Log import of OD14 into the DB (a) Delivery note 24/05/2009 23:45 Dear All Please find in CVS in folder develop/data/observingmodes/hscpv/od014/ The SPIRE delivery of OD14 OD0014_SPIRE_FULL_2_20090524.tar I'm going home to watch Match of the Day now. Please acknowledge this email. Also I will phone in the morning to check that you got it. If you have any problems with the delivery call me *first* thing in the morning on 01635 200450 (home and I'll rush in to sort it out) (or at work 01235 44 5508 but not until from about 10:00 your time). Sarah (b) Software used for import HCSS SOFTWARE = hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2> source setHcssEnvironment_1.0.1 Herjbo02 - HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props file & source .minimal_herjbo02 : PHS: Using BUILDNUM 534 & PHS: Using JBOSS_HOME /usr/local/software/jboss/jboss-3.2.6_0_6_5 Machines used : - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the uplink co-ord part - heropl02 - hscphs2 for the PropHandler - heropl01 - hscmps1 for the MPS - herjbo02 - hsc_phs account (c) CUS & CAL Clean & import hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> ls SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_MC_pv12_FULL_4_0_CUS_CAL.xml SPIRE_MC_pv12_FULL_4_0_CUS.def SPIRE_Readme_OD0014_2_0.txt hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> cus -f -m "clean SPIRE CUS from DB" -deleteall May 25, 2009 12:46:22 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties May 25, 2009 12:46:23 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:46:23 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:46:23 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:46:36 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All definitions have been deleted hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> cus -f -m "clean SPIRE CAL from DB" -caldeleteall May 25, 2009 12:47:08 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties May 25, 2009 12:47:08 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:47:08 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:47:08 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:47:15 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: All calibration tables successfully delete Check HPSDB in the Session = hpsdb_FM1_M_903062241 Import OD14 hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> cus -m "upload SPIRE COP OD14 delivery" -import SPIRE_MC_pv12_FULL_4_0_CUS.def -importcaltables SPIRE_MC_pv12_FULL_4_0_CUS_CAL.xml May 25, 2009 12:50:29 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties May 25, 2009 12:50:30 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:50:30 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:50:30 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:50:48 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Definitions successfully imported May 25, 2009 12:50:48 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Using current directory May 25, 2009 12:50:48 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:50:48 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:50:50 AM herschel.cus.gui.Cus infoMessage INFO: Calibration tables successfully imported from "SPIRE_MC_pv12_FULL_4_0_CUS_CAL.xml" Run the duration script hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> python SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> diff SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_harness_duration_summary_20090525_00h53m43s.log No Differences found (d) Created the New Mission Config hscphs2@heropl02/home/hscphs2/icchsc/mission_config/MC_H2_P2_S4_COP/SPIRE> missetup -addconfig MC_H2_P2_S4_COP May 25, 2009 12:57:00 AM herschel.share.log.util.LogInitialiser init INFO: Initialising using local log configuation file /home/hscphs2/.hcss/userlogging.properties May 25, 2009 12:57:01 AM herschel.versant.store.ReplStoreFactoryImpl createStore INFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:57:01 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:57:01 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 12:57:01 AM herschel.ccm.tools.MissionSetup infoMessage INFO: Using database "hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int" May 25, 2009 12:57:01 AM herschel.ccm.tools.MissionSetup infoMessage INFO: Mission configuration "MC_H2_P2_S4_COP" created in database "hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int" (e) Add to the Mission Config OPENED CUSGUI & COMMITTED THE SPIRE DELIVERY ADDED SPIRE MODEL TO THE NEW MISSION CONFIG - MC_H2_P2_S4_COP (f) Jboss & PropHandler work Linked Prophander to the new Mission Config. NFO: Creating ObjectStore: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 1:13:24 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Using RW-Access for node: hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int May 25, 2009 1:13:24 AM herschel.versant.store.replication.ReplicatingTransaction connectToRemoteDatabase INFO: Connection established to hsc_ops_operations_tm_1_n2@herdb02.esac.esa.int Running CDH.getObsProgrammes() May 25, 2009 1:13:25 AM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observation programmes list... May 25, 2009 1:13:25 AM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs progs took: 77 May 25, 2009 1:13:25 AM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: Loading observing modes list... May 25, 2009 1:13:25 AM herschel.versant.ccm.MissionImpl getMissionConfiguration INFO: Using configuration "MC_H2_P2_S4_COP" May 25, 2009 1:13:27 AM herschel.phs.prophandler.gui.ProposalHandler message INFO: CDH: Getting obs mod Exported the HSpot files to /home/hscphs2/icchsc/HSpot_files/MC_S4_ONLY Logged into Jboss #2 - hsc_phs account - properties file = HCSS_PHS_TEST_herjbo02_0_6_6.props - Created directory - fileHolder_ops_MC_S4_ONLY copied HSpot files from hscphs2 to this directory Stopped & restarted Jboss. (g) HSpot work Started HSpot 4.2 - verified Time estimation version name change - Downloaded .prop files - Loaded SPIRE_AOR_OD0014_2_0.aor Opened Readme : (6) AOR Files issues (a) HSpot, PHS and MPS versions used HSpot v4.2, PHS over 1.0.1 Build #566 (b) Number of AORs delivered in the .aor file 21 (c) Overall Time Estimation calculated by HSpot 10h48m01s Ran time estimation - Output = 10h48m01s - PERFECT. Submit Proposal. (h) Proposal submitted Proposal Submitted - Calibration_copspire_3