* HIFI_Readme C014_41 1. Date and time of delivery: 2010-05-12 10:00 2. HIFI individual(s) to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery: - calibration manager: Michael Olberg - database administrator: Kevin Edwards 3. Cycle 14 4. delivery: - HIFI_AOR_C014_41.aor - HIFI_DUR_C014_41.txt - HIFI_Readme_C014_41.txt (this file) - HIFI_MC_R058_FULL_41_0_CUS.def - HIFI_MC_R058_FULL_41_0_CUS_CAL.xml - duration_cal.sh 5. configuration control a) HIFI_PHS_R_058 b) - c) hifiphs_ops_pv@iccdb1.sron.rug.nl d) hcss.dp.hifi: 2.0.1387 6. AOR file issues a) HSpot: 4.4.3, PHS: 605, MPS: 2.0.1387 b) 9 c) HSpot total time: 06:45:23 7. Spacecraft database issues a) MIB 2154 b) HPSDB HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC9_201003161700 c) OBSM 6.4.1 8. n/a 9. applicable SxRs: * Implements new safety table 2.35 Hash = 25ad240efeb672b7cdc487d0a4753d0c for the prime side Hash = d8bde44f54504db2cfadf2b4e2a20b7f for the redundant side Checksum = 0x059D for the prime side, 0xF9F9 for the redundant side (0xFA80 for the parallel setup). This assumes use of the LCU patch 2.4 * Configuration files updated for 5a and 5b in order to measure purity improvement anticipated from new multiplier settings * Extends the green min limit on D2C for bands 5a and 5b * Increases the blue limits on D2V for bands 5a and 5b * Extends the green min limit on M1C for band 5b * Extends the green min limit on M2C for bands 5a and 5b * Increases the blue max limit on M1V for bands 5b * Increases the blue max limit on M2V for bands 5a * The table changes imply modifications in the crc entries for LcuAddressTable_R.config: for 5a, crc becomes 0x81D4, for 5b, crc becomes 0xB51A * Implemented dedicated testmode HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_M1_COP to verify new M1V/M2V settings in band 5b in the 1258-1260 GHz, for which we need to check two regimes. The first regime is verified using the standard configlcu5b.config file updated accordingly * Limited the Vd2 lower limit for vector scans in 5a and 5b to 1.7V. * Changed ranges for vector scans and Tsys survey in bands 5a, 5b and 7b * Updated Vd2 best-guesses for band 7b around the C+ line * Changed M1/M2 settings around the C+ frequency to test tuning robustness. The changes with respect to the delivered configlcu7b.config are: 1897 to 1898.6 GHz: M1V=-7.8V, M2V=-12V 1898.6005 to 1902.9995 GHz: M1V=-7.8V, M2V=-11.5V * Solved HIFI-3583 * Solved HIFI-3584 * Resolution of HIFI-3578: * Activation of checksum autonomous function moved from transition to dissipative2 to transition to dissipative1 HK rate forced to 1_per_10sec before autonomous function activation * AOT CUS updated to be in line with tag ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_164. In particular, resolution of PHS-1394 * Changed frequency applying to the second index of band 6 for chopper scan calibration. This is to cover the request in HIFI-3579 10. Instruction for scheduling of calibration observations in HIFI cycle 14 DT - 12-05-2010 The calibration observations in this cycle will be focussing on bands 5a, 5b and 6b. A total of 6.8h is requested, to be distributed over the 3 DTCPs. The scheduling recommendations about the above activities is as follows. The following groups of AORs are just suggestions of how the 3 DTCP could be used, but the order can be chosen by the mission planners in order to match band usage in the MTL part. Day#1: ------ - HifiIntoPrimary_DTCP (AOR not provided by HIFI) - HifiEng_Tsys_COP_5a_cycle14 Total time: 2h02min Note: this observation switches the 5a LO chain on so that no extra LO Switch-on is needed in this band. Day#2: ------ - HifiIntoPrimary_DTCP (AOR not provided by HIFI) - HifiEngSwitchonLO_6b_DTCP - HifiEng_Chopper_calibration_COP_6b_Freq1_cycle14 - HifiEng_Chopper_calibration_COP_6b_Freq2_cycle14 - HifiEng_Tsys_COP_7b_C+_cycle14 Total time: 2h23min Note: * the observation in band 7b switches the LO chain on so that no extra LO Switch-on is needed in this band. * the observations in band 7b can be done before that of band 6b if this helps in reducing band switches with respect to previous of future use of the instrument. Day#3: ------ - HifiIntoPrimary_DTCP (AOR not provided by HIFI) - HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_COP_5b_cycle14 - HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_M1_COP_5b_cycle14 - HifiEng_Tsys_COP_5b_cycle14 - HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_COP_5a_cycle14 Total time: 2h21min Notes: * observations in both bands 5a and 5b do not need to switch-on the LO * the observations in band 5a can be done before that of band 5b if this helps in reducing band switches with respect to previous of future use of the instrument. 11. execute supplied script 'duration_cal.sh HIFI_AOR_C014_41'in a directory where file HIFI_AOR_C014_41.aor exists and compare output (if any) with info listed under b) a) duration_cal.sh b) Total duration of HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_M1_COP with default parameters = 190 Total duration of HifiEngSwitchonLO with default parameters = 395 Total duration of HifiEng_Tsys_COP with default parameters = 1331 Total duration of HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_COP with default parameters = 2511 Total duration of HifiEng_Vecscan_calibration_M1_COP with default parameters = 190