* HIFI_Readme C018_47 1. Date and time of delivery: 2010-06-22 20:00 2. HIFI individual(s) to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery: - Calibration Scientist: David Teyssier - database administrator: Kevin Edwards 3. Cycle 18 - delivery for CAL CUS 4. delivery: - HIFI_MC_R061_FULL_47_0_CUS.def - HIFI_MC_R061_FULL_47_0_CUS_CAL.xml - HIFI_AOR_C018_47.aor - HIFI_AOR_C018_48.aor - HIFI_DUR_C018_47.txt - HIFI_Readme_C018_47.txt (this file) - duration_cal.sh 5. configuration control a) HIFI_PHS_R_061 b) - c) hifiphs_ops_pv@iccdb1.sron.rug.nl d) hcss.dp.hifi: 3.0.1528 6. AOR file issues a) HSpot: 5.0.3, PHS: 622, MPS: 3.0.1528 b) 21 c) HSpot total time: 09:29:01 7. Spacecraft database issues a) MIB 2154 b) HPSDB HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC9_201003161700 c) OBSM 6.4.1 8. n/a 9. applicable SxRs: - HIFI-3633 - HIFI-3631 - PHS-1462 - PHS-1345 10. Instruction for scheduling of calibration observations in HIFI cycle 18 The calibration observations delivered here are of three kinds: A. Engineering AORs to be scheduled during the DTCPs of OD 433, 434 or 435. One possible way to do could be (but this can be adapted to the band needs for science observations): * DTCP 433 (duration 6194 sec) HifiEngSetIntoPrimary_DTCP433 HifiEngSwitchonLO_6b_SHORT_DTCP HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_COP_6b_cycle18 * DTCP 434 (duration 7712 sec) HifiEngSetIntoPrimary_DTCP434 HifiEngSwitchonLO_4a_SHORT_DTCP HifiEng_Stab_COP_freq_4a_980.7 * DTCP 435 (duration 7712 sec) HifiEngSetIntoPrimary_DTCP435 HifiEngSwitchonLO_4b_SHORT_DTCP HifiEng_Stab_COP_freq_4b_1106.7 B. Calibration AOR to be scheduled outside of DTCP, in bands 1a and 5b. We include here the LO switch-on AORs although you may simply want to schedule these AOR together with other science observations in the corresponding bands. In this case, ignore the delivered engineering modes for LO switch-on. We want part of those AORs to be scheduled with the CAL CUS MC (H47), and others with the ASTR CUS MC (H48). The breakdown is as follows: * Use of CAL CUS MC (AORs stored in HIFI_AOR_C018_47.aor) HifiEngSwitchonLO_1a_SHORT_MTL CoP_SScan_1a_spur_Cycle18 HifiEngSwitchonLO_5b_SHORT_MTL CoP_SScan_5b_purity_H47_Cycle18 * Use of ASTR CUS MC (AORs stored in HIFI_AOR_C018_48.aor) CoP_SScan_5b_purity_H48_Cycle18 C. Engineering AORs to be scheduled in order to upload the HIFI LCU safety table. This activity was so far performed in manual commanding, but will now be executed on the time-line. The associated AORs should be scheduled during the DTCP of OD428. Since this is a Parallel mode OD, this DTCP will likely be shared between HIFI and the other instruments. If possible it would be better to have the HIFI activities done first. The order in which those AORs are scheduled is fundamental, and has to be the following: HifiEng_SetIntoStandby_I_MTL_cycle18 HifiEng_CRC_FDIR_disable_MTL_cycle18 HifiEng_upload_LCU_table_MTL_cycle18 HifiEng_readback_LCU_MTL_cycle18 HifiEng_recalc_LCU_checksum_MTL_cycle18 HifiEng_CRC_FDIR_enable_MTL_cycle18 HifiEng_SetIntoDissipative_I_MTL_cycle18 11. execute supplied script 'duration_cal.sh HIFI_AOR_C018_47' in a directory where file HIFI_AOR_C018_47.aor exists and compare output (if any) with info listed under b) a) duration_cal.sh b) Total duration of HifiEng_CRC_FDIR_disable_MTL with default parameters = 6 Total duration of HifiEng_CRC_FDIR_enable_MTL with default parameters = 5 Total duration of HifiEng_readback_LCU_MTL with default parameters = 1034 Total duration of HifiEng_recalc_LCU_checksum_MTL with default parameters = 11 Total duration of HifiEng_SetIntoDissipative_I_MTL with default parameters = 6 Total duration of HifiEngSetIntoPrimary with default parameters = 6 Total duration of HifiEng_SetIntoStandby_I_MTL with default parameters = 5 Total duration of HifiEng_Stab_COP_freq with default parameters = 3706 Total duration of HifiEngSwitchonLO with default parameters = 395 Total duration of HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_COP with default parameters = 1811 Total duration of HifiEng_upload_LCU_table_MTL with default parameters = 638 Total duration of HifiSScanModeDBS with default parameters = 383 Total duration of HifiSScanModeFastDBS with default parameters = 335 Total duration of HifiSScanModeFSwitch with default parameters = 497 Total duration of HifiSScanModeFSwitchNoRef with default parameters = 414 Total duration of HifiSScanModeLoadChop with default parameters = 347 Total duration of HifiSScanModeLoadChopNoRef with default parameters = 282