README CONTENTS The Readme file shall consist of the following fields. 1. Date & Time of delivery 19th February 2010 17:00 GMT 2. ICC individual to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery (1) Sarah Leeks (RAL) Note: always copy 3. Cycle for which the data being delivered is applicable. Cycle 009 4. Delivery information - names of all files contained in the tar file SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv72_C009_49_CUS_CAL.xml SPIRE_MC_ASTR_pv72_C009_49_CUS.def SPIRE_AOR_C009_49.aor SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_Readme_C009_49.txt 5. Cus Script & Calibration files ICC internal configuration control issues (a) Name of ICC mission configuration from which files were exported (for reference purposes only) pvPhase_mconfig_72 (b) Name of the CVS Tag related to this delivery (if relevant) N/A (c) Name of the ICC Database containing this delivery (for reference purposes only) mps_phs_1 (d) HCSS Cus version used when working with these files 1387 6. AOR File issues (a) HSpot, PHS & MPS versions used : Note if you don't use MPS then no need to mention it HSpot 4.4.4 PHS 608 over 1405, (b) Number of AOR files delivered in the .aor file 28 (c) Overall Time Estimation calculated by HSpot - In Hours, Minutes & Seconds 09h26m44s 7. Spacecraft Database issues (a) ICC MIB version applicable to these cus & calibration files SPIRE 4.0.02 PR (b) HPSDB version (if known) that contains this MIB HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC5_200910261200 (c) OBSM software version on the instrument applicable to this MIB the one currently loaded on the S/C 8. Go-ahead of the ICC CCB (if applicable) Given in SDAG 18 Feb 2010 9. SxRs applicable to the updates of the scripts delivered in this release - If there is an ASTR Mission Configuration delivery, then flag the high level SxR which contains the list of SxRs since the last ASTR delivery that affect a released AOT + list other SxRs that are calibration MC specific High level SxR: PHS-1335. SPIRE-2403 SpireScr:2400 other sxrs: SpireScr:2176 , SpireSpr:1832, SpireScr:2038, SpireSpr:2294 10. Additional notes (a) Update Information : If this corresponds to an update since the last delivery, explain what the updates consist of e.g. 2 more AORs added. (b) Instructions for the Mission Planners A list with all the solar system objects that are going to be observed. This will include specification of the constraints (if any) that has to be modified in the MPS properties file. Asteroid 52 Europa HSpot 4.4.4 needs to be used with this MC All the usual instructions about the min time for using the spectrometer etc are valid as per the scheduling guidelines. All of the observations for a sub instrument should be scheduled together in the blocks given below. Observations blocks can be scheduled anywhere in the OD (*this is a change compared to previous instructions*), except where specified otherwise below. In addition, please schedule the following observations according to the following instructions 1) The following observations must be scheduled together and in the following order - (sorry concatention complained saying observations must be the same type - even though they are the same type!) SpireSpectroPointGen-CRRep4-GammaDra - 0001 SpireSpectroPointGen-CRRep4-GammaDra-SSWF3 - 0001 SpireSpectroPointGen-CRRep4-GammaDra - 0002 SpireSpectroPointGen-CRRep4-GammaDra-SSWF3 - 0002 SpireSpectroPointGen-CRRep4-GammaDra - 0003 SpireSpectroPointGen-CRRep4-GammaDra-SSWF3 - 0003 - Not covered by Rcal plan. A proposed variation on spectrometer observations to obtain more accurate flux calibration on sources with a very faint continuum. Justification is that the variation the background flux between the dark measurement and the measurement on a faint source dominates our ability to get accurate low reolution SEDs from the spectrometer. At present we a reliant on modelling the background contributions but this is difficult and prone to error. By measuring the source and nodding between pixels we can attempt to take a near contemporaneous dark measurement thus reducing the drift and hoping to improve the SED accuracy. 2) The following observations are good to be scheduled together (i.e. a nice to have - if they aren't scheduled together they each need a PCAL flash) SpireSpectro_Cal_NonLinearityGen-MRRep10-DarkSky SpireSpectro_Cal_PhaseUpCosine-nomBias SpireSpectro_Cal_StdLoadCurveGen-DarkSky SpireSpectroPcalFlashGen-0000 SpireSpectro_Cal_LoadCurvePcalOnGen-DarkSky (low priority to put at the end of the use of SPEC) Covered by Rcal Plan sections 4.2.1 Detector load curves 4.2.2 Phase Ups The Non Linearity measurement is part of PV not done yet and is covered by the PV Phase plan (although do in a different way to described in the plan) section 5.2.20 SCalSpecNonLinCorr 3) The following observations must be scheduled together SpirePhoto_Cal_StdLoadCurveGen-DarkSky-PSW-E6 SpirePhotoPcalFlashGen-0000 Covered by Rcal Plan sections 4.2.1 Detector load curves 4) Remaining observations can be scheduled whenever in this cycle (i.e the below is a list of the remaining observations, the order given is not relevant). SPhoto-Point-Rep4-Europa SPhoto-SmallRep4-Europa SPhoto-Large-Rep4-8x8-Europa SPhoto-Point-Rep4-gammaDra SPhoto-SmallRep4-gammaDra SPhoto-Large-Rep4-8x8-gammaDra SPhoto-Point-Rep4-DarkSky SPhoto-SmallRep4-DarkSky SPhoto-Large-Rep4-8x8-DarkSky SpireSpectroPointGen-CR-Rep16-DarkSky SpireSpectroPointGen-CR-Rep5-CRL618 SSpec-MR-Rep30-Europa (note normally a CR observation is performed but the target is so faint that to get decent S/N more repetitions are required so resolution has been reduced to compensate on the time) The above observations are all covered by Rcal Plan section 4.2.4 AOTs The below observations aren't covered by the Rcal plan - descriptions given per observation: SPhoto-Small-Rep1-B133 - this source was observed during PV with the spectrometer, a quick corresponding photometer measurement is required. SPhoto-Small-Rep1-IC-418 - this source was observed during PV with the spectrometer, a quick corresponding photometer measurement is required. SPhoto-7ptRep12-0537-441 - We only have 2 x 12 Nod cycle observations (Gamm-Dra 0.25Jy, Alpha Ori ~5.5Jy) and an additional source of ~1Jy with 12 Nod Cycles would help in quantifying the stability of the system and also to track how the POF-2 mode compares with the 1x1 small scan map mode. Addendum from Ivan Valtchanov (23/02/2010) Hi Mark, Attached is an AOR with a SPIRE small map observation of alpha Tau (alpha Boo is not visible anymore). This was done with HSpot 4.4.4, standard astronomer interface, new AOT. Note to Charo: this is in addition to the SDP observation we talked about yesterday, which still has to go ahead as an SDP observation. So, can you please plan it for the next cycle and let me know if there are any problems with it? If you have a larger gap then we can increase the repetitions to fill it in. We'll iterate on this after you start planning it. Cheers, Ivan 11. CusCmdscript output file (see note below) (a) Name of CusCmdScript MC_ASTR_pv72_C009_49 (b) Expected durations when this is run see SPIRE_Duration.txt