A. PACS DELIVERY Log import of PACS_MC_FULL_2 Mission Configuration into the DB (a) Delivery note - 4th June Dear HSC Colleagues, dear Frank, This e-mail is to notify you that PACS ICC has just uploaded the PACS CoP OD0026 tar file (OD0026_PACS_FULL_1_090604.tar) onto the CVS server under develop/data/observingmodes/hscpv/od026, CVS version 1.1. This delivery includes a new Mission Configuration 2.0. The number of TC_SLOTS in the PACS POS file is 2448. We have maintained the 1/2 hour delay after DTCP LOS. However, due to the location of the RWL SOPS, our observations start effectively 1h after DTCP LOS. The PACS FFT spectrometer part is scheduled before the RWL SOPS, the photometer part starting with the cooler recycling after. The end time of the PACS activities is thus at 03:45:54 on 9th June. The PACS FFT spectrometer contains the PACS SPT IST 502 dark in order to make use of the dark condition of the instrument on OD26. Please acknowledge receipt of the e-mail and the delivery. Kind regards, Ulrich (b) Software used for import HCSS SOFTWARE = hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2> source setHcssEnvironment_1.0.3 Herjbo02 - HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props file & source .minimal_herjbo02 : PHS: Using BUILDNUM 534 & PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 Machines used : - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the uplink co-ord part - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the PropHandler - heropl01 - hscmps1 for the MPS - herjbo02 - hsc_phs account (c) CUS & CAL Clean & import hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/delivery/OD0026> setenv CVSROOT :pserver:lorourke@cvs.rssd.esa.int:/services/repositories/HERSCHEL_CVS hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/delivery/OD0026> cvs login Logging in to :pserver:lorourke@cvs.rssd.esa.int:2401/services/repositories/HERSCHEL_CVS CVS password: hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> ls 2createOBSMODtable.csh* PACS_DUR_OD0026_compare_1_0.txt PACS_Readme_OD0026_1_0.txt OD0026_PACS_FULL_1_090604.tar PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS_CAL.xml PACS_AOR_OD0026_1_0.aor PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS.def Opened up CUSGUI - instrument model = PACS hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> cusgui& [1] 15346 [1] + Running cusgui hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> Jun 4, 2009 3:27:07 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 3:27:08 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:27:08 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:27:08 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:27:08 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from PACS, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Jun 4, 2009 3:27:22 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> cus -f -m "clean PACS CUS from DB" -deleteall Jun 4, 2009 3:28:00 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 3:28:00 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:28:01 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:28:01 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:28:12 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All definitions have been deleted hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> cus -f -m "clean PACS CAL from DB" -caldeleteall Jun 4, 2009 3:28:21 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 3:28:21 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:28:22 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:28:22 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:28:27 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All calibration tables successfully deleted OPEN UP CUSGUI & VERIFY IT IS EMPTY = EMPTY Check HPSDB in the Session = hpsdb_FM1_M_903062241 Import PACS_FULL_2 Mission Configuration scphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> cus -m "upload PACS_FULL_2 Mission Config delivery" -import PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS.def -importcaltables PACS_MC PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS_CAL.xml PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS.def hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/PACS> cus -m "upload PACS_FULL_2 Mission Config delivery" -import PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS.def -importcaltables PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS_CAL.xml Jun 4, 2009 3:31:51 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 3:31:52 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:31:52 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:31:52 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:32:15 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Definitions successfully imported Jun 4, 2009 3:32:15 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Using current directory Jun 4, 2009 3:32:15 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:32:15 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:32:18 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Calibration tables successfully imported from "PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-04A_FULL_2_0_CUS_CAL.xml" Run the duration script for all ODs delivered No Differences found for OD24 & 25. See separate logs. OPENED CUSGUI & COMMITTED THE PACS DELIVERY (d) Created & Added Instrument model to the Mission Config - MC_H4_P2_S6_COP scphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/delivery/OD0026/PACS> missetup -addconfig MC_H4_P2_S6_COP Jun 4, 2009 3:57:07 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 3:57:08 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:57:08 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:57:08 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 3:57:08 PM herschel.ccm.tools.MissionSetup infoMessage INFO: Using database "hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int" Jun 4, 2009 3:57:08 PM herschel.ccm.tools.MissionSetup infoMessage INFO: Mission configuration "MC_H4_P2_S6_COP" created in database "hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int" ADDED PACS MODEL TO THE NEW MISSION CONFIG - MC_H4_P2_S6_COP (e) Jboss & PropHandler work Linked Prophander to the new Mission Config in the Uplink_Coord.props file #Mission Configuration hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_H4_P2_S6_COP hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/.hcss> propHandler& [1] 18087 [1] + Running propHandler hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/.hcss> Jun 4, 2009 4:26:23 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 4:26:23 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:26:23 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:26:23 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Running CDH.getObsProgrammes() Jun 4, 2009 4:26:24 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observation programmes list... Jun 4, 2009 4:26:24 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs progs took: 24 Jun 4, 2009 4:26:24 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observing modes list... Jun 4, 2009 4:26:24 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_H4_P2_S6_COP" Jun 4, 2009 4:26:30 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs modes took: 6306 Exported the HSpot files to /home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_H4_ONLY Example : INFO: Writing calibration prop file:/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_H3_S5_ONLY/HifiManCmd_HIFI_Rescue_to_switched_offGen.prop Logged into Jboss #2 - hsc_phs account - HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props file & source .minimal_herjbo02 : herjbo02.esac.esa.int/home/hsc_phs> source .minimal_herjbo02 PHS: Using BUILDNUM 534 PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 STOPPED JBOSS - Created directory - fileHolder_ops_MC_H4_ONLY copied HSpot files from hscphs2 to this directory Updated the properties file : #LARRY TIME ESTIMATOR hcss.phs.timeEstimatorVersion=LARRY-USE-ONLY-COP_MC_H4_P2_S6_ONLY_090603 #LARRY & MARK MISSION CONFIG hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_H4_P2_S6_COP #LARRY & MARK DIRECTORIES hcss.phs.fileHolder=/home/hsc_phs/fileHolder_ops_MC_H4_P2_S6_ONLY RESTARTED Jboss. B. SPIRE DELIVERY Log import of SPIRE_MC_FULL_6 Mission Configuration into the DB (a) Delivery note - 4th June Dear Colleagues of the HSC Ops Group, This e-mail is to notify you that I have just uploaded the SPIRE CoP OD0026 tar file (OD0026_SPIRE_FULL_1_20090604.tar) onto the CVS server under develop/data/observingmodes/hscpv/od026. CVS version for these files = number (rev.) 1.1. The contents in the tar files are according to the HSC-ICC Interactions Document, and Larry's latest update. Please note, we exceed our TC_SLOTS limit by a bit, but we were told by Larry and Tony not to worry about this at the moment. Furthermore, together with the slew times we use 6:13min in total, but discussions with PACS (planning to use less than their allocated time) and Larry indicate that this will be no problem. Please acknowledge the receipt of this delivery to us. Best regards, -Michael (b) Software used for import HCSS SOFTWARE = hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2> source setHcssEnvironment_1.0.3 Herjbo02 - HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props file & source .minimal_herjbo02 : PHS: Using BUILDNUM 534 & PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 Machines used : - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the uplink co-ord part - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the PropHandler - heropl01 - hscmps1 for the MPS - herjbo02 - hsc_phs account (c) CUS & CAL Clean & import hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/delivery/OD0026> setenv CVSROOT :pserver:lorourke@cvs.rssd.esa.int:/services/repositories/HERSCHEL_CVS hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/delivery/OD0026> cvs login Logging in to :pserver:lorourke@cvs.rssd.esa.int:2401/services/repositories/HERSCHEL_CVS CVS password: hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/SPIRE> ls OD0026_SPIRE_FULL_1_090604.tar SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py SPIRE_ICP_OD0026_1_0.icp SPIRE_MC_pv15_FULL_6_0_CUS.def SPIRE_AOR_OD0026_1_0.aor SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_MC_pv15_FULL_6_0_CUS_CAL.xml SPIRE_Readme_OD0026_1_0.txt Opened up CUSGUI - instrument model = SPIRE hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/SPIRE> cusgui& [1] 17117 [1] + Running cusgui hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/SPIRE> Jun 4, 2009 4:10:52 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 4:10:52 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:10:52 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:10:52 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:10:52 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor chooseInstrument INFO: Using instrument command set from SPIRE, specified by property hcss.cus.instrument Jun 4, 2009 4:11:08 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:11:08 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:12:02 PM herschel.cus.gui.CusEditor exit INFO: Quitting. hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/SPIRE> cus -f -m "clean SPIRE CUS from DB" -deleteall Jun 4, 2009 4:12:42 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 4:12:42 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:12:42 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:12:42 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:12:52 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All definitions have been deleted hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/SPIRE> cus -f -m "clean SPIRE CAL from DB" -caldeleteall Jun 4, 2009 4:13:01 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 4:13:02 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:13:02 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:13:02 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:13:10 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All calibration tables successfully deleted OPEN UP CUSGUI & VERIFY IT IS EMPTY = EMPTY Check HPSDB in the Session = hpsdb_FM1_M_903062241 Import PACS_FULL_2 Mission Configuration hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H4_P2_S6_COP/SPIRE> cus -m "upload SPIRE_FULL_6 Mission Config delivery" -import SPIRE_MC_pv15_FULL_6_0_CUS.def -importcaltables SPIRE_MC_pv15_FULL_6_0_CUS_CAL.xml Jun 4, 2009 4:14:36 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 4, 2009 4:14:37 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:14:37 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:14:37 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:14:51 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Definitions successfully imported Jun 4, 2009 4:14:51 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Using current directory Jun 4, 2009 4:14:51 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:14:51 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 4, 2009 4:14:53 PM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Calibration tables successfully imported from "SPIRE_MC_pv15_FULL_6_0_CUS_CAL.xml" Run the duration script for all ODs delivered No Differences found for OD26. See separate logs. OPENED CUSGUI & COMMITTED THE SPIRE DELIVERY ADDED SPIRE MODEL TO THE NEW MISSION CONFIG - MC_H4_P2_S6_COP ============== IMPORTING HIFI INTO THE NEW MISSION CONFIG - IMPORT FROM EXISTING SESSION As H4 Mission Config for HIFI was imported already in a previous session (for OD24) then when I open CUSGUI with the HIFI property set then I see their CUS Scripts. One difference between MC_3 for HIFI & MC_4 relates to a command that was removed from the HifiEngSetIntoStandbyII observing mode. When I click on that Mode and then I click on Commands I get the following (extract taken of first few commands): 0 HC014289 HP001197=393216001 RAW HP000197=1342177837 RAW 0 HC016289 HP012197=1_pkt_per_s ENG HP006197=ON ENG HP007197=ON ENG HP009197=ON ENG HP008197=ON ENG HP011197=ON ENG HP010197=ON ENG 11 HC086289 HP001197=434569217 RAW HP397194=6.0 ENG 11 HC081289 HP001197=434438145 RAW 12 HC027289 HP001197=406323201 RAW HP203191=ON ENG HP204191=ON ENG HP205191=ON ENG HP206191=ON ENG HP207191=ON ENG if I open up MC_3 for HIFI and do the same thing : 0 HC014289 HP001197=393216001 RAW HP000197=1342177838 RAW 0 HC016289 HP012197=1_pkt_per_s ENG HP006197=ON ENG HP007197=ON ENG HP009197=ON ENG HP008197=ON ENG HP011197=ON ENG HP010197=ON ENG 1 HC049289 HP001197=434569217 RAW 11 HC086289 HP001197=434569217 RAW HP397194=6.0 ENG 11 HC081289 HP001197=434438145 RAW 12 HC027289 HP001197=406323201 RAW HP203191=ON ENG HP204191=ON ENG HP205191=ON ENG HP206191=ON ENG HP207191=ON ENG So in MC_3 the command HC049289 is there but in MC_4 it is not there. This confirms that the Instrument model in my session for HIFI corresponds to MC_FULL_4. I add this to the new mission configuration ADDED HIFI MODEL TO THE NEW MISSION CONFIGURATION - MC_H4_P2_S6_COP ================== (e) Jboss & PropHandler work Linked Prophander to the new Mission Config: #Mission Configuration hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_H4_P2_S5_COP hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/.hcss> propHandler& [1] 32376 [1] + Running propHandler hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/.hcss> Jun 3, 2009 7:09:03 PM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Running CDH.getObsProgrammes() Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observation programmes list... Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs progs took: 39 Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observing modes list... Jun 3, 2009 7:09:04 PM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_H4_P2_S5_COP" Jun 3, 2009 7:09:07 PM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs modes took: 2379 Exported the HSpot files to /home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_H4_ONLY Example : INFO: Writing calibration prop file:/home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_H3_S5_ONLY/HifiManCmd_HIFI_Rescue_to_switched_offGen.prop Logged into Jboss #2 - hsc_phs account - HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props file & source .minimal_herjbo02 : herjbo02.esac.esa.int/home/hsc_phs> source .minimal_herjbo02 PHS: Using BUILDNUM 534 PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 STOPPED JBOSS - Created directory - fileHolder_ops_MC_H4_P2_S6_COP copied HSpot files from hscphs2 to this directory Updated the properties file : #LARRY TIME ESTIMATOR hcss.phs.timeEstimatorVersion=LARRY-USE-ONLY-COP_MC_H4_P2_S6_COP_090604 #LARRY & MARK MISSION CONFIG hcss.ccm.mission.config = MC_H4_P2_S6_COP #LARRY & MARK DIRECTORIES hcss.phs.fileHolder=/home/hsc_phs/fileHolder_ops_MC_H4_P2_S6_COP RESTARTED Jboss.