* HIFI_Readme OD0024 1. Date and time of delivery: 2009-06-03 17:31 2. HIFI individual(s) to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery: - calibration manager: Michael Olberg - database administrator: Kevin Edwards 3. OD0024 (starting on 2009-05-31T15:59:20Z) 4. delivery: - HIFI_MC_P013_FULL_4_0_CUS.def - HIFI_MC_P013_FULL_4_0_CUS_CAL.xml - HIFI_SSF_OD0024.ssf - HIFI_AOR_OD0024.aor - HIFI_POS_OD0024.pos - HIFI_ICP_OD0024.icp - HIFI_DUR_OD0024.txt - HIFI_Readme_OD0024.txt - duration.sh 5. configuration control a) HIFI_PHS_P_013 b) - c) hifiphs_ops_cop@iccdb1.sron.rug.nl d) dp-hifi/dp-core/hcss-core: 359/570/396 6. AOR file issues a) HSpot: 4.2, PHS: 396, MPS: 396 b) 22 c) HSpot total time: 17:31:45 7. Spacecraft database issues a) MIB HERSCH_FM1_M_903062241 b) HPSDB unknown c) OBSM 6.2 or 6.1.1 8. n/a 9. applicable SxRs: The referenced CUS HIFI_MC_P013 covers the following two revisions. Note, that no delivery has been made using only HIFI FM CUS 16.109. Both CUS were prepared for use in space: - is assumes LSS conditions (cold FPU and LO) - it contains cold LO safety table 2.19 for LOU between 115 and 140K - it assumes a S/C at +20deg tilt * FM_CUS_16.109 + This CUS is an evolution of 16.108 + Solves SPR-2493: TPF maker for LO FT have checks against blue max excess + Solves SPR-2521: LO FT done in routine (i.e. on the timeline – not manual commanding) have single TM page TC (not 5 individual TCs). For this a dedicated mode was created: HifiEng_LO_FT_Routine. This is the mode to use for scheduling in XHSpot. + Solves SPR-2520: adds mixer band switch at start of FT_unpumped. The chopper will look at the HBB + Implemented part of SPR-2463 + Implemented SPR-2522 for MTL observations. Still to be done at manual commanding level (need update of procedures). * FM_CUS_16.110 + This CUS is an evolution of 16.109 + Implements LCU safety table 2.20. + This release has hash = af2bf68ada4381bd3f866cbf9b3ea721 for Prime, and hash = 7202c4351cb23d0261f9e9c07f447594 for Redundant, i.e. it is the same as for 2.19. + It implements the corresponding checksums after table and patch upload: 0x78CB for prime, and 0x6EE6 for redundant, i.e. it is the same as for 2.19. + It implements the corresponding safe tables + For all bands, it implements frequency-dependent tables of the blue max. They have been revised to allow finer granularity than what is actually in the safety tables. + For all bands, it implements current limit config files + It changes the Vd2 for SFT in 5a from 2.25 to 2.11V, to be in line with the BLMX at this frequency + Solves SPR-2524 + Solves SPR-2523 + Implements new diplexer model tables, based on diplexer coarse calibration measurements of OD18 + Best-guess Vd2 tables for diplexer bands are kept un-changed, with the exception of 808 GHz in band 3a, which is increased from 2.27 to 2.44V + Implements revised matrix for StWv-FSW tests, based on revised diplexer tables. 10. - 11. execute supplied script 'duration.sh 0024' in a directory where file HIFI_AOR_OD0024.aor exists and compare output (if any) with info listed under b) a) duration.sh b) Duration of HifiEng_Diplexer_calibration_hotcold_COP with default parameters = 1968 Duration of HifiEng_HEB_Spectra_vs_Imix_COP with default parameters = 918 Duration of HifiEngSetIntoPrimary with default parameters = 6 Duration of HifiEngSetIntoStandby_II with default parameters = 23 Duration of HifiEng_stability_chopped_fasthrs_FastImix with default parameters = 262 Duration of HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_COP with default parameters = 4844