Date: ---- Tue Jul 19 14:28:10 CEST 2011 Deliverer: ---------- Volker Ossenkopf Content: -------- HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0047_C046_86.txt - description HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0047_C046_86_CUS.def - CUS definitions HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0047_C046_86_CUS_CAL.xml - calibration files default-durations.dat - time estimation of all CUS definitions - command script used to generate the durations file - auxiliary script to import everything into a data base Test configuration: ------------------- MIB: HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC9_201003161700 HCSS user build 7.0 (CIB build 1955) HIFI sequencer from phs build 668 hifiseq5 using PointingSequencer from ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_208 Functional test setup: ----------------------, herschel.worker=herschel_phs_astr: ASTR-HIFI_ASTR_047--ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_211--HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC9 Applied changes (relative to HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0046_C046_84) : ---------------------------------------------------------- PHS-1644 (additional fix in message parser table) Include message parser into sequencer to provide infrastructure for PHS-1581 -> pattern calibration table PHS-1581 (Adaption of CUS code to typo on sequencer side) Critical parameters contained in message output after time estimation need to be turned into attributes that can be propagated into the UplinkProduct