30:10 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:30:16 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All calibration tables successfully deleted hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> cus -m "upload SPIRE_MC_43ASTR mission config" -import SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS.def -importcaltables SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS_CAL.xml Feb 2, 2010 5:31:54 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:31:54 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:31:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:31:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:31:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:31:55 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:32:11 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Definitions successfully imported Feb 2, 2010 5:32:11 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Using current directory Feb 2, 2010 5:32:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:32:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:32:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:32:11 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:32:13 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Calibration tables successfully imported from "SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS_CAL.xml" 7. Run the duration script & perform a diff with the ICC_DUR file. hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> python SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> ls -ls total 4348 2160 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 2201600 Dec 9 18:14 CYCLE003_SPIRE_FULL_2_0_20091209.tar 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 1732 Feb 2 17:32 SPIRE_cus_scripts.txt 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 1174 Dec 9 17:44 SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 4557 Dec 9 17:44 SPIRE_Duration.txt 8 -rw-rw-rw- 1 hscphs2 herschel 4557 Dec 9 18:42 SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20091209_18h42m25s.log 8 -rw-rw-rw- 1 hscphs2 herschel 4557 Jan 15 16:00 SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20100115_16h00m42s.log 8 -rw-rw-rw- 1 hscphs2 herschel 4557 Feb 2 17:36 SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20100202_17h36m30s.log 260 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 260104 Dec 9 17:44 SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS_CAL.xml 1884 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 1924841 Dec 9 17:44 SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv64_C003_43_CUS.def 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 2578 Dec 9 18:02 SPIRE_Readme_C003_43.txt hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> diff SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20100202_17h36m30s.log 15c15 < Duration of SpirePacsParallel with default parameters = 2161 --- > Duration of SpirePacsParallel with default parameters = 1909 19,22c19,22 < Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FovMapCrossRaster with default parameters = 1963 < Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FovMapFpgScan with default parameters = 629 < Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FpgInitialPointing with default parameters = 6579 < Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_TransRespoAndDynBeamProf with default parameters = 230 --- > Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FovMapCrossRaster with default parameters = 1887 > Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FovMapFpgScan with default parameters = 527 > Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FpgInitialPointing with default parameters = 5867 > Duration of SpirePhoto_CalGCO_TransRespoAndDynBeamProf with default parameters = 199 30c30 < Duration of SpirePhoto_Cal_PointJiggleId55 with default parameters = 419 --- > Duration of SpirePhoto_Cal_PointJiggleId55 with default parameters = 397 34,35c34,35 < Duration of SpirePhotoLargeLogic with default parameters = 276 < Duration of SpirePhotoLargeScan with default parameters = 202 --- > Duration of SpirePhotoLargeLogic with default parameters = 256 > Duration of SpirePhotoLargeScan with default parameters = 195 38,41c38,41 < Duration of SpirePhotoPointJiggle with default parameters = 417 < Duration of SpirePhotoPointLogic with default parameters = 417 < Duration of SpirePhotoSmallLogic with default parameters = 303 < Duration of SpirePhotoSmall with default parameters = 189 --- > Duration of SpirePhotoPointJiggle with default parameters = 395 > Duration of SpirePhotoPointLogic with default parameters = 395 > Duration of SpirePhotoSmallLogic with default parameters = 277 > Duration of SpirePhotoSmall with default parameters = 176 44,48c44,48 < Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FixedSmecBeamProfile with default parameters = 6633 < Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FovMapCrossRaster with default parameters = 1942 < Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FovMapFpgScan with default parameters = 628 < Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FpgInitialPointing with default parameters = 6465 < Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_ScannedSmecBeamProfile with default parameters = 11342 --- > Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FixedSmecBeamProfile with default parameters = 6281 > Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FovMapCrossRaster with default parameters = 1866 > Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FovMapFpgScan with default parameters = 526 > Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FpgInitialPointing with default parameters = 5808 > Duration of SpireSpectro_CalGCO_ScannedSmecBeamProfile with default parameters = 10958 Perfect!!!. This is the expected result because SPIRE delivered with the old slew time estimator, so their durations must differ. COMMIT delivery and import hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/SPIRE> Feb 2, 2010 5:40:42 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:40:43 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:40:43 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:40:43 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:40:43 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:40:43 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:40:43 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from SPIRE, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Feb 2, 2010 5:41:03 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" Feb 2, 2010 5:41:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:41:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:41:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:41:24 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:42:04 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" Feb 2, 2010 5:42:07 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. TAKE NOTE : If you have selected the correct Mission Configuration then you can confirm this in the cusgui log as shown above. THIS ENDS THE IMPORT OF THE NEW SPIRE INSTRUMENT MODEL INTO THE MISSION CONFIGURATION. 9.Link PropHandler to the new MC & Start PropHandler to confirm Linked Prophandler to the new Mission Config by updating the Uplink_Coord.props file in .hcss directory #Mission Configuration hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP Source the PHS Environment for 2.0.1 hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/otherSetups> source setHcssEnvironment_v2.0.1_phs hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/otherSetups> Feb 2, 2010 5:43:20 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Feb 2, 2010 5:43:20 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RO-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n3@herdb02.esac.esa.int Running CDH.getObsProgrammes() Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observation programmes list... Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs progs took: 39 Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observing modes list... Feb 2, 2010 5:43:21 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP" Feb 2, 2010 5:43:25 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs modes took: 4290 TAKE NOTE : The PropHandler Terminal log above shows that it is correctly pointing to the new Mission Configuration : CONFIRMED!! 10. Export the Hspot Files from PropHandler In PropHandler, select the Calibration pull down menu and export the HSpot files. TAKE NOTE : When the new window opens showing all the properties files, check that you have property files for SPIRE, PACS & HIFI. CONFIRMED!! Select all the files and in the new window that opens, create a new directory in /home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/ Called the same as the Mission Confifguration: MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP Exported all the HSpot files to this folder: hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files> mkdir MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files> cd MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP Example of the last entry in the log: Feb 2, 2010 5:51:50 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Writing calibration prop file:/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HifiSScanProcLoadChopNoRefGen.prop Feb 2, 2010 5:51:50 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Writing calibration prop file:/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/HifiMappingProcFSwitchOTFNoRefGen.prop 11. Do the Check for a new script for Eva Skip this... Do the following: hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP> ls *.prop > & MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP.txt [1] + Running propHandler hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP> ls -ls *.txt 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 hscphs2 herschel 13406 Feb 1 17:15 MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP.txt Now do a diff between this new txt file and the one generated with the last Mission configuration. hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files> diff MC_H24_P40_S44_PV.txt MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP.txt > SpirePhotoSmallScanGen.prop If there is a difference inform Eva, Jose & Larry of the result. If there is NO difference then no need to inform Eva or Larry. One new script 12. Final Jboss Activities Log into Jboss #2 herjbo02.esac.esa.int/home/hsc_phs> source .minimal_herjbo02 PHS: Using BUILDNUM 578 PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 Stop the Test Jboss : herjbo02.esac.esa.int/home/hsc_phs> stopJbossTest set old=/home/hsc_phs chdir /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5/bin if ( -f .keybind ) echo .keybind exists if ( -f .exrc ) echo .exrc exists ./shutdown.sh -s jnp://localhost:1199 Shutdown message has been posted to the server. Server shutdown may take a while - check logfiles for completion Create a directory which contains the name of the new MC : herjbo02.esac.esa.int/home/hsc_phs> mkdir fileHolder_ops_MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP copied HSpot files from the HSpot_files directory on hscphs2 to this directory TAKE NOTE : You should perform this copy from the HSpot files folder on hscphs2. - DONE : SEE BELOW hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP> scp *.prop hsc_phs@herjbo02:/home/hsc_phs/fileHolder_ops_MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP/ Next update the properties file: herjbo02.esac.esa.int/home/hsc_phs/.hcss> emacs HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props Update each of the fields below in the Properties file : TAKE NOTE : Double check that this is done correctly!! #MARK & CHIQUI TIME ESTIMATOR #hcss.phs.timeEstimatorVersion=MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP_100201 hcss.phs.timeEstimatorVersion=MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP_100202 #hcss.phs.timeEstimatorVersion=MC_H24_P40_S44_PV_100126 #MARK & CHIQUI MISSION CONFIG #hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP #hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_H24_P40_S44_PV #MARK & CHIQUI DIRECTORIES #hcss.phs.fileHolder=/home/hsc_phs/fileHolder_ops_MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S45ASTR_RP hcss.phs.fileHolder=/home/hsc_phs/fileHolder_ops_MC_HPhase3_P42ASTR_S43ASTR_Hybrid_RP #hcss.phs.fileHolder=/home/hsc_phs/fileHolder_ops_MC_H24_P40_S44_PV Finally Restart the Test Jboss. > startJbossTest DONE. LOGOUT OF THE JBOSS MACHINE. YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THIS LOG FILE.