Date: ---- Mon Feb 15 16:13:33 CET 2010 Deliverer: ---------- Volker Ossenkopf Content: -------- HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0002_C008_28.txt - description HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0002_C008_28_CUS.def - CUS definitions HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0002_C008_28_CUS_CAL.xml - calibration files default-durations.dat - time estimation of all CUS definitions - command script used to generate the durations file - auxiliary script to import everything into a data base Test configuration: ------------------- MIB: HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC7_201002011600 HIFI CIB build 2.0 1432 (User build 2.2.1) HIFI sequencer tagged as ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_126 (or later) Functional test setup: ----------------------, herschel.worker=herschel_phs_astr: ASTR-HIFI_ASTR_002--ICC_OBSMODES_HIFI_155--HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC7 Applied changes (relative to HIFI_MC_ASTR_A0001_C008_0) : --------------------------------------------------------- * HIFI-3265 FastChop integration command completion errors in 1342190098, 1342190231, and 1342190232 * HIFI-3301 Command competion errors in FastDBSNoC observation in OD267 1342190212 * HIFI-3300 Supress alarming warning message in HIFI duration script * HIFI-3088 Need for a new CUS table defining frequencies to be used for dissipative * HIFI-3188 New module needed to configure LOU into dissipative mode * HIFI-3328 Update of 7b safety table * Spectral scan grouping switched OFF for first PSP block