* HIFI_Readme C011_33 1. Date and time of delivery: 2010-04-23 12:00 2. HIFI individual(s) to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery: - calibration manager: Michael Olberg - database administrator: Kevin Edwards 3. Cycle 13 4. delivery: - HIFI_AOR_C013_37.aor - HIFI_DUR_C013_37.txt - HIFI_Readme_C011_37.txt (this file) - HIFI_MC_R056_FULL_37_0_CUS.def - HIFI_MC_R056_FULL_37_0_CUS_CAL.xml - duration_cal.sh 5. configuration control a) HIFI_PHS_R_056 b) - c) hifiphs_ops_pv@iccdb1.sron.rug.nl d) hcss.dp.hifi: 2.0.1387 6. AOR file issues a) HSpot: 4.4.3, PHS: 605, MPS: 2.0.1387 b) 42 c) HSpot total time: 14:05:18 7. Spacecraft database issues a) MIB 2154 b) HPSDB HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC9_201003161700 c) OBSM 6.4.1 8. n/a 9. applicable SxRs: * Changed value of M1V array to be scanned in 1a for dedicated spur investigation test. The test now involves Vecscan and Tsys over 545.5 to 553.5 GHz, in steps of 0.78 GHz (to introduce some randomization in the stepping), for M1V of 7.45, 7.7, 7.95 and 8.2V * Implements new safety table 2.34 *Extends the green min limit on G1C for band 6b to -0.645mA *Corrects the LSU voltage table for band 5a in indices 29 and 30 *Increases the blue max limit on M1V for band 1a to 9V * The table changes imply modifications in the crc entries for LcuAddressTable_R.config: for 1a, crc becomes 0x6E74, for 5a, crc becomes 0x8158, for 6b, crc becomes 0x15DD * The frequency grouping for band 5b has been disabled * Implementation of PHS-1368 * First implementation of PHS-1390 (chopper speed message in HSpot) 10. Instruction for scheduling of calibration observations in HIFI cycle 13 (DT - 21-04-2010) The calibration observations in this cycle will be separated in three blocks: 1. A dedicated program for the second half of OD355 2. A series of test schedulable with flexibility during the DTCPs of OD362-367 3. A series of pointed observations (FPG3) during the second half of OD370 The scheduling recommendations about the above activities is as follows: OD355: ------ In order to optimise the outcome of this day, we propose to interlace the needed calibration observations with urgent PSP AORs from R. Guesten. The duration of the calibration observations is 3.6h, without slew. All but one are No Pointing observations. There is one calibration observation on target IRC+10216. As already indicated in earlier emails, here is the overall sequence we would recommend for this OD: (HifiEngSetIntoPrimary_OD355 -> not provided by us) HifiEng_Chopper_Response_time_COP_cycle13 #Band 1a HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_M1_COP_1a_cycle13 -> contains its band switch-on #Band 5b HifiEngSwitchonLO_5b_SHORT -> provided by us CoP_IRC10216_SCAN_5b #Band 1b HifiEngSwitchonLO_1b_SHORT -> not provided by us PSP1_M82_o-h2o-110-101-557 #Band 2a HifiEngSwitchonLO_2a_SHORT -> not provided by us PSP2_M82 central CO 6-5 PSP2_M82 central 13CO 6-5 #Band 3a HifiEngSwitchonLO_3a_SHORT -> not provided by us PSP2_M82 central CO 7-6 PSP2_M82 central CI 2-1 #Band 3b HifiEngSwitchonLO_3b_SHORT -> not provided by us PSP2_M82 central CO 8-7 PSP2_M82 central 13CO 8-7 #Band 4b HifiEngSwitchonLO_4b_SHORT -> not provided by us PSP2_M82 central 13CO 10-9 #Band 6a HifiEngSwitchonLO_6a_LONG -> not provided by us PSP2_M82 central CO 13-12 PSP2_M82 central NII #Band 6b HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_COP_6b_cycle13 -> contains its band switch-on #Band 7b HifiEngSwitchonLO_7b_LONG -> provided by us HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_M1_COP_7b_cycle13 PSP2_M82 central CII At that stage, proceed with whatever suits you from the PSP pool. Programme for OD262-267: ------------------------ All calibration observations in this period should be scheduled in DTCP time. All observations scheduled in DTCP must be preceded by their own transition to primary mode, labelled with a _DTCP tag. These, and the possible band switch-on AORS, should not substitute those scheduled by you outside of DTCP. There is some flexibility in the choice of bands in use in a given DTCP, which could be made in function of the bands to be scheduled during the following MTL period. There are however groups of AORs which use the same band, and therefore should be tried to be scheduled together. Those groups are: Group in band 3: - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B3H_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B3V_cycle13 - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B3_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_3a_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_calibration_vs_D2_COP_B3_cycle13 -> starts in 3a, ends in 3b - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_3b_cycle13 Total duration: 5880sec Group in band 4: - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B4H_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B4V_cycle13 - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B4_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_4a_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_calibration_vs_D2_COP_B4_cycle13 -> starts in 4a, ends in 4b - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_4b_cycle13 Total duration: 4333sec Group in band 6: - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B6H_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B6V_cycle13 - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B6_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_6a_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_calibration_vs_D2_COP_B6_cycle13 -> starts in 6a, ends in 6b - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_6b_cycle13 Total duration: 7111sec Group in band 7: - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B7H_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP_B7V_cycle13 - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B7_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_7a_cycle13 - HifiEng_Diplexer_calibration_vs_D2_COP_B7_cycle13 -> starts in 7a, ends in 7b - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_7b_cycle13 Total duration: 7731sec On top of the above groups, the following obsids can be added according to the time available to fill up a given DTCP. None of those tests switches on the LO chains so there's no real need to try to associate/optimise them with a given band used before or after the DTCP. - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B1_cycle13 - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B2_cycle13 - HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP_B5_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_1a_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_1b_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_2a_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_2b_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_5a_cycle13 - HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP_5b_cycle13 - HifiEng_HRS_FT_COP_cycle13 - HifiEng_WBS_FT_COP_cycle13 Programme for OD370: -------------------- Will be delivered as an update delivery the 26th of April. 11. execute supplied script 'duration_cal.sh HIFI_AOR_C013_37'in a directory where file HIFI_AOR_C013_37.aor exists and compare output (if any) with info listed under b) a) duration_cal.sh b) Total duration of HifiEng_Chopper_Response_time_COP with default parameters =44 Total duration of HifiEng_Diplexer_calibration_vs_D2_COP with defaultparameters = 5081 Total duration of HifiEng_Diplexer_Response_time_COP with default parameters= 85 Total duration of HifiEng_FPU_FT_IVC_COP with default parameters = 38 Total duration of HifiEng_HRS_FT_COP with default parameters = 1101 Total duration of HifiEng_LO_FT_IVC_COP with default parameters = 198 Total duration of HifiEngSwitchonLO with default parameters = 395 Total duration of HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_COP with default parameters = 1811 Total duration of HifiEng_Tsys_Vecscan_M1_COP with default parameters = 3848 Total duration of HifiEng_WBS_FT_COP with default parameters = 1387 Total duration of HifiSScanModeDBS with default parameters = 383 Total duration of HifiSScanModeFastDBS with default parameters = 335 Total duration of HifiSScanModeFSwitch with default parameters = 497 Total duration of HifiSScanModeFSwitchNoRef with default parameters = 414 Total duration of HifiSScanModeLoadChop with default parameters = 347 Total duration of HifiSScanModeLoadChopNoRef with default parameters = 282