(1) Date & Time of delivery: 20-Sep-2010, 14:15 CEST (2) ICC individual to be contacted when problems arise with the delivery: (1) M. Nielbock (2) U. Klaas (3) V. Doublier-Pritchard (4) Z. Balog (3) Time range for which the data being delivered is applicable ODs 516 and 526, special gyro nodding test (4) Names of all files contained in the TAR file: PACS_AOR_GYRO_PHOT_57.aor PACS_Duration_PACS_compare.txt PACS_Readme_GYRO_PHOT_57.txt 2createOBSMODtable4RP.sh (5) CUS script & Calibration files ICC internal configuration control issues: (a) Version and name of ICC mission configuration from which files were exported: Version 57 of delivered Mission Configurations GYRO_T1_2010-09-20A provided by: PACS_MC_GYRO_T1_2010-09-20A_C024_57_CUS.def PACS_MC_GYRO_T1_2010-09-20A_C024_57_CUS_CAL.xml (b) Name of the CVS Tag related to this delivery (if relevant) (c) Name of the ICC Database containing this delivery verification@pacs-up1.mpe.mpg.de (d) HCSS version used when working with these files HCSS CIB Track 5.0 Build 1229 (6) AOR File issues: (a) HSpot, PHS & MPS versions used PACS Expert HSPOT Version 5.1.2 PHS Version 5.1.2 (Build 632) based on HCSS 5.0 Build 1229 MPS based on HCSS 5.0 Build 1387 (b) Number of AORs delivered in all delivered .aor files 2 (c) Overall Time Estimation calculated by HSpot for all delivered AORs 01h37m06s (7) Spacecraft Database issues: (a) ICC MIB version applicable to these CUS & Calibration files merged: CDMS 3.10 ACMS 4.1 PACS MIB version 9.4 HIFI MIB version 11.12 SPIRE MIB version FM 4.0.02 RMS (Support MTL provided by ESOC) (b) HPSDB version that contains this MIB HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC5_200910261200.zip (c) OBSM software version on the instrument applicable to this MIB DPU V9.04 (SUM 3.4 available) SPU HLSW V13.96 (SUM 13.96 available) DMC V6.028 (SUM available V4.8) (8) Go-ahead of the ICC CCB (if applicable): PACS ICC CCB of 13 September 2010 (9) SXRs applicable to the updates of the scripts delivered in this release: PHS-1522 (10) Additional notes e.g. messages for mission planning, etc.: (a) Default avoidance settings can be used. (b) Number of SSOs contained in this delivery: none (c) BURST mode is NOT requested. (e) Gyro propagation is not requested. (f) AOR distribution according to ODs and PACS sub-instruments: PACS PHOT (to be scheduled in real time science window of OD 516) ================================================================= RPPhotFPG_262B_gyronodcPS_blu_tmax634_HIP45058_0001 PACS PHOT (to be scheduled in real time science window of OD 526) ================================================================= RPPhotFPG_262B_gyronodcPS_blu_tmax954_HIP45058_0001 (11) CusCmdscript output file: (a) Name of CusCmd Script 2createOBSMODEtable4RP.sh Syntax to run this script: 2createOBSMODEtable4RP.sh NOTE! Please check that the appdir variable in the script reflects the latest HCSS installation. (b) Expected durations when this is run: contained in PACS_Duration_PACS_compare.txt